chromPeakSpectra: Extract spectra associated with chromatographic peaks

chromPeakSpectraR Documentation

Extract spectra associated with chromatographic peaks


Extract (MS1 or MS2) spectra from an XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object for identified chromatographic peaks. To return spectra for selected chromatographic peaks, their peak ID (i.e., row name in the chromPeaks matrix) can be provided with parameter peaks. For msLevel = 1L (only supported for return.type = "Spectra" or return.type = "List") MS1 spectra within the retention time boundaries (in the file in which the peak was detected) are returned. For msLevel = 2L MS2 spectra are returned for a chromatographic peak if their precursor m/z is within the retention time and m/z range of the chromatographic peak. Parameter method allows to define whether all or a single spectrum should be returned:

  • method = "all": (default): return all spectra for each chromatographic peak.

  • method = "closest_rt": return the spectrum with the retention time closest to the peak's retention time (at apex).

  • method = "closest_mz": return the spectrum with the precursor m/z closest to the peaks's m/z (at apex); only supported for msLevel > 1.

  • method = "largest_tic": return the spectrum with the largest total signal (sum of peaks intensities).

  • method = "largest_bpi": return the spectrum with the largest peak intensity (maximal peak intensity).

  • method = "signal": only for object being a XCMSnExp: return the spectrum with the sum of intensities most similar to the peak's apex signal ("maxo"); only supported for msLevel = 2L.

Parameter return.type allows to specify the type of the result object. With return.type = "Spectra" (the default) a Spectra object with all matching spectra is returned. With return.type = "Spectra" a List of Spectra is returned. The length of the list is equal to the number of rows of chromPeaks. Each element of the list contains thus a Spectra with all spectra for one chromatographic peak (or a Spectra of length 0 if no spectrum was found for the respective chromatographic peak).

Parameter chromPeakColumns allows the user to add specific metadata columns from the chromatographic peaks (chromPeaks) to the returned spectra object. This can be useful to keep information such as retention time (rt), m/z (mz). The columns will be named as they are written in the chromPeaks object with the prefix "chrom_peak_". The peak ID (i.e., the row name of the peak in the chromPeaks matrix) is always added to the spectra object as a metadata column named "chrom_peak_id".

See also the LC-MS/MS data analysis vignette for more details and examples.


chromPeakSpectra(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'XcmsExperiment'
  method = c("all", "closest_rt", "closest_mz", "largest_tic", "largest_bpi"),
  msLevel = 2L,
  expandRt = 0,
  expandMz = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  skipFilled = FALSE,
  peaks = character(),
  chromPeakColumns = c("rt", "mz"),
  return.type = c("Spectra", "List"),
  BPPARAM = bpparam()

## S4 method for signature 'XCMSnExp'
  msLevel = 2L,
  expandRt = 0,
  expandMz = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  method = c("all", "closest_rt", "closest_mz", "signal", "largest_tic", "largest_bpi"),
  skipFilled = FALSE,
  return.type = c("Spectra", "MSpectra", "List", "list"),
  peaks = character()



XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object with identified chromatographic peaks for which spectra should be returned.




character(1) specifying which spectra to include in the result. Defaults to method = "all". See function description for details.


integer(1) defining the MS level of the spectra that should be returned.


numeric(1) to expand the retention time range of each peak by a constant value on each side.


numeric(1) to expand the m/z range of each peak by a constant value on each side.


numeric(1) to expand the m/z range of each peak (on each side) by a value dependent on the peak's m/z.


logical(1) whether spectra for filled-in peaks should be reported or not.


character, logical or integer allowing to specify a subset of chromatographic peaks in chromPeaks for which spectra should be returned (providing either their ID, a logical vector same length than nrow(chromPeaks(x)) or their index in chromPeaks(x)). This parameter overrides skipFilled.


character vector with the names of the columns from chromPeaks that should be added to the returned spectra object. The columns will be named as they are written in the chromPeaks object with a prefix "chrom_peak_". Defaults to c("mz", "rt").


character(1) defining the type of result object that should be returned.


parallel processing setup. Defaults to bpparam().


parameter return.type allow to specify the type of the returned object:

  • return.type = "Spectra" (default): a Spectra object (defined in the Spectra package). The result contains all spectra for all peaks. Metadata column "peak_id" provides the ID of the respective peak (i.e. its rowname in chromPeaks().

  • return.type = "List": List of length equal to the number of chromatographic peaks is returned, each element being a Spectra with the spectra for one chromatographic peak.

For backward compatibility options "MSpectra" and "list" are also supported but are not suggested.

  • return.type = "MSpectra" (deprecated): a MSpectra object with elements being Spectrum objects. The result objects contains all spectra for all peaks. Metadata column "peak_id" provides the ID of the respective peak (i.e. its rowname in chromPeaks()).

  • return.type = "list": list of lists that are either of length 0 or contain Spectrum2 object(s) within the m/z-rt range. The length of the list matches the number of peaks.


Johannes Rainer


## Read a file with DDA LC-MS/MS data
fl <- system.file("TripleTOF-SWATH/PestMix1_DDA.mzML", package = "msdata")

dda <- readMsExperiment(fl)

## Perform MS1 peak detection
dda <- findChromPeaks(dda, CentWaveParam(peakwidth = c(5, 15),
    prefilter = c(5, 1000)))

## Return all MS2 spectro for each chromatographic peaks as a Spectra object
ms2_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda)

## spectra variable *chrom_peak_id* contain the row names of the peaks in the
## chromPeak matrix and allow thus to map chromatographic peaks to the
## returned MS2 spectra

## Alternatively, return the result as a List of Spectra objects. This list
## is parallel to chromPeaks hence the mapping between chromatographic peaks
## and MS2 spectra is easier.
ms2_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda, return.type = "List")

## Parameter `msLevel` allows to define from which MS level spectra should
## be returned. By default `msLevel = 2L` but with `msLevel = 1L` all
## MS1 spectra with a retention time within the retention time range of
## a chromatographic peak can be returned. Alternatively, selected
## spectra can be returned by specifying the selection criteria/method
## with the `method` parameter. Below we extract for each chromatographic
## peak the MS1 spectra with a retention time closest to the
## chromatographic peak's apex position. Alternatively it would also be
## possible to select the spectrum with the highest total signal or
## highest (maximal) intensity.
ms1_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda, msLevel = 1L, method = "closest_rt")

## Parameter peaks would allow to extract spectra for specific peaks only.
## Peaks can be defined with parameter `peaks` which can be either an
## `integer` with the index of the peak in the `chromPeaks` matrix or a
## `character` with its rowname in `chromPeaks`.
chromPeakSpectra(dda, msLevel = 1L, method = "closest_rt", peaks = c(3, 5))

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