
Defines functions TeX latex2exp

Documented in latex2exp TeX

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom stringr str_starts
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @importFrom stringr str_match_all
#' @importFrom stringr fixed
#' @importFrom stringr str_length

#' Deprecated; use \code{\link{TeX}} instead.
#' @param string A character vector containing LaTeX expressions. Note that any backslashes must be escaped (e.g. "$\\alpha").
#' @param output The returned object, one of "expression" (default, returns a plotmath expression ready for plotting), "character" (returns the expression as a string), and "ast" (returns the tree used to generate the expression).
#' @return Returns an expression (see the \code{output} parameter).
#' @export
latex2exp <-
  function(string, output = c('expression', 'character', 'ast')) {
    .Deprecated('TeX', 'latex2exp')
    return(TeX(string, output=output))

#' Converts LaTeX to a \code{\link{plotmath}} expression.
#' \code{TeX} converts a string comprising LaTeX commands (such as
#' a math equation) to a \code{\link{plotmath}} expression. Plotmath
#' expressions can be used throught R's graphic system to represent
#' formatted text and equations.
#' @param input  A character vector containing LaTeX strings. 
#'               Note that any backslashes must be escaped (e.g. "$\\alpha").
#' @param bold   Whether to make the entire label bold
#' @param italic Whether to make the entire label italic
#' @param user_defined Described in the "Adding New Commands" section.
#' @param output The returned object, one of "expression" (default, returns 
#'               a plotmath expression ready for plotting), 
#'               "character" (returns the expression as a string), 
#'               and "ast" (returns the tree used to generate the expression).
#' @return Returns a plotmath expression by default. The \code{output} parameter can 
#' modify the type of the returned value. 
#' If more than one string is specified in the \code{input} parameter, returns a list
#' of expressions.
#' @section Adding new commands: 
#' New LaTeX commands can be defined by supplying the \code{user_defined} parameter.
#' The \code{user_defined} parameter is a list that contains LaTeX commands
#' as names, and template strings as values. A LaTeX command that matches
#' one of the names is translated into the corresponding string and included in
#' the final plotmath expression. The file \code{symbols.R} in the source code
#' of this package contains one such table that can be used as a reference.
#' The template string can include one of the following special template
#' parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$arg1, $arg2, ...} represent the first, second, ... brace argument.
#'   E.g. for \code{\\frac{x}{y}}, \code{$arg1} is \code{x} and \code{$arg2} is \code{y}.
#' \item \code{$opt} is an optional argument in square brackets. E.g. for
#'   \code{\\sqrt[2]{x}}, \code{$opt} is \code{2}.
#' \item \code{$sub} and \code{$sup} are arguments in the exponent (\code{^}) or subscript (\code{_})
#'   following the current expression. E.g. for \code{\\sum^{x}}, \code{$sup} is \code{x}.
#' \item \code{$LEFT} and \code{$RIGHT} are substituted the previous and following LaTeX expression
#'    relative to the current token.
#' }
#' See the Examples section for an example of using the \code{user_defined} option.
#' @examples
#' TeX("$\\alpha$") # plots the greek alpha character
#' TeX("The ratio of 1 and 2 is $\\frac{1}{2}$")
#' a <- 1:100
#' plot(a, a^2, xlab=TeX("$\\alpha$"), ylab=TeX("$\\alpha^2$"))
#' # create a \\variance command that takes a single argument
#' TeX("$\\variance{X} = 10$", user_defined=list("\\variance"="sigma[$arg1]^2"))
#' @export
TeX <-
  function(input, bold=FALSE, italic=FALSE, user_defined=list(), output = c('expression', 'character', 'ast')) {
    if (length(input) > 1) {
      return(sapply(input, TeX, bold=bold, italic=italic, user_defined=user_defined, output = output))
    output <- match.arg(output)
    parsed <- parse_latex(input)
    # Try all combinations of "hacks" in this grid, until one succeeds.
    # As more hacks are introduced, the resulting expression will be less and
    # less tidy, although it should still be visually equivalent to the 
    # desired output given the latex string.
    grid <- expand.grid(hack_parentheses = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    successful <- FALSE
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(grid))) {
      # Make a deep clone of the LaTeX token tree
      parsed_clone <- clone_token(parsed)
      rendered <- render_latex(parsed_clone, user_defined,
      if (bold && italic) { 
        rendered <- str_c("bolditalic(", rendered, ")")
      } else if (bold) {
        rendered <- str_c("bold(", rendered, ")")
      } else if (italic) {
        rendered <- str_c("italic(", rendered, ")")
      cat_trace("Rendered as ", rendered, " with parameters ", toString(grid[row,]))
      if (output == "ast") {
      rendered_expression <- try({
      }, silent=TRUE) 
      if (inherits(rendered_expression, "try-error")) {
        error <- rendered_expression
        cat_trace("Failed, trying next combination of hacks, error:", error, 
                  " parsed as: ", rendered)
        if (row == 1) {
          original_error <- error
      } else {
        successful <- TRUE
    if (!successful) {
      stop("Error while converting LaTeX into valid plotmath.\n",
           "Original string: ", input, "\n",
           "Parsed expression: ", rendered, "\n",
    if (output == "character") {
    # if the rendered expression is empty, return expression('') instead.
    if (length(rendered_expression) == 0) {
      rendered_expression <- expression('')
    class(rendered_expression) <- c("latexexpression", "expression")
    attr(rendered_expression, "latex") <- input
    attr(rendered_expression, "plotmath") <- rendered
stefano-meschiari/latex2exp documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 3:43 a.m.