Defines functions FWE.minP_old fwe_minp

Documented in fwe_minp FWE.minP_old

#' Description about the function
#' @param P something
#' @return something
FWE.minP_old <- function(P) {
    p.oss <- P[1, ]
    p.ord <- sort(p.oss, decreasing = FALSE)
    o <- order(p.oss, decreasing = FALSE)
    B <- dim(P)[1] - 1
    p <- dim(P)[2]
    p.ris <- array(0, dim = c(p, 1))
    P.ord <- P[, o]
    T <- apply(P.ord, 1, min)
    p.ris[1] <- mean(T[-1] <= T[1])
    if (p > 2) {
        for (j in 2:(p - 1)) {
            T <- apply(P.ord[, j:p], 1, min)
            p.ris[j] <- max(mean(T[-1] <= T[1]), p.ris[(j - 1)])
    p.ris[p] <- max(p.ord[p], p.ris[p - 1])
    p.ris[o] <- p.ris
    rownames(p.ris) <- colnames(P)

#' Permutation version of the Bonferroni-Holm minP step-up procedure
#' When considering a closed testing procedure, the adjusted p-value $p_i$ for a given hypothesis $H_i$ is the maximum of all p-values for tests including $H_i$ as a special case (including the p-value for the $H_i$ test itself).
#' @param combine Combining function (default is Tippett)
#' @inheritParams npc
#' @return Vector of adjusted p-values
fwe_minp <- function(pvalues, distr, combine = "tippett") {
    # Choose the combining function, check inputs
    funcs <- list(fisher, liptak, tippett)
    names(funcs) <- c("fisher", "liptak", "tippett")
    p <- length(pvalues)
    if (!(combine %in% names(funcs))) {
        stop(paste(combine, " is not a valid combining function."))
    if (p < 2) {
        stop("Nothing to combine!")
    if (ncol(distr) != p) {
        stop("Different number of p-values and null distributions")
    combn_func <- funcs[[combine]]
    # Order the p-values
    p_ord <- sort(pvalues, decreasing = FALSE)
    perm_pvalues <- apply(distr, 2, pvalue_distr, alternative = "greater")
    perm_pvalues_ord <- perm_pvalues[, order(pvalues, decreasing = FALSE)]
    # Step down tree of combined hypotheses, from global test to test of the
    # individual hypothesis with largest p-value
    p_ris <- rep(NA, p)
    combined_stats <- apply(perm_pvalues_ord, 1, combn_func)
    obs_stat <- combn_func(p_ord)
    p_ris[1] <- t2p(obs_stat, combined_stats, alternative = "greater")
    if (p > 2) {
        for (j in 2:(p - 1)) {
            obs_stat <- combn_func(p_ord[j:p])
            combined_stats <- apply(perm_pvalues_ord[, j:p], 1, combn_func)
            p_ris[j] <- max(t2p(obs_stat, combined_stats, alternative = "greater"), 
                p_ris[(j - 1)])
    p_ris[p] <- max(p_ord[p], p_ris[p - 1])
    p_ris[order(pvalues)] <- p_ris
statlab/permuter documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:45 a.m.