filterFeatures: Filtering of features based on conventional quality...

filterFeaturesR Documentation

Filtering of features based on conventional quality assessment


When dealing with metabolomics results, it is often necessary to filter features based on certain criteria. These criteria are typically derived from statistical formulas applied to full rows of data, where each row represents a feature and its abundance of signal in each samples. The filterFeatures function filters features based on these conventional quality assessment criteria. Multiple types of filtering are implemented and can be defined by the filter argument.

Supported filter arguments are:

  • RsdFilter: Calculates the relative standard deviation (i.e. coefficient of variation) in abundance for each feature in QC (Quality Control) samples and filters them in the input object according to a provided threshold.

  • DratioFilter: Computes the D-ratio or dispersion ratio, defined as the standard deviation in abundance for QC samples divided by the standard deviation for biological test samples, for each feature and filters them according to a provided threshold.

  • PercentMissingFilter: Determines the percentage of missing values for each feature in the various sample groups and filters them according to a provided threshold.

  • BlankFlag: Identifies features where the mean abundance in test samples is lower than a specified multiple of the mean abundance of blank samples. This can be used to flag features that result from contamination in the solvent of the samples. A new column possible_contaminants is added to the featureDefinitions (XcmsExperiment object) or rowData (SummarizedExperiment object) reflecting this.

For specific examples, see the help pages of the individual parameter classes listed above.



XcmsExperiment or SummarizedExperiment. For an XcmsExperiment object, the featureValues(object) will be evaluated, and for Summarizedesxperiment the assay(object, assay). The object will be filtered.


The parameter object selecting and configuring the type of filtering. It can be one of the following classes: RsdFilter, DratioFilter, PercentMissingFilter or BlankFlag.


For filtering of SummarizedExperiment objects only. Indicates which assay the filtering will be based on. Note that the features for the entire object will be removed, but the computations are performed on a single assay. Default is 1, which means the first assay of the object will be evaluated.


Optional parameters. For object being an XcmsExperiment: parameters for the featureValues() call.


Philippine Louail


Broadhurst D, Goodacre R, Reinke SN, Kuligowski J, Wilson ID, Lewis MR, Dunn WB. Guidelines and considerations for the use of system suitability and quality control samples in mass spectrometry assays applied in untargeted clinical metabolomic studies. Metabolomics. 2018;14(6):72. doi: 10.1007/s11306-018-1367-3. Epub 2018 May 18. PMID: 29805336; PMCID: PMC5960010.


## See the vignettes for more detailed examples

## Load a test data set with features defined.
test_xcms <- loadXcmsData()
## Set up parameter to filter based on coefficient of variation. By setting
## the filter such as below, features that have a coefficient of variation
## superior to 0.3 in QC samples will be removed from the object `test_xcms`
## when calling the `filterFeatures` function.

rsd_filter <- RsdFilter(threshold = 0.3,
                        qcIndex = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type == "QC")

filtered_data_rsd <- filterFeatures(object = test_xcms, filter = rsd_filter)

## Set up parameter to filter based on D-ratio. By setting the filter such
## as below, features that have a D-ratio computed based on their abundance
## between QC and study samples superior to 0.5 will be removed from the
## object `test_xcms`.

dratio_filter <- DratioFilter(threshold = 0.5,
                 qcIndex = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type == "QC",
                 studyIndex = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type == "study")

filtered_data_dratio <- filterFeatures(object = test_xcms,
                                       filter = dratio_filter)

## Set up parameter to filter based on the percent of missing data.
## Parameter f should represent the sample group of samples, for which the
## percentage of missing values will be evaluated. As the setting is defined
## bellow, if a feature as less (or equal) to 30% missing values in one
## sample group, it will be kept in the `test_xcms` object.

missing_data_filter <- PercentMissingFilter(threshold = 30,
                                       f = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type)

filtered_data_missing <- filterFeatures(object = test_xcms,
                                        filter = missing_data_filter)

## Set up parameter to flag possible contaminants based on blank samples'
## abundance. By setting the filter such as below, features that have mean
## abundance ratio between blank(here use study as an example) and QC
## samples less than 2 will be marked as `TRUE` in an extra column named
## `possible_contaminants` in the `featureDefinitions` table of the object
## `test_xcms`.

filter <- BlankFlag(threshold = 2,
                    qcIndex = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type == "QC",
                    blankIndex = sampleData(test_xcms)$sample_type == "study")
filtered_xmse <- filterFeatures(test_xcms, filter)

sneumann/xcms documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:42 a.m.