
Defines functions .getNetctmc .ctmcEigen

#' @title Continuous time Markov Chains class
#' @name ctmc-class
#' @aliases dim,ctmc-method initialize,ctmc_method states,ctmc-method
#'   steadyStates,ctmc-method plot,ctmc,missing-method
#' @description The S4 class that describes \code{ctmc} (continuous 
#' time Markov chain) objects.
#' @param states Name of the states. Must be the same of
#'   \code{colnames} and \code{rownames} of the generator matrix
#' @param byrow TRUE or FALSE. Indicates whether the given matrix is
#'    stochastic by rows or by columns
#' @param generator Square generator matrix
#' @param name Optional character name of the Markov chain
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{dim}{\code{signature(x = "ctmc")}: method to get the size} 
#' \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "ctmc")}: initialize
#'   method }
#' \item{states}{\code{signature(object = "ctmc")}: states method. }
#' \item{steadyStates}{\code{signature(object = "ctmc")}: method to get the
#'   steady state vector. } 
#' \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "ctmc", y = "missing")}: plot method 
#'   for \code{ctmc} objects }
#' }
#' @references
#' Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications in the Biosciences
#' (2013), David F. Anderson, University of Wisconsin at Madison. Sai Bhargav
#' Yalamanchi, Giorgio Spedicato
#' @note
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{ctmc} classes are written using S4 classes
#' \item Validation method is used to assess whether either columns or rows totals to zero. 
#' Rounding is used up to 5th decimal. If state names are not properly defined
#' for a generator  \code{matrix}, coercing to \code{ctmc} object leads to overriding
#' states name with artificial "s1", "s2", ... sequence
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{generatorToTransitionMatrix}},\code{\link{rctmc}}
#' @examples
#' energyStates <- c("sigma", "sigma_star")
#' byRow <- TRUE
#' gen <- matrix(data = c(-3, 3,
#'                        1, -1), nrow = 2,
#'               byrow = byRow, dimnames = list(energyStates, energyStates))
#' molecularCTMC <- new("ctmc", states = energyStates, 
#'                      byrow = byRow, generator = gen, 
#'                      name = "Molecular Transition Model")
#'                      steadyStates(molecularCTMC)
#' \dontrun{plot(molecularCTMC)}
#' @keywords classes
#' @export
         representation(states = "character",
                        byrow = "logical",
                        generator = "matrix",
                        name = "character"),
         prototype(states = c("a", "b"), byrow = TRUE,
                   generator = matrix(data = c(-1, 1, 1, -1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2,
                                      dimnames = list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "b"))),
                   name = "Unnamed CTMC")

          signature(.Object = "ctmc"),
          function (.Object, states, byrow, generator,name,...) {
            # put the standard markovchain 
            if(missing(generator)) generator=matrix(data=c(-1, 1, 1, -1), #create a naive matrix
                                                    dimnames=list(c("a", "b"), c("a", "b"))
            # check names of transition matrix
            if(all(is.null(rownames(generator)), is.null(colnames(generator)))==TRUE) { #if all names are missing it initializes them to "1", "2",...
              if(missing(states)) {
              } else {stateNames=states}
            } else if(is.null(rownames(generator))) { #fix when rownames null
            } else if(is.null(colnames(generator))) { #fix when colnames null
            } else if(!setequal(rownames(generator),colnames(generator)))  colnames(generator)=rownames(generator) #fix when different
            if(missing(states)) states=rownames(generator) #assign
            if(missing(byrow)) byrow=TRUE #set byrow as true by default
            if(missing(name)) name="Unnamed Markov chain"  #generic name to the object
            callNextMethod(.Object, states = states, byrow = byrow, generator=generator,name=name,...)

#returns states of the ctmc
setMethod("states", "ctmc", 
          function(object) {
            out <- object@states

#returns states of the ctmc
setMethod("dim", "ctmc", 
          function(x) {
            out <- nrow(x@generator)

            function(object) {
              # performs a set of check whose results are saved in check
              if (.isGenRcpp(object@generator)==FALSE) check <- "Error! Not a generator matrix" 
              if (object@byrow==TRUE) {
                if(any(round(rowSums(object@generator),5)!=0)) check <- "Error! Row sums not equal to zero"
              } else {
                if(any(round(colSums(object@generator),5)!=0)) check <- "Error! Col sums not equal to zero"
              if (nrow(object@generator)!=ncol(object@generator)) check <- "Error! Not squared matrix" #check if squalre matrix
              if (!setequal(colnames(object@generator),object@states)) check <- "Error! Colnames <> states" #checks if 
              if (!setequal(rownames(object@generator),object@states)) check <- "Error! Rownames <> states"
              if ( is.null(check) ) return(TRUE) else return(check)

