
Defines functions plot.sensemade contourplot worstcaseplot

Documented in plot.sensemade

# graphics ----------------------------------------------------------------
##' @title Sensitivity plots
##' @description Several sensitivity plots.
##' @param x sensemade object
##' @param type type of the plot
##' @param ... extra arguments
##' @return a ggplot object with the plot.
##' @export
plot.sensemade <- function(x, type = c("contour", "worst-case"), ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
         contour = contourplot(x, ...),
         "worst-case" = worstcaseplot(x, ...)

# A method must have all the arguments of the generic, including … if the generic does.

##' @export
contourplot <- function(x,
                        contour = c("estimate","t-value", "lower bound", "upper bound"),
                        nlevels = 15,
                        pch = 20,
                        cex = 1,
                        lim = NULL,
                        xlab = "Hypothetical partial R2 of unobserved confounder with the treatment",
                        ylab = "Hypothetical partial R2 of unobserved confounder with the outcome",
                        main = paste("Sensitivity of",  contour, "to unobserved confounder\nContours of adjusted estimates"),
                        top = 3,
                        x.label = NULL,
                        y.label = NULL){

  contour <- match.arg(contour)

  #### benchmark data ####
  benchmarks  <- x$benchmarks$benchmark_R2
  top         <- min(c(nrow(benchmarks), top))
  benchmarks  <- benchmarks[1:top, ]
  r2y         <- benchmarks$r2y
  r2d         <- benchmarks$r2d
  benchmarks_group  <- x$benchmarks$benchmark_R2_group
  r2y_group = benchmarks_group$r2y
  r2d_group = benchmarks_group$r2d

  # NOTE: if-else masking of design matrix columns tied to overall grouping
  # design choice, make user mask these low level points
  # via 'showvars' argument

  # eg, we will always plot the points tied to 'grouping' benchmarks
  # but we will not mask the points tied to the levels of the 'grouping' benchmarks

  # one way to 'mask' is line 178 of https://github.com/statsccpr/ovb/blob/master/R/ovb.R

  #### contour data (treatment effect data) ####
  estimate    <- x$treat.stats$estimate
  se          <- x$treat.stats$se
  df          <- x$treat.stats$df
  t           <- estimate/se

  #### computing contours ####

  ## sequence of R2y and R2d
  if (is.null(lim)) lim <- max(c(r2y, r2d, r2y_group, r2d_group), na.rm = TRUE) + 0.1
  s <- seq(0, lim, by = 0.001)

  ## level curves
  if (contour == "estimate") {
    # estimate level curve
    z      <- adjust_estimate(estimate, outer(s, s, get_bias, se = se, df = df))
    labels <- paste0(benchmarks$covariate, "\n", "(",round(benchmarks$adj_est_r2, 3),")")
    lev    <- 0

  } else if (contour == "t-value") {
    # t-value level curve
    z      <- outer(s, s, get_t, t = t, df = df)
    labels <- paste0(benchmarks$covariate, "\n", "(",round(benchmarks$adj_t_r2, 3),")")
    lev    <- 2

  } else if (contour == "lower bound" | contour == "upper bound" ) {
    # CI level curves
    new_estimate <- adjust_estimate(estimate, outer(s, s, get_bias, se = se, df = df))
    new_se       <- outer(s, s, get_se, se = se, df = df)

    if (contour == "lower bound") {
      # CI lower bound
      z                    <- new_estimate - 1.96*new_se
      benchmarks$adj_lw_r2 <- benchmarks$adj_est_r2 - 1.96*benchmarks$adj_se_r2
      labs                 <- benchmarks$adj_lw_r2

    } else {
      # CI upper bound
      z                    <- new_estimate + 1.96*new_se
      benchmarks$adj_up_r2 <- benchmarks$adj_est_r2 + 1.96*benchmarks$adj_se_r2
      labs                 <- benchmarks$adj_up_r2

    labels <- paste0(benchmarks$covariate, "\n", "(",round(labs, 3),")")
    lev <- 0


  ## plot contours with benchmarks
  contour(s, s, z, nlevels = nlevels,
          xlab = xlab,
          ylab = ylab,
          main = main)
  points(r2d, r2y, pch = 23, col = "black", bg = "red", cex = cex)
  contour(s, s, z = z, level = lev, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
  points(r2d_group, r2y_group, pch = 23, col = "black", bg = "cyan", cex = cex)

  #### add labels ####
  # todo: try to create a better function for positioning labels and substitute jitter
  if (is.null(x.label))
    r2dl <- jitter(r2d, factor = 20)

  if (is.null(y.label))
    r2yl <- jitter(r2y, factor = 20)

  text(r2dl, r2yl, labels = labels, cex = 0.7)


    labels_group <- benchmarks_group$covariate


  labels <- data.frame(labels = labels,x = r2dl, y = r2yl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  #### data for reproducibility ####
  rownames(z) <- colnames(z) <- s
  out <- list(plot_type = paste(contour,"contours"),
              contours = z,
              benchmarks = benchmarks,
              benchmarks_group = benchmarks_group,
              labels = labels)




##' @export
worstcaseplot <- function(x,
                          lim = NULL,
                          scenarios = c(1, 0.3),
                          cex.legend = 0.6,
                          index = NULL,
                          xlab = "Hypothetical partial R2 of unobserved confounder(s) with treatment",
                          ylab = "Adjusted estimate",
                          main = "Sensitivity of estimate to unobserved confounder(s)\n\"Worst-case\" scenarios of partial R2 with outcome"){
  benchmarks <- x$benchmarks$benchmark_R2
  r2d <- benchmarks$r2d

  if (!is.null(index)) r2d <- r2d[index]

  estimate <- x$treat.stats$estimate
  se  <- x$treat.stats$se
  df <- x$treat.stats$df

  if (is.null(lim)) lim <- max(r2d, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.1
  s <- seq(0, lim, by = 0.001)

  mr2y <- x$benchmarks$benchmark_all_vars$r2y_all

  y <- adjust_estimate(estimate, get_bias(se = se, df = df, r2y = scenarios[1], r2d = s))

  out <- data.frame(r2d = s,
                    r2y = scenarios[1],
                    adj_est = y)

  plot(s,  y,
       type = "l", bty = "L",
       xlab = xlab,
       ylab = ylab,
       main = main)
  abline(h = 0, col = "red", lty = 5)
  scenarios2 <- scenarios[-1]

  for (i in seq_along(scenarios2)) {
    y <- adjust_estimate(estimate, get_bias(se = se, df = df, r2y = scenarios2[i], r2d = s))
    out2 <- data.frame(r2d = s,
                      r2y = scenarios2[i],
                      adj_est = y)
    out <- rbind(out, out2)
    lines(s,  y, lty = i + 1)

  p    <- length(scenarios)

  # max observed R2y
  y <- adjust_estimate(estimate, get_bias(se = se, df = df, r2y = mr2y, r2d = s))
  lines(s, y, lty = p + 1, col = "red")
  out2 <- data.frame(r2d = s,
                     r2y = mr2y,
                     adj_est = y)
  out <- rbind(out, out2)

  out <- list(plot_type = "worst case plot",
              adjusted_estimates = out)

         lty = c((1:p), p + 1),
         col = c(rep("black", p), "red"),
         legend = paste0(c(scenarios*100, round(mr2y*100)),  "%"),
         ncol = p + 1,
         title = "Hypothetical partial R2 of unobserved confounder(s) with outcome",
         cex  = cex.legend)
  rug(x = r2d, col = "red")
statsccpr/sensemakr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:41 a.m.