
Defines functions seeAI

Documented in seeAI

#' Animate glmnet
#' This function visualizes the a cv.glmnet machine learning process.
#' @param cv.glmnet An object of class 'cv.glmnet'
#' @param replay Should the animation be replayed in the visual device? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param plot.cv Should cross-validation be plotted? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param total.time Desired time of animation in seconds. Defaults to 15 if plot.cv selected, else 10.
#' @param new.save Should this animation be saved as a new object rather than overwrite the preceeding animation? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param save Save as "html" or "gif"? Defaults to "html".
#' @param debug Only plot subset of lambda values? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param debug.n If plotting subset of lambda values, sets number of values to plot. Defaults to 10.
#' @param captions Should captions be added to animation? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param captions.alt Should alternative captions be added to animation? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param transition.n How many frames should be used to transition between cross-validation and model fit? Defaults to 10.
#' @param ... Options passed to saveHTML or saveGIF functions. See ?animate::saveHTML and ?animate::saveGIF
#' @keywords glmnet lasso cv.glmnet machinelearning seeAI
#' @aliases seeAI
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See also: ?cv.glmnet:
#' set.seed(1010)
#' n=1000;p=100
#' nzc=trunc(p/10)
#' x=matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' beta=rnorm(nzc)
#' fx= x[,seq(nzc)] %*% beta
#' eps=rnorm(n)*5
#' y=drop(fx+eps)
#' px=exp(fx)
#' px=px/(1+px)
#' ly=rbinom(n=length(px),prob=px,size=1)
#' set.seed(1011)
#' library(glmnet)
#' cvob1=cv.glmnet(x,y)
#' animate_glmnet(cvob1, alt.captions = TRUE, ani.height = 750, ani.width = 1500, transition.n = 0, save = "GIF", total.time = 15)

animate_glmnet <- seeAI <- function(cv.glmnet, replay = FALSE, plot.cv = TRUE, total.time = ifelse(plot.cv, 15, 10), new.save = TRUE, save = "html", debug = FALSE, debug.n = 10, captions = FALSE, alt.captions = FALSE, transition.n = 10, ...) {

  # ... are passed to saveGIF or save HTML.


  # Debug
  if(debug == TRUE){
    cv.glmnet <- cv.glmnet(x, y, nfolds = 20, lambda = sample(cv.glmnet$lambda, debug.n))

  if(class(cv.glmnet) != "cv.glmnet"){
      message("Please supply an object of class cv.glmnet")

  cv.folds <- 10

  ymax <-   100 * 1.2
  ymin <- - 100 * 1.2

  lambda.min <- which(cv.glmnet$glmnet.fit$lambda == cv.glmnet$lambda.min)
  itr <- length(cv.glmnet$lambda)

  # Getting number of possible coefficients
  n <- nrow(coef(cv.glmnet$glmnet.fit)[-1, ])

  if(plot.cv == TRUE){
    total.frames <- itr*2
  } else {
    total.frames <- itr

  wait.time <- total.time/total.frames

  suppressMessages(oopt <- ani.options(nmax = total.frames, interval = wait.time))

  ani.record(reset = TRUE)

  # Define Percentile Function
  percentile <- function (dat)
    pt1 <- quantile(dat, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01), type = 7)
    pt2 <- unique(as.data.frame(pt1), fromLast = TRUE)
    pt3 <- rownames(pt2)
    pt4 <- as.integer(strsplit(pt3, "%"))
    datp <- pt4[as.integer(cut(dat, c(0, pt2$pt1), labels = 1:length(pt3)))]

  # Get cross-validation error
  cvm <- rev((cv.glmnet$cvm - min(cv.glmnet$cvm))^.2)
  cvm <- cvm/max((cv.glmnet$cvm - min(cv.glmnet$cvm))^.2)
  cvm.df <- cbind.data.frame(cvm = cvm, xpos = n*((1:itr)/itr))
  cvm.df$cvm <- (cvm.df$cvm)*0.15*ymax + ymax*.80
  cvm.df$cvm.ymax <- ymax

  cvm.min.coefs <- as.numeric(coef(cv.glmnet$glmnet.fit, s = cv.glmnet$lambda[lambda.min])[-1])

  if(length(cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs > 0]) > 0){cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs > 0] <- percentile(cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs > 0]) }
  if(length(cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs < 0]) > 0){cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs < 0] <- - percentile( - cvm.min.coefs[cvm.min.coefs < 0]) }

  # Constructing matrix of coefficient values and mapping these to their percentiles
  coef.values <- data.frame()
  plot.n <- n
  for(i in 1:itr){
    coef.values <- rbind(coef.values, cbind.data.frame(label = paste("Coefficient", 1:plot.n), value = as.numeric(coef(cv.glmnet$glmnet.fit, s=rev(cv.glmnet$lambda)[i])[-1]), coef.number = 1:plot.n))
  if(length(coef.values$value[coef.values$value > 0]) > 0){
    coef.values$value[coef.values$value > 0] <- percentile(coef.values$value[coef.values$value > 0])
  if(length(coef.values$value[coef.values$value < 0]) > 0){
    coef.values$value[coef.values$value < 0] <- - percentile( - coef.values$value[coef.values$value < 0])

