
#' Dynamic Knapsack
#' @param x Data frame that consists of two numeric columns (order is not relevant): 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "v": values of the objects;
#'   \item "w": weights of the objects.
#' }
#' @param W A numeric value, being the knapsack size.
#' @description This function can solve the knapsack problem exact by iterating over all possible values of W.
#' @return The functoin returns a list containing two named objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "value": maximum knapsack value;
#'   \item "elements": a vector containing the indexes of the objects (rows of data.frame) used to obtain the final result.
#' }
#' @export
dynamic_knapsack = function(x, W){
  if(!is.data.frame(x) | ncol(x)!=2) 
    stop("The input object is not of data.frame type.\n")
  if(!(all(colnames(x)==c("v", "w")) | all(colnames(x)==c("w", "v"))))
    stop("The data.frame should have the columns named 'v' and 'w'.")
    stop("Column of values (v) is not of the expected type (numeric).")
    stop("Column of weights (w) is not of the expected type (numeric).")
  if(!is.numeric(W) | length(W)!=1 | W<=0) 
    stop("The total weight (W) should be a positive scalar.")
  item_count = nrow(x)
  x$order = 1:item_count
  x = x[order(x$w),]
  too_big <- which(x$w>W)
    x <- x[-too_big,]
  item_count = nrow(x)
  s <- x$w[1]+x$w[2]
  table = matrix(0, item_count, W+1)
  # set 1st row
  table[1, ] = c(rep(0, x$w[1]), rep(x$v[1], (W+1)-x$w[1]))
  j_prec <- 1
  for(i in 2:item_count){
    j <- x$w[i]+1
    if(j_prec!=j) {
      table[i:item_count, j_prec:(j-1)] <- 
        matrix(table[i-1, j_prec:(j-1)], item_count-i+1, j-j_prec, byrow = T)
    while( j<=(W+1) ) {
      if((j-1) <= s) {
        if((j-1) < x$w[i]) 
          table[i,j] = table[i-1, j]
          table[i,j] = max(table[i-1, j], (x$v[i] + table[i-1, j-x$w[i]]))
        j <- j+1
      else {
        j_prec <- x$w[i]+1
        table[i, (j-1):W+1] <- table[i, j-1]
          s <- s+x$w[i+1]
        j <- W+2
  # finding elements
  i <- item_count
  j <- W+1
  ind <- c()
  while(j>1) {
    if(i>1) {
      if(table[i, j] == table[i-1, j]) 
        i <- i-1
      else {
        ind <- c(ind, x$order[i])
        j <- j - x$w[i]
        i <- ifelse(i>1, i-1, i)
    else {
      ind <- c(ind, x$order[i])
      j <- 1
  return(list(value=table[item_count,W+1], elements=ind))
stasinak/Adv_R6 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:03 a.m.