# pull data into CSV files for input to Tableau data dive
if (quarter != 4) lastyr <- lastyr - 1 # we don't want partial years
yrs <- firstyr:lastyr
samp_pct <- 10 # customer sample size to pull (in whole percentage points)
# Pull License Histories ----------------------------------------------------
# we only need a sample of customers
cust <- load_cust(db_license)
cust_samp <- db_history %>%
load_cust_samp(yrs, samp_pct) %>%
left_join(cust, by = "cust_id") %>%
# pull history data into one data frame
permissions <- load_sqlite(db_history, function(con) DBI::dbListTables(con))
hist_samp <- lapply(permissions, function(x) {
load_history(db_history, x, yrs) %>%
inner_join(cust_samp, by = "cust_id") %>%
set_nonres_county_na() %>%
salic::recode_agecat() %>%
priv = x,
fips = drop_state_code(county_fips)
) %>%
select(priv, cust_id, year, lapse, R3, res, sex, fips, age)
}) %>% bind_rows()
# Check Sample ---------------------------------------------------------
# pull all history data for comparison
hist <- lapply(permissions, function(x) {
load_history(db_history, x, yrs) %>% mutate(priv = x)
}) %>% bind_rows()
# compare - the full vs. samp values should be nearly identical
# (i.e., the sample should be representative of the total)
cnt <- bind_rows(
count(hist, priv, year) %>% mutate(grp = "full"),
count(hist_samp, priv, year) %>%
mutate(grp = "samp", n = n / (samp_pct / 100))
ggplot(cnt, aes(year, n, fill = grp)) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
facet_wrap(~ priv, scales = "free_y")
# Visualize Data Dive -----------------------------------------------------
county_map <- get_county_map_dive(state)
x <- salic::label_categories(hist_samp) %>% salic::df_factor_age()
run_visual_dive(x, county_map, pct = samp_pct)
# Pull County Pop Data ----------------------------------------------------
counties <- distinct(county_map, fips, county)
pop_county <- load_pop(db_census, state) %>%
prep_pop(yrs) %>%
mutate_at(c("sex", "agecat"), "as.integer") %>%
mutate(fips = drop_state_code(county_fips))
pop_county <- pop_county %>%
left_join(counties, by = "fips") %>%
select(year, fips, county, sex, age = agecat, pop)
# Write Output Files -------------------------------------------------------
# store 4 output files in the dir_out directory with an adjacent zip file
write_out <- function(x, ...) write_csv(x, na = "", ...)
# initiate directory
dir_out <- file.path(dir_production, state, "data-dive", lastyr)
dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# write population data
out_file <- paste0("pop-cnty-", firstyr, "-to-", lastyr, ".csv")
write_out(pop_county, file.path(dir_out, out_file))
# write county relation table
write_out(counties, file.path(dir_out, paste0("fips-to-county-", state, ".csv")))
# write permission data
out_file <- paste0("dive-", lastyr, "-", samp_pct, "pct", ".csv")
write_out(hist_samp, file.path(dir_out, out_file))
# write CODEBOOK
file.copy("5-data-dive/CODEBOOK.txt", file.path(dir_out, "CODEBOOK.txt"))
# zip for easy download by Tableau analyst
setwd(dir_out) # a bit hacky, but prevents a bunch of extra folders in zip
zip(dir_out, list.files())
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