#' Import counts from either HDF5 or MTX files.
#' @note Updated 2022-06-07.
#' @noRd
.importCounts <-
function(matrixFiles) {
if (all(grepl("\\.h5", matrixFiles, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
fun <- .importCountsFromHdf5
} else if (all(grepl("\\.mtx", matrixFiles, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
fun <- .importCountsFromMtx
} else {
abort("Unexpected import failure.") # nocov
fmt = "Importing counts from {.file %s} %s.",
ngettext(n = length(matrixFiles), msg1 = "file", msg2 = "files")
list <- Map(
sampleId = names(matrixFiles),
file = matrixFiles,
f = function(sampleId, file) {
counts <- fun(file)
## Strip index when all barcodes end with "-1".
if (
allAreMatchingRegex(x = colnames(counts), pattern = "-1$")
) {
colnames(counts) <- sub("-1", "", colnames(counts))
# Now move the multiplexed index name/number to the beginning,
# for more logical sorting and consistency with bcbioSingleCell.
colnames(counts) <- sub(
pattern = "^([ACGT]+)-(.+)$",
replacement = "\\2-\\1",
x = colnames(counts)
# Prefix cell barcodes with sample identifier when we're loading
# counts from multiple samples.
if (
length(matrixFiles) > 1L ||
x = colnames(counts),
pattern = "^([[:digit:]]+)-([ACGT]+)$"
) {
colnames(counts) <-
paste(sampleId, colnames(counts), sep = "-")
## Ensure dimnames are valid. Note that this may sanitize gene
## names for some model systems, and or transgenes.
counts <- makeDimnames(counts)
# Bind the matrices.
do.call(what = cbind, args = list)
#' Import Cell Ranger count matrix from HDF5 file
#' @note Updated 2019-08-21.
#' @noRd
#' @seealso `cellrangerRkit::get_matrix_from_h5()`
#' @return `sparseMatrix`.
#' Cell barcodes in the columns, features (i.e. genes) in the rows.
#' @examples
#' ## > x <- .importCountsFromHdf5(file = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")
#' ## > dim(x)
.importCountsFromHdf5 <- # nolint
function(file) {
grepl(pattern = "\\.h5", x = file, ignore.case = TRUE)
names <- names(h5dump(file, load = FALSE))
## Import HDF5 data.
h5 <- h5read(file = file, name = names[[1L]])
## v3 names:
## - "barcodes"
## - "data"
## - "features"
## - "indices"
## - "indptr"
counts <- sparseMatrix(
i = h5[["indices"]] + 1L,
p = h5[["indptr"]],
x = as.numeric(h5[["data"]]),
dims = h5[["shape"]],
giveCsparse = TRUE
## Row names.
if ("features" %in% names(h5)) {
## > names(h5[["features"]])
## [1] "_all_tag_keys" "feature_type"
## [3] "genome" "id"
## [5] "name" "pattern"
## [7] "read" "sequence"
## Stable gene identifiers are stored in "id".
## Gene symbols are stored in "name".
rownames <- h5[["features"]][["id"]]
} else if ("genes" %in% names(h5)) {
## Older H5 objects (v2) use "genes" instead of "features".
rownames <- h5[["genes"]]
## Column names.
colnames <- h5[["barcodes"]]
identical(length(rownames), nrow(counts)),
identical(length(colnames), ncol(counts))
## Return.
rownames(counts) <- as.character(rownames)
colnames(counts) <- as.character(colnames)
#' Import Cell Ranger count matrix from MTX file
#' @note Data import using HDF5 file is now recommended over this approach.
#' @note Updated 2022-06-07.
#' @noRd
#' @section Matrix Market Exchange (MEX/MTX) format:
#' Loading from this matrix requires sidecar files containing cell barcodes and
#' feature (i.e. gene) identifiers.
#' Cell Ranger v3:
#' - `barcodes.tsv.gz`: Cell barcodes.
#' - `features.tsv.gz`: Feature identifiers.
#' Cell Ranger v2:
#' - `barcodes.tsv`: Cell barcodes.
#' - `genes.tsv`: Gene identifiers.
#' @examples
#' ## > x <- .importCountsFromMtx(file = "matrix.mtx.gz")
#' ## > dim(x)
.importCountsFromMtx <-
function(file) {
grepl(pattern = "\\.mtx", x = file, ignore.case = TRUE)
path <- dirname(realpath(file))
files <- sort(list.files(
path = path,
pattern = "*.tsv*",
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE,
ignore.case = TRUE
## Count matrix.
counts <- import(file)
assert(is(counts, "sparseMatrix"))
## Row names.
## Legacy v2 output uses "genes" instead of "features".
## Also, older Cell Ranger output doesn't compress these files.
rownamesFile <- grep(
pattern = "^(features|genes)\\.tsv(\\.gz)?$",
x = files,
value = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE
rownamesFile <- file.path(path, rownamesFile)
## Note that `features.tsv` is tab delimited.
## v2: id, name
## v3: id, name, expression type
rownames <- import(
con = rownamesFile,
format = "tsv",
colnames = FALSE
rownames <- rownames[[1L]]
## Column names.
colnamesFile <- grep(
pattern = "^barcodes\\.tsv(\\.gz)?$",
x = files,
value = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE
colnamesFile <- file.path(path, colnamesFile)
## Note that `barcodes.tsv` is source code lines, not tab delimited.
colnames <- import(
con = colnamesFile,
format = "tsv",
colnames = FALSE
colnames <- colnames[[1L]]
## Return.
identical(length(rownames), nrow(counts)),
identical(length(colnames), ncol(counts))
rownames(counts) <- as.character(rownames)
colnames(counts) <- as.character(colnames)
#' Import sample-level metrics
#' @note Updated 2023-09-28.
#' @noRd
.importSampleMetrics <-
function(sampleDirs) {
files <- file.path(sampleDirs, "outs", "metrics_summary.csv")
list <- lapply(X = files, FUN = import)
out <- do.call(what = rbind, args = list)
## Ensure we sanitize marked UTF-8 strings.
out <- lapply(
X = out,
FUN = gsub,
pattern = "[^.[:alnum:]]",
replacement = ""
out <- do.call(what = DataFrame, args = out)
out <- camelCase(out, strict = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- names(sampleDirs)
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