# spdep::knearneigh - k nearest neighbours for spatial weights
# build spatial weight matrix W based on the k nearest neighbors (kNN) (default: k=6)
# @param X point coordinates (x, y)
# @param m number of neighbors
# @return sparse matrix (n x n) with nearest neigbors
kNearestNeighbors <- function(x, y, k=6) {
# number of observations
n <- length(x)
# spatial weight matrix W based on the k= nearest neighbors
D <- matrix(NA, n, k) # (n x k) index matrix to the 6 nearest neigbhors from point i
for (i in 1:n) {
px <- x[i]
py <- y[i]
# euclidean dist from all points to p
d <- sqrt((x - px)^2 + (y - py)^2)
# determine the m nearest neighbors (rank 1 is the point itself, ranks 2..(m+1) are the m nearest neighbors
# TODO: if 2 points have the same distance, e.g. ranks=1, 2, 2.5, 2.5 are odd
D[i, ] <- which(rank(d) %in% 2:(k+1))
# sparse matrix representation for spatial weight matrix W
W <- sparseMatrix(i = rep(1:n, k), j=as.vector(D), x=1/k)
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