
Defines functions make_help_menu

# Automatically generate a package help menu
# Based on .Rd files found in the /man/ folder of the package source,
# this function will generate a .R-file named like the package, with roxygen notation that
# links to all files found in the /man/ folder. The effect is that package users
# will get a menu to all help documentation in the package by typing ?<package> \cr
# The function \code{make_help_menu} is general and can be moved into any package
# without modification.\cr
# WARNING! \code{make_help_menu} will generate a file named like <package>.R and
# therefore you MUST NOT put any of the package source in a file named like that.\cr
# The function is not exported since it is meant to be used by package developers only.
# @param man_dir The path to the /man/ directory where .Rd files can be listed.
# Default assumes the current working directory is the root of the package
# source, and specifies the /man/ subdirectory.
# @param R_dir The path to the /R/ directory where <package>.R can be saved. Default
# assumes the current working directory is the root of the package source,
# and specifies the /R/ subdirectory.
# @examples
# # start by opening the package project
# # then do:
# <package>:::make_help_menu()
# # where you replace <package> with the name of your package
# # then do ctrl+shift+B or re-install the package some other way

make_help_menu <- function(man_dir = "man",
                           R_dir = "R",
                           except = c("your_own_exception", "another_of_your_exceptions")) {

  package_name <- environmentName(environment(make_help_menu))
  message(paste("Package name is:", package_name))
  helpfiles <- list.files(man_dir)
  helpfiles <- gsub("\\.Rd$", "", helpfiles)
  helpfiles <- helpfiles[!(helpfiles %in% except )]
  helpfiles <- helpfiles[helpfiles != package_name]
  helpfiles <- paste0("#' \\code{\\link{", helpfiles, "}}\\cr")
  header <- c(paste0("#' ", package_name, " package help menu"),
              "#' ",
              "#' This help menu is automatically generated by running",
              "#' \\code{make_help_menu}",
              "#' (The function is defined in R/make_help_menu.R)",
  footer <- c("#'",
              "#' @docType package",
              paste0("#' @name ", package_name),
              "#' @encoding UTF-8",
              "#' @export",
              paste0(package_name," <- function() {?", package_name, "}"))
  package_R <- data.frame(file = c(header, helpfiles, footer), stringsAsFactors = F)

  # security check
  answer <- "empty"
  while (!(answer %in% c("yes", "no")) ) {
    answer <- readline(paste0("WARNING! This will overwrite the file ", package_name, ".R - Continue? (yes / no) ") )
  if (answer == "no") {
    message("OK, bye.")
  } else if (answer == "yes") {
                file = paste0("R/", package_name, ".R"),
                append = F,
                quote = F,
                sep = "",
                eol = "\n",
                row.names = F,
                col.names = F)
    message(paste0(package_name, ".R and ?", package_name, " (", package_name, ".Rd) upated") )
  } else {
stenevang/sftp documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 6:40 p.m.