TestkjoringThError <- FALSE
if (TestkjoringThError) {
setwd("S:/Organisasjon/A800/S820/Oppdrag og anbud/KOSTRA Modernisering")
minedata <- KostraData("testdata")
barnehage <- KostraData("barnehageData")
fysio_edit_lang <- KostraData("fysioEditLang")
} # END if (TestkjoringThError)
#' Detection of 1000-error
#' Detects units with possible 1000-error by comparing values in period t
#' with revised values from period t-1
#' @encoding UTF8
#' @param data Input data set of class data.frame.
#' @param id Name of identification variable.
#' @param x1 Name of variable in period t.
#' @param x2 Name of variable in period t-1.
#' @param ll Lower limit of log10(x1/x2) = log10(x1) - log10(x2). Default -2.5
#' @param ul Upper limit of log10(x1/x2) = log10(x1) - log10(x2). Default +2.5
#' @return Output of ThError is a data set of class data.frame. Thousand Error is only checked if
#' both x1 and x2 are not missing and not zero. The variables are:
#' \item{id}{The input identification variable. }
#' \item{x1}{The input x1 variable}
#' \item{x2}{The input x2 variable}
#' \item{outlier}{A binary (1/0) variable indicating whether the we suspect a 1000 error or not}
#' \item{diffLog10}{The difference log10(x1) - log10(x2)}
#' \item{lowerLimit}{The input parameter ll}
#' \item{upperLimit}{The input parameter ul}
#' @export
#' @author Magnar Lillegård
#' @references
#' Datarevisjon: Kontroll, granskning og retting av data. Anbefalt praksis,
#' Statistisk sentralbyrås håndbøker, 2005/84.
##' @examples
##' minedata <- KostraData("testdata")
##' minedata$areal_381_eier_2015[c(1, 4, 5)] <- 1000 * minedata$areal_381_eier_2015[c(1, 4, 5)]
##' ThError(data = minedata, id = "Region", x1 = "areal_381_eier_2015", x2 = "areal_381_eier_2014")
##' ThError(data = minedata, id = "Region", x1 = "areal_381_eier_2015", x2 = "areal_381_eier_2014",
##' ll = -2, ul = 2)
ThError <- function (data, id, x1, x2, ll = -2.5, ul = 2.5) {
CheckInput(id, type = "varName", data = data)
CheckInput(x1, type = "varName", data = data)
CheckInput(x2, type = "varName", data = data)
CheckInput(ll, min = -3, max = 0, type = "numeric")
CheckInput(ul, min = 0, max = 3, type = "numeric")
d <- GetData(data, id = id, x1 = x1, x2 = x2)
keep <- apply(cbind(d$x1, d$x2), 1, function (x) {!anyNA(x) & sum(x > 0) == 2})
dK <- d[keep, ]
dN <- d[!is.element(d$id, dK$id), ]
diffs <- apply(cbind(dK$x2, dK$x1), 1, function (x) {diff(log10(x))})
outlier <- ifelse(diffs < ll | diffs > ul, 1, 0)
outK <- data.frame(id = dK$id, x1 = dK$x1, x2 = dK$x2, outlier = outlier, diffLog10 = diffs,
lowerLimit = ll, upperLimit = ul, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
if (nrow(dN) > 0) {
outN <- data.frame(id = dN$id, x1 = dN$x1, x2 = dN$x2, outlier = NA, diffLog10 = NA,
lowerLimit = ll, upperLimit = ul, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
return(rbind(outK, outN))
} else return(outK)
if (TestkjoringThError) {
## Testkjøringer
## legger inn noen 1000-feil i datasettene
minedata$areal_381_eier_2015[c(1, 4, 5)] <- 1000 * minedata$areal_381_eier_2015[c(1, 4, 5)]
fysio_edit_lang$Bruttodriftsutgifter[c(10, 14, 20)] <- 1000 * fysio_edit_lang$Bruttodriftsutgifter[c(10, 14, 20)]
fysio_edit_lang$Bruttodriftsutgifter[c(8, 31)] <- fysio_edit_lang$Bruttodriftsutgifter[c(8, 31)] / 1000
ThError(data = minedata, id = "Region", x1 = "areal_381_eier_2015", x2 = "areal_381_eier_2014")
ThError(data = minedata, id = "Region", x1 = "areal_381_eier_2015", x2 = "areal_381_eier_2014", ll = -2, ul = 2)
ThError(data = fysio_edit_lang, id = list("Region", Periode = 2015), x1 = list("Bruttodriftsutgifter", Periode = 2015),
x2 = list("Bruttodriftsutgifter", Periode = 2014))
ThError(data = fysio_edit_lang, id = list("Region", Periode = 2015), x1 = list("Bruttoinvesteringsutgifter", Periode = 2015),
x2 = list("Bruttoinvesteringsutgifter", Periode = 2014), ll = -2, ul = 1.5)
} # END if (TestkjoringThError)
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