
#  File tests/testthat/test-multilayer-heterogeneous-directedness.R in package ergm.multi, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2024 Statnet Commons
test_that("multilayer heterogeneous directedness summary", {
  nwu <- network.initialize(2, directed = FALSE)
  nwu[1,2] <- 1
  nwd <- network.initialize(2, directed = TRUE)
  nwd[2,1] <- 1

  lnw <- Layer(nwu, nwd)
  expect_equal(summary(lnw~L(~edges,~`1`)+L(~edges,~`2`)+CMBL), c(2,1,-sum(lchoose(2,as.matrix(nwu)+as.matrix(nwd)))), ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("multilayer heterogeneous layers messages", {
  nw1 <- network.initialize(20, dir=FALSE)
  nw12 <- network.initialize(20, dir=FALSE, bipartite=5)
  nw1 %v% "mode" <- rep(1:2,c(5,15))
  nw1 %n% "nattr" <- "abc"

  expect_silent(Layer(nw1, nw12, .active=list(~mode==1, ~TRUE)))

    Layer(nw12, nw1),
    "Vertex attribute\\(s\\) 'mode' are not found in the first layer and will be ignored\\."),
    "Network attribute\\(s\\) 'nattr' are not found in the first layer and will be ignored\\."

  nw12 %v% "mode" <- rep(1:2,c(15,5))
  nw12 %n% "nattr" <- "def"
    Layer(nw1, nw12, .active=list(~mode==1, ~TRUE)),
    "Vertex attribute\\(s\\) 'mode' have values different from those in the first layer and will be overwritten\\."),
    "Network attribute\\(s\\) 'nattr' have values different from those in the first layer and will be overwritten\\."
statnet/ergm.multi documentation built on Dec. 4, 2024, 11:24 a.m.