
Defines functions netsim_run_modules netsim_run_nsteps netsim_run netsim_initialize netsim_validate_control netsim

Documented in netsim

#' @title Stochastic Network Models
#' @description Simulates stochastic network epidemic models for infectious
#'              disease.
#' @param x If \code{control$start == 1}, either a fitted network model object
#'        of class \code{netest} or a list of such objects. If
#'        \code{control$start > 1}, an object of class \code{netsim}. When
#'        multiple networks are used, the node sets (including network size
#'        and nodal attributes) are assumed to be the same for all networks.
#' @param param Model parameters, as an object of class \code{param.net}.
#' @param init Initial conditions, as an object of class \code{init.net}.
#' @param control Control settings, as an object of class
#'        \code{control.net}.
#' @details
#' Stochastic network models explicitly represent phenomena within and across
#' edges (pairs of nodes that remain connected) over time. This enables edges to
#' have duration, allowing for repeated transmission-related acts within the
#' same dyad, specification of edge formation and dissolution rates, control
#' over the temporal sequencing of multiple edges, and specification of
#' network-level features. A detailed description of these models, along with
#' examples, is found in the \href{http://www.epimodel.org/tut.html}{Basic
#' Network Models} tutorials.
#' The \code{netsim} function performs modeling of both the base model types
#' and original models. Base model types include one-group and two-group models
#' with disease types for Susceptible-Infected (SI),
#' Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR), and
#' Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS).
#' Original models may be parameterized by writing new process modules that
#' either take the place of existing modules (for example, disease recovery), or
#' supplement the set of existing processes with a new one contained in a new
#' module. This functionality is documented in the
#' \href{http://www.epimodel.org/tut.html}{Extension Network Models} tutorials.
#' The list of modules within \code{netsim} available for modification is listed
#' in \code{\link{modules.net}}.
#' @return
#' A list of class \code{netsim} with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \strong{param:} the epidemic parameters passed into the model through
#'        \code{param}, with additional parameters added as necessary.
#'  \item \strong{control:} the control settings passed into the model through
#'        \code{control}, with additional controls added as necessary.
#'  \item \strong{epi:} a list of data frames, one for each epidemiological
#'        output from the model. Outputs for base models always include the
#'        size of each compartment, as well as flows in, out of, and between
#'        compartments.
#'  \item \strong{stats:} a list containing two sublists, \code{nwstats} for any
#'        network statistics saved in the simulation, and \code{transmat} for
#'        the transmission matrix saved in the simulation. See
#'        \code{\link{control.net}} and the
#'        \href{http://www.epimodel.org/tut.html}{tutorials} for further
#'        details.
#'  \item \strong{network:} a list of lists of \code{networkDynamic} or
#'        \code{networkLite} objects, with one list of objects for each model
#'        simulation.
#' }
#' If \code{control$raw.output == TRUE}: A list of the raw (pre-processed)
#' \code{netsim_dat} objects, for use in simulation continuation.
#' @references
#' Jenness SM, Goodreau SM and Morris M. EpiModel: An R Package for Mathematical
#' Modeling of Infectious Disease over Networks. Journal of Statistical
#' Software. 2018; 84(8): 1-47.
#' @seealso Extract the model results with \code{\link{as.data.frame.netsim}}.
#'          Summarize the time-specific model results with
#'          \code{\link{summary.netsim}}. Plot the model results with
#'          \code{\link{plot.netsim}}.
#' @keywords model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Example 1: SI Model without Network Feedback
#' # Network model estimation
#' nw <- network_initialize(n = 100)
#' nw <- set_vertex_attribute(nw, "group", rep(1:2, each = 50))
#' formation <- ~edges
#' target.stats <- 50
#' coef.diss <- dissolution_coefs(dissolution = ~offset(edges), duration = 20)
#' est1 <- netest(nw, formation, target.stats, coef.diss, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Epidemic model
#' param <- param.net(inf.prob = 0.3, inf.prob.g2 = 0.15)
#' init <- init.net(i.num = 10, i.num.g2 = 10)
#' control <- control.net(type = "SI", nsteps = 100, nsims = 5, verbose.int = 0)
#' mod1 <- netsim(est1, param, init, control)
#' # Print, plot, and summarize the results
#' mod1
#' plot(mod1)
#' summary(mod1, at = 50)
#' ## Example 2: SIR Model with Network Feedback
#' # Recalculate dissolution coefficient with departure rate
#' coef.diss <- dissolution_coefs(dissolution = ~offset(edges), duration = 20,
#'                                d.rate = 0.0021)
#' # Reestimate the model with new coefficient
#' est2 <- netest(nw, formation, target.stats, coef.diss)
#' # Reset parameters to include demographic rates
#' param <- param.net(inf.prob = 0.3, inf.prob.g2 = 0.15,
#'                    rec.rate = 0.02, rec.rate.g2 = 0.02,
#'                    a.rate = 0.002, a.rate.g2 = NA,
#'                    ds.rate = 0.001, ds.rate.g2 = 0.001,
#'                    di.rate = 0.001, di.rate.g2 = 0.001,
#'                    dr.rate = 0.001, dr.rate.g2 = 0.001)
#' init <- init.net(i.num = 10, i.num.g2 = 10,
#'                  r.num = 0, r.num.g2 = 0)
#' control <- control.net(type = "SIR", nsteps = 100, nsims = 5,
#'                        resimulate.network = TRUE, tergmLite = TRUE)
#' # Simulate the model with new network fit
#' mod2 <- netsim(est2, param, init, control)
#' # Print, plot, and summarize the results
#' mod2
#' plot(mod2)
#' summary(mod2, at = 40)
#' }
netsim <- function(x, param, init, control) {
  crosscheck.net(x, param, init, control)
  control <- netsim_validate_control(control)
  if (!is.null(control[["verbose.FUN"]]))
    control[["verbose.FUN"]](control, type = "startup")

