
Defines functions calibrate_and_plot

Documented in calibrate_and_plot

#' Helper function - Calibrate and Plot
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @family Utility
#' @description
#' This function is a helper function. It will take in a set of workflows and then
#' perform the [modeltime::modeltime_calibrate()] and [modeltime::plot_modeltime_forecast()].
#' @details This function expects to take in workflows fitted with training data.
#' @param ... The workflow(s) you want to add to the function.
#' @param .type Either the training(splits) or testing(splits) data.
#' @param .data The full data set.
#' @param .splits_obj The splits object.
#' @param .print_info The default is TRUE and will print out the calibration
#' accuracy tibble and the resulting plotly plot.
#' @param .interactive The defaults is FALSE. This controls if a forecast plot
#' is interactive or not via plotly.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(timetk))
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr))
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(recipes))
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rsample))
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(parsnip))
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(workflows))
#' data <- ts_to_tbl(AirPassengers) %>%
#'   select(-index)
#' splits <- timetk::time_series_split(
#'    data
#'   , date_col
#'   , assess = 12
#'   , skip = 3
#'   , cumulative = TRUE
#' )
#' rec_obj <- recipe(value ~ ., data = training(splits))
#' model_spec <- linear_reg(
#'    mode = "regression"
#'    , penalty = 0.1
#'    , mixture = 0.5
#' ) %>%
#'    set_engine("lm")
#' wflw <- workflow() %>%
#'    add_recipe(rec_obj) %>%
#'    add_model(model_spec) %>%
#'    fit(training(splits))
#' output <- calibrate_and_plot(
#'   wflw
#'   , .type = "training"
#'   , .splits_obj = splits
#'   , .data = data
#'   , .print_info = FALSE
#'   , .interactive = FALSE
#'  )
#' }
#' @return
#' The original time series, the simulated values and a some plots
#' @name calibrate_and_plot

#' @export calibrate_and_plot
#' @rdname calibrate_and_plot
calibrate_and_plot <- function(..., .type = "testing", .splits_obj
                               , .data, .print_info = TRUE
                               , .interactive = FALSE){

    # Tidyeval ----
    splits_obj <- .splits_obj

    # Checks ----
    if(.type == "testing"){
        new_data = rsample::testing(splits_obj)
    } else {
        new_data = rsample::training(splits_obj) %>%

        stop(call. = FALSE, "(.data) is missing or is not a data.frame/tibble, please supply.")

    if(!class(splits_obj)[[1]] == "ts_cv_split") {
        if(!class(splits_obj)[[2]] == "rsplit") {
            stop(call. = FALSE, ("(.splits) is missing or is not an rsplit or ts_cv_split. Please supply."))
        stop(call. = FALSE, ("(.splits) is missing or is not a rsplit or ts_cv_split. Please supply."))

    # Data
    data <- .data

    # Calibration Tibble
    calibration_tbl <- modeltime::modeltime_table(...) %>%

    model_accuracy_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>%

    plt <- calibration_tbl %>%
            new_data = new_data
            , actual_data = data
        ) %>%
            .conf_interval_show = FALSE
            , .interactive = .interactive

    output <- list(
        calibration_tbl = calibration_tbl,
        model_accuracy  = model_accuracy_tbl,
        plot            = plt

    # Should we print?

spsanderson/healthyR.ts documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:57 p.m.