  # Generate animation
  index <- 1

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total.frames, style = 3)

  for(i in 1:itr){

    plot.data <- coef.values[(1:plot.n) + plot.n * (i - 1), ]

    p1 <- ggplot(plot.data, aes(y=value, x=coef.number)) + coord_polar(start = 0, direction = 1)

    # Adding shadows of previous previous fit
    if(i > 2){
      p1 <- p1 + geom_polygon(aes(y=old_old_value, x=plot.data$coef.number), fill = NA, alpha = 0.3, color = "gray")

    # Adding shadows of previous fit
    if(i > 1){
      p1 <- p1 + geom_polygon(aes(y=old_value, x=plot.data$coef.number), fill = NA, alpha = 0.6, color = "gray")
      old_old_value <- old_value

    p1 <- p1 + geom_polygon(aes(y=value + ifelse(plot.data$value == 0, 0, ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, 0.1*ymax, -0.1*ymax))), fill = NA, alpha=0.7, color = "black")+theme_bw()+geom_segment(aes(x=max(coef.number)*(i/itr)), xend=0, yend = ymax, y=ymax, size = 2, col = "skyblue", alpha=0.3)+xlab("")+ylab("")+geom_segment(aes(y=value, xend=coef.number), yend=0, color = ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, "darkgreen", "skyblue"))+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())+ylim(ymin*1.1, ymax*1.1)+xlim(0, plot.n)


          cap <- paste0("Fitting models while decreasing max model complexity\nComplexity penalization parameter: ", rev(round(cv.glmnet$lambda[i], 3)), " (lambda)\nNon-zero coefficients = ", rev(cv.glmnet$nzero)[i])

        p1 <- p1 + labs(caption=cap)

        cap <- paste0("Constructing possible theories based on data\nGradually limiting the complexity of theories\nRelevant features of current theory = ", rev(cv.glmnet$nzero)[i], "\n")

        p1 <- p1 + labs(caption=cap)+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)))

    if(plot.cv == FALSE | transition.n > 0){
    } else {
      suppress <- capture.output(print(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p1, ggplot()+theme_bw()+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank()), nrow = 1))))

    old_value <- plot.data$value + ifelse(plot.data$value == 0, 0, ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, 0.1*ymax, -0.1*ymax))


    setTxtProgressBar(pb, index)

    index <- index + 1


  if(plot.cv == TRUE){
    cvm.index <- 1

    right.cvm.data <- cbind.data.frame(cve = cv.glmnet$cvm, cvsd = cv.glmnet$cvsd, lam = cv.glmnet$lambda)
    right.cvm.data <- right.cvm.data[order(right.cvm.data$lam), ]

    for(k in 1:(itr)){

      plot.data <- coef.values[(nrow(coef.values):1)[(1:plot.n) + plot.n * (k - 1)], ]

      p1 <- ggplot(plot.data, aes(y=value, x=coef.number)) + geom_polygon(aes(y=value + ifelse(plot.data$value == 0, 0, ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, 0.1*ymax, -0.1*ymax))), fill = NA, alpha=0.7, color = "black")+ coord_polar(start = 0, direction = 1)+theme_bw()+geom_segment(aes(x=max(coef.number)), xend=0, yend = ymax, y=ymax, size = 2, col = "skyblue", alpha=0.3) +xlab("")+ylab("")+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())+ylim(ymin*1.1, ymax*1.1)+xlim(0, plot.n)

      # Add CVM
      cvm.temp <- cvm.df[1:min(k,nrow(cvm.df)), ]

        p2 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = cvm.temp, aes(x=xpos, xend=0, ymin=cvm, ymax=cvm.ymax, y= 0), fill = "deepskyblue", color = "deepskyblue")

        if(cv.folds > 50){
          plot.cv.folds.n <- 50
        } else {
          plot.cv.folds.n <- cv.folds

        p3 <- p2 + geom_point(data = cbind.data.frame(x=((1:plot.cv.folds.n)*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n) - 0.5*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n)), y = -0.1*ymax), aes(x=x, y=y), shape = 23, color = "gray", size = 2, fill = "white")
        p3 <- p3 + geom_point(data = cbind.data.frame(x=((sample(1:plot.cv.folds.n, 1))*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n) - 0.5*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n)), y = -0.1*ymax), aes(x=x, y=y), shape = 23, fill = "skyblue", color = "gray", size = 2)

