
# used for testing

ergm_getmodel <- function(formula,
                          response = NULL,
                          silent = FALSE,
                          role = "static",
                          ...) {

  if ((dc <- data.class(formula)) != "formula") {
    stop(paste("Invalid formula of class ", dc), call. = FALSE)

  if (formula[[1]] != "~") {
    stop("Formula must be of the form 'network ~ model'.", call. = FALSE)

  if (length(formula) < 3) {
    stop(paste("No model specified for network ", formula[[2]]), call. = FALSE)

  v <- term.list.formula(formula[[3]])
  formula.env <- environment(formula)
  model <- structure(list(formula = formula,
                          coef.names = NULL,
                          offset = NULL,
                          terms = NULL,
                          networkstats.0 = NULL,
                          etamap = NULL),
                     class = "model.ergm")

  termroot <- if (is.null(response)) {
  } else {

  for (i in 1:length(v)) {
    if ([[i]])) {
      if (v[[i]][[1]] == "offset") {
        if (length(v[[i]][[2]]) <= 1) {
          v[[i]] <-[[i]][2])
        } else {
          v[[i]] <-[[i]][[2]])
        model$offset <- c(model$offset, TRUE)
      } else {
        model$offset <- c(model$offset, FALSE)
      args = v[[i]]
      args[[1]] ="list")
      fname <- paste(termroot, "Term.", v[[i]][[1]], sep = "")
      newInitErgm <- exists(fname, envir = formula.env,
                            mode = "function")
      v[[i]] <- call(ifelse(newInitErgm, fname, paste(termroot,
                                                      ".", v[[i]][[1]], sep = "")))
    } else {
      fname <- paste(termroot, "Term.", v[[i]], sep = "")
      newInitErgm <- exists(fname, envir = formula.env,
                            mode = "function")
      v[[i]] <- call(ifelse(newInitErgm, fname, paste(termroot,
                                                      ".", v[[i]], sep = "")))
      model$offset <- c(model$offset, FALSE)
      args = list()

    if (!newInitErgm) {
      v[[i]][[2]] <- nw
      names(v[[i]])[2] <- ""
      v[[i]][[3]] <- model
      names(v[[i]])[3] <- ""
      v[[i]][[4]] <- args
      dotdotdot <- c(if (!is.null(response)) list(response = response),
                     list(role = role), list(...))
      for (j in seq_along(dotdotdot)) {
        if (is.null(dotdotdot[[j]]))
        v[[i]][[4 + j]] <- dotdotdot[[j]]
        names(v[[i]])[4 + j] <- names(dotdotdot)[j]
      if (!exists(as.character(v[[i]][[1]]), envir = formula.env, mode = "function")) {
        stop("The term ", substring(as.character(v[[i]][[1]]),
                                    first = nchar(termroot) + 2),
             " does not exist for this type of ERGM. Are you sure you have the right name?\n",
             call. = FALSE)
      if (silent) {
        silentwarnings <- capture.output(model <- eval(v[[i]], formula.env))
      } else {
        model <- eval(v[[i]], formula.env)
      if (is.null(model$terms[[length(model$terms)]]$pkgname)) {
        model$terms[[length(model$terms)]]$pkgname <-
          ergm:::which.package.InitFunction(v[[i]][[1]], formula.env)
    } else {
      v[[i]][[2]] <- nw
      names(v[[i]])[2] <- ""
      v[[i]][[3]] <- args
      names(v[[i]])[3] <- ""
      dotdotdot <- c(if (!is.null(response)) list(response = response), list(role = role), list(...))
      for (j in seq_along(dotdotdot)) {
        if (is.null(dotdotdot[[j]]))
        v[[i]][[3 + j]] <- dotdotdot[[j]]
        names(v[[i]])[3 + j] <- names(dotdotdot)[j]
      outlist <- eval(v[[i]], formula.env)
      if (is.null(outlist$pkgname)) {
        outlist$pkgname <- ergm:::which.package.InitFunction(v[[i]][[1]], formula.env)
      model <- updatemodel_ErgmTerm(model, outlist)

  model$etamap <- ergm.etamap(model)
  ergm:::ergm.MCMC.packagenames(unlist(sapply(model$terms, "[[", "pkgname")))

  class(model) <- "ergm.model"

updatemodel_ErgmTerm <- function(model, outlist) {
  if (!is.null(outlist)) {
    model$coef.names <- c(model$coef.names, outlist$coef.names)
    termnumber <- 1 + length(model$terms)
    tmp <- attr(outlist$inputs, "ParamsBeforeCov")
    outlist$inputs <- c(ifelse(is.null(tmp), 0, tmp), length(outlist$coef.names),
                        length(outlist$inputs), outlist$inputs)
    model$minval <- c(model$minval, rep(if (!is.null(outlist$minval)) outlist$minval else -Inf,
                                        length.out = length(outlist$coef.names)))
    model$maxval <- c(model$maxval, rep(if (!is.null(outlist$maxval)) outlist$maxval else +Inf,
                                        length.out = length(outlist$coef.names)))
    model$duration <- c(model$duration, if (!is.null(outlist$duration)) outlist$duration else FALSE)
    model$terms[[termnumber]] <- outlist

statnet/tergmLite documentation built on July 25, 2022, 11 p.m.