Man pages for statnet/EpiModelHPC
EpiModel Extensions for High-Performance Computing

check_cpChecks for Checkpointed Rdata Files
EpiModelHPC-packageEpiModel Extensions for High-Performance Computing
get_scenarios_batches_infosHelper function to access the file name elements of scenarios
get_scenarios_tibble_infosHelper function to access the infos on merged scenarios...
initialize_cpInitializes Network Model after Checkpointing
make_calibrated_scenarioMake an EpiModel scenario using the result of an 'swfcalib'...
make_save_elementsCreate the 'save_elements' vector for...
merge_netsim_scenariosCreate a Single Sim File per Scenarios Using the Files From...
merge_netsim_scenarios_tibbleCreate a Single Sim File per Scenarios Using the Files From...
merge_simfilesSave Simulation Data from Stochastic Network Models
netsim_hpcStochastic Network Models on High-Performance Computing...
netsim_run_one_scenarioRun one 'netsim' call with a scenario and saves the results...
netsim_run_swfcalib_scenarioRun one 'netsim' call with the result of an 'swfcalib'...
netsim_scenariosFunction to run EpiModel network simulations with scenarios
netsim_scenarios_setupHelper function to create the parameters for...
netsim_swfcalib_outputFunction to run an EpiModel sim with the result of an...
netsim_swfcalib_output_setupHelper function to create the parameters for...
process_simfilesProcess sub-job simulation files saved as a series of Rdata...
pull_env_varsPull Standard Environmental Variables in Slurm Jobs
save_cpdataSaves for Network Simulation Rdata Files for Checkpointing
savesimSave Simulation Data from Stochastic Network Models
sbatch_masterCreate sbatch Bash Shell Script with Parameter Combination
step_tmpl_merge_netsim_scenariosStep Template to Create a Single Sim File per Scenarios Using...
step_tmpl_merge_netsim_scenarios_tibbleStep Template to Create a Single Sim File per Scenarios Using...
step_tmpl_netsim_scenariosStep template to run EpiModel network simulations with...
step_tmpl_netsim_swfcalib_outputStep template to run sims with the result of an 'swfcalib'...
step_tmpl_renv_restoreStep template to update a project 'renv'
swfcalib_proposal_to_scenarioConvert an swfcalib Proposal into an EpiModel Scenario
swf_configs_hyakPreset of Configuration for the HYAK Cluster
swf_configs_rsphPreset of Configuration for the RSPH Cluster
verbose.hpc.netCustom Progress Print Module for HPC Workflow
statnet/EpiModelHPC documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 11:38 a.m.