.ctmcEigen<-function(matr, transpose=TRUE)
  # Function to extract eigenvalues, core of get steady states 
  # Args:
  # matr: the matrix to extract
  # transpose:  boolean indicating whether the matrx shall be transpose
  # Results:
  # a matrix / vector
  if (transpose) tMatr <- t(matr) else tMatr <- matr #trasposing
  eigenResults <- eigen(x=tMatr,symmetric=FALSE) #perform the eigenvalue extraction
  onesIndex <- which(round(eigenResults$values,3)==1) #takes the one eigenvalue
  #do the following: 1:get eigenvectors whose eigenvalues==1
  #2: normalize
  if (length(onesIndex)==0) {
    warning("No eigenvalue = 1 found - the embedded Markov Chain must be irreducible, recurrent")
  if(length(onesIndex) > 1){
    warning("Eigenvalue = 1 multiplicity > 1! - the embedded Markov Chain must be irreducible, recurrent")
  if (transpose==TRUE)
    eigenTake <- as.matrix(t(eigenResults$vectors[,onesIndex])) 
    if(rowSums(Im(eigenTake)) != 0){
      warning("Eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue has a non-zero imaginary part - the embedded Markov Chain must be irreducible, recurrent")
    out <- eigenTake
  } else {
    eigenTake <- as.matrix(eigenResults$vectors[,onesIndex]) 
    if(colSums(Im(eigenTake)) != 0){
      warning("Eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue has a non-zero imaginary part - the embedded Markov Chain must be irreducible, recurrent")
    out <- eigenTake

setMethod("steadyStates", "ctmc", 
          function(object) {
            transposeYN <- FALSE
            if(object@byrow==TRUE) transposeYN <- TRUE		
            transMatr <- generatorToTransitionMatrix(object@generator, byrow = object@byrow)
            out<-.ctmcEigen(matr=transMatr, transpose=transposeYN) 
            if(is.null(out)) {
              warning("Warning! No steady state")
            if(transposeYN==TRUE) { 
              colnames(out) <- object@states
            } else {
              rownames(out) <- object@states
            out <- - out / diag(object@generator)
              out <- out / rowSums(out)
              out <- out / colSums(out)

# internal function for plotting ctmc object using igraph
.getNetctmc <- function(object, round = FALSE) {
  # function to get the graph adjacency object to plot and export to igraph
  # Args: 
  # object: a ctmc object
  # round: boolean to round
  # Returns:
  # a graph adjacency
  if (object@byrow == FALSE) {
    object <- t(object)
  #gets the generator matrix
  matr <- object@generator * 100
  if(round == TRUE) {
    matr <- round(matr, 2)
  net <- graph.adjacency(adjmatrix = matr, weighted = TRUE, mode = "directed")

          function(x,y,package = "igraph",...){
                   diagram = {
                     if (requireNamespace("diagram", quietly = TRUE)) {
                       .plotdiagram(object = x, ...)
                     } else {
                       netMc <- .getNetctmc(object = x, round = TRUE)
                       edgeLabel <- round(E(netMc)$weight / 100, 2)
                       plot.igraph(x = netMc, edge.label = edgeLabel, ...)
                   DiagrammeR = {
                     if (requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) {
                       .plotDiagrammeR(object = x, ...)
                     } else {
                       netMc <- .getNetctmc(object = x, round = TRUE)
                       edgeLabel <- round(E(netMc)$weight / 100, 2)
                       plot.igraph(x = netMc, edge.label = edgeLabel, ...)
                     netMc <- .getNetctmc(object = x,round = TRUE)
                     edgeLabel <- round(E(netMc)$weight / 100, 2)
                     plot.igraph(x = netMc, edge.label = edgeLabel, ...)

#' An S4 class for representing Imprecise Continuous Time Markovchains
#' @slot states a vector of states present in the ICTMC model
#' @slot Q matrix representing the generator demonstrated in the form of variables
#' @slot range a matrix that stores values of range of variables
#' @slot name name given to ICTMC
ictmc <- setClass("ictmc",
                  slots = list(states = "character", Q = "matrix",
                               range = "matrix", name = "character")

          signature(.Object = "ictmc"),
          function (.Object, states, Q, range, name, ...) {
            if(missing(Q)) Q=matrix(data=c(-1, 1, 1, -1), #create a naive matrix
                                                    dimnames=list(c("n", "y"), c("n", "y"))
            if(missing(range)) range = matrix(c(1/52, 3/52, 1/2, 2),
                                              nrow = 2,
                                              byrow = 2)
            #if all names are missing it initializes them to "1", "2",...
            if(all(is.null(rownames(Q)), is.null(colnames(Q)))==TRUE) { 
              if(missing(states)) {
              } else {stateNames=states}
            } else if(is.null(rownames(Q))) { #fix when rownames null
            } else if(is.null(colnames(Q))) { #fix when colnames null
            } else if(!setequal(rownames(Q),colnames(Q)))  colnames(Q)=rownames(Q) #fix when different
            if(missing(states)) states=rownames(Q) #assign
            if(missing(name)) name="Unnamed imprecise CTMC"  #generic name to the object
            callNextMethod(.Object, states = states, Q = Q, range=range,name=name,...)

            function(object) {
              # performs a set of check whose results are saved in check
              if (.isGenRcpp(object@Q)==FALSE) check <- "Error! Not a generator matrix" 
              if(any(round(rowSums(object@Q),5)!=0)) check <- "Error! Row sums not equal to zero"
              if ( nrow(object@Q) != ncol(object@Q )) check <- "Error! Not squared matrix" #check if square matrix
              if ( !setequal(colnames(object@Q),object@states )) check <- "Error! Colnames <> states" 
              if ( !setequal(rownames(object@Q),object@states )) check <- "Error! Rownames <> states"
              if(nrow(object@range) != nrow(object@Q) && ncol(object@range) != 2) check <- "Error! dimension of range matrix not correct."
              for(i in 1:nrow(object@Q)){
                if( object@range[i,1] > object@range[i,2] ){
                  check <- "Error, improper values set in range matrix."
              if(min(object@range) < 0){
                check <- "Error, values in the range matrix should be greater than zero."
              if ( is.null(check) ) return(TRUE) else return(check)
spedygiorgio/markovchain documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:14 p.m.