


# Defining lorenz peaks

n <- 2^8
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)
f <- gen_lorenz
y_s <- f(x, 0.5, 0.03)

# Defining functions for data generation

f_n <- function(nsr, position) {
  peaks <- sprintf('%f s', position)
  d <- gen_nmrdata(x, y_s, nsr = nsr, phase = 0, baseline = 0,
                   procs = list(ssb = 1), apod = FALSE)
  s <- nmrscaffold_1d(peaks, d, = NULL,
                      include.phase = FALSE)
  fit <<- nmrfit_1d(s, include.convolution = FALSE)

f_b <- function(nsr, position) {
  peaks <- sprintf('%f s', position)
  d <- gen_nmrdata(x, y_s, nsr = nsr, phase = 0, baseline = 0.2,
                   procs = list(ssb = 1), apod = FALSE)
  s <- nmrscaffold_1d(peaks, d, = 2,
                      n.knots = 1, include.phase = FALSE)
  fit <<- nmrfit_1d(s, include.convolution = FALSE)

f_p <- function(nsr, position) {
  peaks <- sprintf('%f s', position)
  d <- gen_nmrdata(x, y_s, nsr = nsr, phase = 30, baseline = 0,
                   procs = list(ssb = 1), apod = FALSE)
  s <- nmrscaffold_1d(peaks, d, = NULL,
                      n.knots = 1, include.phase = TRUE)
  fit <<- nmrfit_1d(s, include.convolution = FALSE)

f_bp <- function(nsr, position) {
  peaks <- sprintf('%f s', position)
  d <- gen_nmrdata(x, y_s, nsr = nsr, phase = 30, baseline = .2,
                   procs = list(ssb = 1), apod = FALSE)
  s <- nmrscaffold_1d(peaks, d, = 2,
                      n.knots = 1, include.phase = TRUE)
  fit <<- nmrfit_1d(s, include.convolution = FALSE)

# The actual simulation

if ( FALSE ) {

  # Function for generating sequence of initial guesses from 0 to 1 with
  # with a concentration around 0.5
  f_seq <- function(n, p) {
  x <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = n)
  ifelse(x < 0, -x^p, x^p)/3 + 0.5

  d <- expand.grid(s = 1:1000, guess = f_seq(20, 2))
  fits_n <- mutate(d, fit = pmap(list(.2, guess), f_n),
                   error = 'No Error')
  fits_b <- mutate(d, fit = pmap(list(.2, guess), f_b),
                   error = 'Baseline')
  fits_p <- mutate(d, fit = pmap(list(.2, guess), f_p),
                   error = 'Phase')
  fits_bp <- mutate(d, fit = pmap(list(.2, guess), f_bp),
                   error = 'Baseline + Phase')

  fits <- rbind(fits_n, fits_b, fits_p, fits_bp)
  save(fits, file = 'lorenz_guess.rda')

# Post-processing


# Positions
stats <- fits %>%
           mutate(position = map(fit, function(x) {x@peaks$position})) %>%
           select(-fit) %>%
           unnest(position) %>%
           filter(abs((position - 0.5))/0.5 < 0.01) %>% 
           group_by(error, guess) %>%
           summarize(percent = n()/10) %>%
           ungroup() %>%
           mutate(error = factor(as.character(error),
                                 levels = c('No Error', 'Baseline',
                                            'Phase', 'Baseline + Phase')))

# Extracting example lineshape
examples <- fits %>%
              filter(s == 1, error == 'No Error', guess == guess[1]) %>%
              mutate(lineshape = map(fit, function(x) {x@nmrdata@processed})) %>%
              unnest(lineshape) %>%
              mutate(Real = Re(intensity),
                     Imaginary = Im(intensity)) %>%
              gather('component', 'intensity', Real, Imaginary)

# Plotting


f_cols <- scales::seq_gradient_pal('grey80', 'cornflowerblue')
cols <- f_cols(seq(0, 1, length.out = 3))

p.ex <- ggplot(examples, 
               aes(x = direct.shift, y = intensity, colour = component)) +
        geom_line() +
        xlab('Relative chemical shift') +
        ylab('Relative intensity') +
        scale_color_manual('Component', values = c('grey', 'black')) +
        theme(legend.position = 'top')

p.guess <- ggplot(stats, aes(x = guess, y = percent, 
                             colour = error, shape = error,
                             linetype = error)) +
           geom_point(size = 3) +
           geom_line() +
           ylab('Convergence (%)') + 
           xlab('Initial chemical shift') +
           scale_colour_brewer('Error', palette='Dark2') +
           scale_shape_discrete('Error') +
           scale_linetype_manual('Error', values = c('solid', 'dashed',
                                                     'dotted', 'dotdash')) +
           coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 100)) + 
           theme(legend.position = 'top')

p2 <- plot_grid(p.ex, p.guess, ncol = 1, labels = c('A', 'B'))
ggsave('lorenz_guess.pdf', width = 7, height = 9, units = 'in')
ssokolen/rnmrfit documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:48 p.m.