  if (control$ncores == 1) {
    dat_list <- lapply(
      function(s) {
        netsim_initialize(x, param, init, control, s)
    dat_list <- Map(netsim_run, dat = dat_list, s = seq_along(dat_list))
  } else {
    # Prevents R CMD CHECK Note with variables declared in `foreach`
    dat <- s <- NULL

    dat_list <- foreach(s = seq_len(control$nsims)) %dopar% {
      dat <- netsim_initialize(x, param, init, control, s)
      netsim_run(dat, s)

  out <- if (control$raw.output) dat_list else process_out.net(dat_list)

  if (!control[[".checkpoint.keep"]])


# Ensure default values for control.net
netsim_validate_control <- function(control) {
  # Controls to be set to TRUE or FALSE if missing
  control_default_bool <- list(
    "TRUE" = c(
    "FALSE" = c(

  if (is.null(control$save.other))
    control$save.other <- character(0)

  for (val in names(control_default_bool)) {
    for (flag in control_default_bool[[val]])
    if (is.null(control[[flag]])) control[[flag]] <- as.logical(val)

  # truncate the cumulative edgelists to keep only active partnerships
  if (is.null(control$truncate.el.cuml))
    control$truncate.el.cuml <- 0

  if (is.null(control$start))
    control$start <- 1

  if (control$nsims == 1) {
    control$ncores <- 1
  } else {
    control$ncores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), control$ncores)

  control[[".checkpointed"]] <- netsim_is_checkpointed(control)
  if (!control[[".checkpointed"]]) {
    control[[".checkpoint.steps"]] <- Inf
  } else {
    control[[".checkpoint.steps"]] <- as.integer(control[[".checkpoint.steps"]])

  if (control$nsteps < 1 || control$nsteps == Inf) {
    stop("`control$nsteps` must be positive and not infinite.")


# Create the `dat` object or load it if checkpointed
netsim_initialize <- function(x, param, init, control, s = 1) {
  if (netsim_is_resume_checkpoint(control, s)) {
    dat <- netsim_load_checkpoint(control, s)
  } else {
    param <- generate_random_params(param, verbose = FALSE)
    dat <- control[["initialize.FUN"]](x, param, init, control, s)
    dat <- make_module_list(dat)
    if (get_control(dat, "start") != 1) {
      dat <- set_current_timestep(dat, get_control(dat, "start") - 1)
    if (get_control(dat, ".checkpointed"))
      netsim_save_checkpoint(dat, s)



# Run a simulation from a initialized dat object
netsim_run <- function(dat, s = 1) {
  while (get_current_timestep(dat) < get_control(dat, "nsteps")) {
    steps_to_run <- get_control(dat, "nsteps") - get_current_timestep(dat)
    steps_to_run <- min(steps_to_run, get_control(dat, ".checkpoint.steps"))
    dat <- netsim_run_nsteps(dat, steps_to_run, s)

    if (get_control(dat, ".checkpointed"))
      netsim_save_checkpoint(dat, s)


# Run N simulation steps on a `dat` object
netsim_run_nsteps <- function(dat, nsteps, s) {
  for (n in seq_len(nsteps)) {
    dat <- increment_timestep(dat)
    dat <- netsim_run_modules(dat, s)

# Run all the modules of a `dat` object once
netsim_run_modules <- function(dat, s) {
  at <- get_current_timestep(dat)

  dat <- withCallingHandlers(
    expr = {
      current_mod <- "epimodel.internal"
      # Applies updaters, if any
      dat <- input_updater(dat)
      dat <- trigger_end_horizon(dat)

      modules <- get_modules(dat)

      for (i in seq_along(modules)) {
        current_mod <- names(modules)[i]
        dat <- modules[[i]](dat, at)

      current_mod <- "epimodel.internal"
      # Run the user-provided trackers, if any
      dat <- epi_trackers(dat)

      ## Verbose module
      if (!is.null(get_control(dat, "verbose.FUN"))) {
        current_mod <- "verbose.FUN"
        do.call(get_control(dat, "verbose.FUN"),
                list(dat, type = "progress", s, at))

    message = function(e) message(netsim_cond_msg("MESSAGE", current_mod, at)),
    warning = function(e) message(netsim_cond_msg("WARNING", current_mod, at)),
    error = function(e) {
      message(netsim_cond_msg("ERROR", current_mod, at))
      netsim_error_logger(dat, s)

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.