Man pages for statOmics/tradeSeq
trajectory-based differential expression analysis for sequencing data

associationTestPerform statistical test to check whether gene expression is...
cascadeGet expression peak cascade of genes along a lineage.
celltypeA vector defining cell types, used in the package vignette.
clusterExpressionPatternsCluster gene expression patterns.
conditionTestAssess differential expression patterns between conditions...
countMatrixA count matrix, used in the package vignette.
crvA SlingshotDataset object, used in the package vignette.
diffEndTestPerform statistical test to check for DE between final stages...
earlyDETestPerform test of early differences between lineages
evaluateKEvaluate the optimal number of knots required for fitGAM.
gamListA list of GAM models, used to demonstrate the various tests.
getSmootherPvaluesGet smoother p-value as returned by 'mgcv'.
getSmootherTestStatsGet smoother Chi-squared test statistics.
patternTestAssess differential expression pattern between lineages.
plot_evalutateK_resultsEvaluate an appropriate number of knots.
plotGeneCountPlot gene expression in reduced dimension.
plotSmoothersPlot the log-transformed counts and the fitted values for a...
sdsA SlingshotDataset object, used in the package unit tests.
startVsEndTestPerform statistical test to check for DE between starting...
statOmics/tradeSeq documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 6:22 a.m.