
Defines functions ts_model_spec_tune_template

Documented in ts_model_spec_tune_template

#' Time Series Model Spec Template
#' @family Helper
#' @family Model Tuning
#' @family Utility
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @description
#' This function will create a generic tuneable model specification, this function
#' can be used by itself and is called internally by [healthyR.ts::ts_model_auto_tune()].
#' @details
#' This function takes in a single parameter and uses that to output a generic
#' tuneable model specification. This function can work with the following
#' parsnip/modeltime engines:
#' -  "auto_arima"
#' -  "auto_arima_xgboost"
#' -  "ets"
#' -  "croston"
#' -  "theta"
#' -  "smooth_es"
#' -  "stlm_ets"
#' -  "tbats"
#' -  "stlm_arima"
#' -  "nnetar"
#' -  "prophet"
#' -  "prophet_xgboost"
#' -  "lm"
#' -  "glmnet"
#' -  "stan"
#' -  "spark"
#' -  "keras"
#' -  "earth"
#' -  "xgboost"
#' -  "kernlab"
#' @param .parsnip_engine The model engine that is used by [parsnip::set_engine()].
#' @param .model_spec_class The model spec class that is use by `parsnip`. For
#' example the 'kernlab' engine can use both `svm_poly` and `svm_rbf`.
#' @examples
#' ts_model_spec_tune_template("ets")
#' ts_model_spec_tune_template("prophet")
#' @return
#' A tuneable parsnip model specification.
#' @name ts_model_spec_tune_template

#' @export
#' @rdname ts_model_spec_tune_template

ts_model_spec_tune_template <- function(.parsnip_engine = NULL, .model_spec_class = NULL){

    # * Tidyeval ----
    pe <- base::as.character(.parsnip_engine)
    mc <- tolower(as.character(.model_spec_class))

    # * Checks ----
    if(!pe %in% c("auto_arima","auto_arima_xgboost",
        stop(call. = FALSE, base::paste0("The parameter (.parsnip_engine) value of: ", pe, ", is not supported."))

    if(pe %in% c("auto_arima","stlm_ets","tbats","stlm_arima")){
        stop(call. = FALSE, base::paste0("The parameter (.parsnip_engine) value of: ", pe, ", is an auto tuned model spec already."))

    if(pe %in% c("lm")){
        stop(call. = FALSE, base::paste0("The parameter (.parsnip_engine) value of: ", pe, ", has no tuning parameters."))

    # * Model Spec Tuner ----
    if (pe == "auto_arima_xgboost"){
        mst <- modeltime::arima_boost(
            trees            = tune::tune()
            , min_n          = tune::tune()
            , tree_depth     = tune::tune()
            , learn_rate     = tune::tune()
            , loss_reduction = tune::tune()
            , stop_iter      = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "ets"){
        mst <- modeltime::exp_smoothing(
            seasonal_period = "auto"
            , error         = "auto"
            , trend         = "auto"
            , season        = "auto"
            , damping       = "auto"
            , smooth_level    = tune::tune()
            , smooth_trend    = tune::tune()
            , smooth_seasonal = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "croston"){
        mst <- modeltime::exp_smoothing(
            seasonal_period = "auto"
            , smooth_level    = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "theta"){
        mst <- modeltime::exp_smoothing(
            seasonal_period = "auto"
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "smooth_es"){
        mst <- modeltime::exp_smoothing(
            mode            = "regression",
            seasonal_period = tune::tune(),
            error           = tune::tune(),
            trend           = tune::tune(),
            season          = tune::tune(),
            damping         = tune::tune(),
            smooth_level    = tune::tune(),
            smooth_trend    = tune::tune(),
            smooth_seasonal = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "nnetar"){
        mst <- modeltime::nnetar_reg(
            seasonal_period   = "auto"
            , non_seasonal_ar = tune::tune()
            , seasonal_ar     = tune::tune()
            , hidden_units    = tune::tune()
            , num_networks    = tune::tune()
            , penalty         = tune::tune()
            , epochs          = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "prophet"){
        mst <- modeltime::prophet_reg(
            changepoint_num      = tune::tune()
            , changepoint_range  = tune::tune()
            , seasonality_yearly = "auto"
            , seasonality_weekly = "auto"
            , seasonality_daily  = "auto"
            , prior_scale_changepoints = tune::tune()
            , prior_scale_seasonality  = tune::tune()
            , prior_scale_holidays     = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "prophet_xgboost"){
        mst <- modeltime::prophet_boost(
            changepoint_num      = tune::tune()
            , changepoint_range  = tune::tune()
            , seasonality_yearly = FALSE
            , seasonality_weekly = FALSE
            , seasonality_daily  = FALSE
            , prior_scale_changepoints = tune::tune()
            , prior_scale_seasonality  = tune::tune()
            , prior_scale_holidays     = tune::tune()
            , trees                    = tune::tune()
            , min_n                    = tune::tune()
            , tree_depth               = tune::tune()
            , learn_rate               = tune::tune()
            , loss_reduction           = tune::tune()
            , stop_iter                = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "glmnet") {
        mst <- parsnip::linear_reg(
            penalty   = tune::tune()
            , mixture = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "stan"){
        mst <- parsnip::linear_reg() %>%
                engine   = pe
                , chains = tune::tune()
                , iter   = tune::tune()
                , seed   = 123
    } else if (pe == "spark"){
        mst <- parsnip::linear_reg(
            penalty   = tune::tune()
            , mixture = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "keras"){
        mst <- parsnip::linear_reg(
            penalty   = tune::tune()
            , mixture = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "earth"){
        mst <- parsnip::mars(
            num_terms = tune::tune()
            , prod_degree = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "xgboost"){
        mst <- parsnip::boost_tree(
            trees          = tune::tune()
            , min_n          = tune::tune()
            , tree_depth     = tune::tune()
            , learn_rate     = tune::tune()
            , loss_reduction = tune::tune()
        ) %>%
    } else if (pe == "kernlab"){
        if ("svm_poly" %in% mc){
            mst <- parsnip::svm_poly(
                cost = tune::tune(),
                degree = tune::tune(),
                scale_factor = tune::tune(),
                margin = tune::tune()
            ) %>%

        if ("svm_rbf" %in% mc){
            mst <- parsnip::svm_rbf(
                cost = tune::tune(),
                rbf_sigma = tune::tune(),
                margin = tune::tune()
            ) %>%

    # * Return ----
    mst <- mst %>% parsnip::set_mode("regression")


spsanderson/healthyR.ts documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 10:02 p.m.