        temp.right.cvm.data <- right.cvm.data

        temp.right.cvm.data[(k+1):nrow(temp.right.cvm.data), 1:2] <- NA

        p.cvm <- ggplot(temp.right.cvm.data, aes(y = cve, x = as.factor(lam)))+geom_point()+geom_segment(aes(x=as.factor(lam), xend=as.factor(lam), yend = cve - cvsd, y=cve + cvsd), size = 2, col = "skyblue", alpha=0.3)+theme_void() +xlab("")+ylab("")+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), plot.margin = unit(c(5.5, 11.0, 5.5, 5.5), "points"))+geom_point(aes(x=as.character(lam)[k], y = cve[k]), size = 3)+ylim(min(min(right.cvm.data$cve-right.cvm.data$cvsd)*0.9, min(right.cvm.data$cve-right.cvm.data$cvsd)), max(right.cvm.data$cve+right.cvm.data$cvsd)*1.1)

        if(k %in% itr){

          p1 <- ggplot(plot.data, aes(y=value, x=coef.number)) + geom_polygon(aes(y=value + ifelse(plot.data$value == 0, 0, ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, 0.1*ymax, -0.1*ymax))), fill = NA, alpha=0.7, color = "black")+ coord_polar(start = 0, direction = 1)+theme_bw()+geom_segment(aes(x=max(coef.number)), xend=0, yend = ymax, y=ymax, size = 2, col = "white", alpha=0.1) +xlab("")+ylab("")+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())+ylim(ymin*1.1, ymax*1.1)+xlim(0, plot.n)+geom_segment(aes(y=value, xend=coef.number), yend=0, color = ifelse(plot.data$value > 0, "darkgreen", "skyblue"))

            p2 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = cvm.temp, aes(x=xpos, xend=0, ymin=cvm, ymax=cvm.ymax, y= 0), fill = "white", color = "white", alpha = 0.2)

          p3 <- p2 + geom_point(data = cbind.data.frame(x=((1:plot.cv.folds.n)*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n) - 0.5*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n)), y = -0.1*ymax), aes(x=x, y=y), shape = 23, color = "gray", size = 2, fill = "white")
          p3 <- p3 + geom_point(data = cbind.data.frame(x=((sample(1:plot.cv.folds.n, 1))*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n) - 0.5*(plot.n/plot.cv.folds.n)), y = -0.1*ymax), aes(x=x, y=y), shape = 23, fill = "white", color = "white", size = 2)

          cap <- paste0("Performing cross-validation\nLambda = ", round(cv.glmnet$lambda, 3)[k], "\nNon-zero coefficients = ", cv.glmnet$nzero[k])

          p3 <- p3+labs(caption=cap)

          if(!k %in% c(1:transition.n, itr - c(1:transition.n), itr)){
          cap <- paste0("Mean SE = ", round(right.cvm.data$cve[k], 2), "\n(Error SD = ", round(right.cvm.data$cvsd[k], 2), ")")
          } else {
            cap <- " \n "

          p.cvm <- p.cvm+labs(caption=cap)

          cap <- paste0("Splitting data into parts, exclude one\n On non-excluded data, generate theory with complexity level ", 100*(1-round(rev(cv.glmnet$lambda[k]/max(cv.glmnet$lambda)), 2)), "%\nTest theory on excluded data, repeat until done on all parts")

          p3 <- p3+labs(caption=cap)+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)))

          if(! k %in% c(1:transition.n, itr - c(1:transition.n), itr)){
          cap <- paste0("\nPlot average error of theories by complexity level\nSelect complexity level based on errors\nUse theory with this complexity level generated on full data")
          } else {
            cap <- paste0("\n\n\n")

          p.cvm <- p.cvm+labs(caption=cap)+theme(plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=rel(2)))

        if(transition.n > 0){
        if(k %in% c(1:transition.n)){

          suppress <- capture.output(print(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3, p.cvm, nrow = 1, widths = c((transition.n*2-(k))/(transition.n*2), k/(transition.n*2))))))

        if(k %in% c(itr - (1:transition.n))){

          suppress <- capture.output(print(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3, p.cvm, nrow = 1, widths = c(1-(transition.n + (itr - k))/(2*transition.n)+0.5, (transition.n + (itr - k))/(2*transition.n)-0.5)  ))))

        if(k %in% itr){
          suppress <- capture.output(print(p3))

        if(!(k %in% c(itr, c(1:transition.n), (itr - c(1:transition.n))))){

          suppress <- capture.output(print(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3, p.cvm, nrow = 1))))
        } else {
          suppress <- capture.output(print(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(p3, p.cvm, nrow = 1))))


        setTxtProgressBar(pb, index)
        index <- index + 1



    html.index <<- 0

  if(new.save == FALSE){
    html.index <<- 0

  html.index <<- html.index + 1

  if(save == "html"){
    saveHTML(ani.replay(), htmlfile = paste0(html.index, "_glmnet.html"), title = paste0(html.index, "_glmnet.html"), ...)
  } else {
    saveGIF(ani.replay(), movie.name = paste0(html.index, "_glmnet.gif"), cmd.fun = shell, ...)
  if(replay == TRUE){
sondreus/seeAI documentation built on June 28, 2023, 8:23 a.m.