as.Date <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
return(base::as.Date("1970-01-01") + x)
} else {
return(base::as.Date(x, ...))
#' @importFrom sf st_transform st_as_sf st_crs<-
#' @importFrom raster projection
#' @importFrom methods is slot<-
transform_multiple_proj <- function(obj, proj4) {
# Object to be transformed
if (is(obj, "sf")) {
new_obj <- obj
} else if (is(obj, "Spatial")) {
new_obj <- st_as_sf(obj)
} else if (is(obj, "Raster")) {
new_obj <- extent(obj)
new_obj <- st_as_sf(as(new_obj, "SpatialPolygons"))
st_crs(new_obj) <- projection(obj)
} else {
stop("Spatial object not supported!")
if (missing(proj4)) {
} else {
return(st_transform(new_obj, proj4))
lsGetPathRow <- function(str) {
str <- basename(str)
return(substr(str, 4, 9))
lsGetDates <- function(str, ...) {
arg <- list(...)
bname <- basename(str)
str <- gsub("\\..*", "", bname)
# sizes<-sapply(str,nchar)
sizes <- vapply(str, nchar,FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
sday <- c()
for (s in seq_len(length(sizes))) {
if (sizes[s] == 21) { # new name convention
sday <- c(sday, as.Date(substr(basename(str[s]), 10, 16), "%Y%j"))
} else { # old name convention
sday <- c(sday, as.Date(substr(basename(str[s]), 11, 18), "%Y%m%d"))
sday <- as.Date(sday)
if ("format" %in% names(arg)) {
return(format(sday, format = arg$format))
} else {
return(as.Date(sday, "%Y%j"))
genGetDates <- function(str, ...) {
arg <- list(...)
if ("date.format" %in% names(arg)) {
return(format(as.Date(gsub(".*\\s*(\\d{7}).*", "\\1", str),
"%Y%j"), format = arg$date.format))
} else {
return(as.Date(gsub(".*\\s*(\\d{7}).*", "\\1", str), "%Y%j"))
#' @importFrom sf st_crs
toEspaJSON <- function(json_list, is.array = c("products", "inputs")) {
nam <- names(json_list)
resjson <- "{"
for (n in seq_len(length(nam))) {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, '"', nam[n], '":')
nlist <- json_list[[n]]
if (inherits(nlist,"list")) {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, toEspaJSON(nlist))
} else if (length(nlist) > 1 | nam[n] %in% is.array) {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, "[")
for (x in nlist) {
if ( {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, "null,")
} else {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, '"', x, '",')
resjson <- paste0(resjson, "]")
} else if (length(nlist) == 1) {
if ( {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, "null")
} else {
resjson <- paste0(resjson, '"', nlist, '"')
resjson <- paste0(resjson, ",")
resjson <- paste0(resjson, "}")
resjson <- gsub(",]", "]", resjson)
resjson <- gsub(",}", "}", resjson)
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
genCheckMD5 <- function(path.file, oficial.md5, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
file.md5 <- md5sum(path.file)
file.md5 <- toupper(file.md5)
if (toupper(file.md5) == toupper(oficial.md5)) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("File md5:", file.md5))
message(paste0("Oficial md5:", oficial.md5))
message("Return TRUE")
} else {
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("File md5:", file.md5))
message(paste0("Oficial md5:", oficial.md5))
message("Return FALSE")
modGetDates <- function(str, ...) {
arg <- list(...)
dt <- as.Date(gsub(".*\\As*(\\d{7}).*", "\\1", str), "%Y%j")
if (!any( {
if ("format" %in% names(arg)) {
return(format(dt, format = arg$format))
} else {
} # else{
# return(genGetDates(str,...))
# }
modGetPathRow <- function(str) {
return(gsub(".*\\s*(h\\d{2}v\\d{2}).*", "\\1", str))
getTileID_MSIL2A <- function(str) {
return(substr(str, 40, 44))
"Sentinel-1" = c("SLC", "GRD", "OCN"),
"Sentinel-2" = c("S2MSI2A",
"Sentinel-3" = c("SR_1_SRA___",
"Sentinel-5" = c("L1B_IR_SIR",
optEnv <- new.env()
assign("RSAT_DATABASE", "", env=optEnv)
setRSATOpt <- function(opt,value,env=optEnv) {
assign(opt, value, envir=env)
getRSATOpt <- function(opt,env=optEnv) {
return(get(opt, envir=env))
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