associationTest: Perform statistical test to check whether gene expression is...

associationTestR Documentation

Perform statistical test to check whether gene expression is constant across pseudotime within a lineage


This test assesses whether average gene expression is associated with pseudotime.


associationTest(models, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SingleCellExperiment'
  global = TRUE,
  lineages = FALSE,
  l2fc = 0,
  nPoints = 2 * tradeSeq::nknots(models),
  contrastType = "start",
  inverse = ifelse(l2fc == 0, "Chol", "eigen")

## S4 method for signature 'list'
associationTest(models, global = TRUE, lineages = FALSE, l2fc = 0)



The fitted GAMs, typically the output from fitGAM.


parameters including:


If TRUE, test for all lineages simultaneously.


If TRUE, test for all lineages independently.


The log2 fold change threshold to test against. Note, that this will affect both the global test and the pairwise comparisons.


The number of points used per lineage to set up the contrast. Defaults to 2 times the number of knots. Note that not all points may end up being actually used in the inference; only linearly independent contrasts will be used.


The contrast used to impose the log2 fold-change threshold. Defaults to "start". Three options are possible: - If "start", the starting point of each lineage is used to compare against all other points, and the fold-change threshold is applied on these contrasts. - If "end", the procedure is similar to "start", except that the reference point will now be the endpoint of each lineage rather than the starting point. - If "consecutive", then consecutive points along each lineage will be used as contrasts. This is the original way the associationTest was implemented and is kept for backwards compatibility. If a fold change threshold has been set, we recommend users to use either the "start" or "end" options.


Method to use to invert variance-covariance matrix of contrasts. Usually you do not want to change this. Options are - "Chol" for Cholesky decomposition using chol2inv. This is the default when l2fc=0. - "eigen" for eigendecomposition using eigen. - "QR" for QR decomposition using qr.solve. - "generalized" for Moore-Pennrose generalized inverse using MASS::ginv.


If a log2 fold-change threshold has not been set, we use the QR decompositon through qr.solve to invert the variance-covariance matrix of the contrasts. If instead a log2 fold chalnge-threshold has been set, we invert that matrix using the Cholesky decomposition through chol2inv.


A matrix with the wald statistic, the degrees of freedom and the (unadjusted) p-value associated with each gene for all the tests performed. If the testing procedure was unsuccessful for a particular gene, NA values will be returned for that gene.


data(crv, package="tradeSeq")
data(countMatrix, package="tradeSeq")
sce <- fitGAM(counts = as.matrix(countMatrix),
                  sds = crv,
                  nknots = 5)
assocRes <- associationTest(sce)

statOmics/tradeSeq documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 6:22 a.m.