Man pages for sohrabsa/ddclone
Joint statistical inference of clonal populations from single cell and bulk tumour sequencing data

ddcloneRuns the ddClone MCMC-based inference algorithm over the...
estimatePointClusteringComputes a point estimate (using MAXPEAR method) for...
estimatePointPhiComputes a Monte Carlo estimate for the cellular prevalences...
evaluate.clusteringComputes the V-measure for clustering assessment.
make.ddclone.inputGenerate a ddClone input object from bulk allele counts and...
relabel.clustersComputes human friendly labels given a numeric vector...
tnbc.xenograft.SA494.TTripple Negative breast cancer Xenograft, sample SA494,...
tnbc.xenograft.SA494.X4Tripple Negative breast cancer Xenograft, sample SA494,...
tnbc.xenograft.SA501.X1Tripple Negative breast cancer Xenograft, sample SA501,...
tnbc.xenograft.SA501.X2Tripple Negative breast cancer Xenograft, sample SA501,...
tnbc.xenograft.SA501.X4Tripple Negative breast cancer Xenograft, sample SA501,...
sohrabsa/ddclone documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:08 a.m.