
# this is just the testing script

# get some data


# parameters
numGen <- 5
maxCluster <- 2
stopNow <- 100
corThreshold <- 0.2
numberGroupTests <- 1
currentGen <- 1
numFitSources<- 7
weakLinkPercent <- 0.1

# list of things in the metadata for each series

IC <- c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "HQ", "RSS")
measures <- c("MAPE", "MASE", "MdAPE", "MdASE")
features <- c("frequency", "trend", "seasonal", "autocorrelation",
                               "non-linear", "skewness",
                               "kurtosis", "Hurst", "Lyapunov",
                               "dc autocorrelation", "dc non-linear", "dc skewness",
                               "dc kurtosis")
meta <- c("clusterNumber", "rank", "gensSinceImprovement",

features <- c(IC, measures, features, meta)

lastSlot <- length(features)

productivity<- read_xls("data/52600550022016.xls", sheet="Table 4",
                        col_names = FALSE, skip=10, n_max = 17)

# the data is sideways and has difficult variable names - let's fix that!
productivity<-t(productivity) %>%
                          "Mutlifactor.Productivity.Null" ,

# Getting rid of empty space and unnecessary bits
productivity <- productivity[-1,]
productivity <- productivity[,c(1:3,5:6)]

# A few things going on here:
# 1. Replacing the ABS "na" with NA for R compatibility
# 2. Read the data in as numeric
# 3. Convert to data frame
# 4. Reindex to 2013-14 year
# 5. Convert to a time series object
productivity <- productivity %>%
  map(function(x) replace(x, x == "na", NA)) %>%
  map(function(x) x = as.numeric(as.character(x))) %>%>%
         simplify=TRUE) %>%
  ts(start = 1973)
# Reindex to 2003-2004 which is row 31 in data frame

productivity <- productivity[,-c(2,5)]
y <- productivity

#Hyndman et al 2016
#fit <- baggedETS(y)
#> fcast <- forecast(fit)
#> plot(fcast)

## Generate metadata matrix

metaDataFeatures <- array(data = NA, dim = c(ncol(y),length(features),numGen))

## assess features

assessFeatures <- function(x, position){
  features <- featureCalc(x)

for (i in 1: ncol(y)){
  metaDataFeatures[i,,1] <- assessFeatures(y[,i],i)

## assess clusters

groups <- assessClusters(metaDataFeatures[,,1], maxCluster)

## if > 1 series in any cluster, check correlation matrix between them.
# on detrended/deseasonalised data!
# do they all start and end at the same time? this is going to be an issue.
# only check correlations between the core series.

fit <- array(NA, c(ncol(y), numFitSources, numGen))
bestFit <- array(10000, c(ncol(y), numFitSources))

for (i in 1:max(groups)){
  index <- which(groups == i)

  if (length(index) >= 2){
    output <- assessPanels(index, y, corThreshold)
    groupPanel <- output$GP
    excessPanel <- output$EP
  dataGroup <- y[,index]

## next decide how to model each series.
# Plan sample randomly a number from each cluster, estimate
# in all the ways contended, compare the MAPSE for each and decided on the best
# in each group

  choiceModel <- assessInitialModel(numberGroupTests, dataGroup)

  # can we use panel techniques?
  # plm package

  # Maybe depends on the technique
  # don't worry about this right now

# ????

### Estimate - need to work out the nested data frame

  output <- estimateModel(index, choiceModel, y, fit,
                        bestFit, currentGen,lastSlot, metaDataFeatures)

  metaDataFeatures <- output$MD
  bestFit <- output$BF
  fit <- output$Fi

## Calculate forecasting criteria -> if we have a new best estimate, keep in best estimates
# otherwise abandon

}  # end group loops
## Assess weak links and perturb

weakLinks <-assessWeakLinks(bestFit, weakLinkPercent)

for (i in weakLinks){
  ##test which model for each one
  fitARIMA.pick <- accuracy(auto.arima(y[,i])) # this should be a functional of some kind
  fitANN.pick <- accuracy(nnetar(y[,i]))

  picks <- cbind(fitARIMA.pick, fitANN.pick)
  bestPick <- which.min(picks[4])

  if (picks[bestPick] < bestFit[index[j], 4]){
    fit[index[i], ,currentGen] <- picks[bestPick]
    bestFit[index[i], ] <- picks[bestPick]


# weak links in groups

# weak links across groups

# reassess weak links and update models go back to forecasting criteria

## Are we doing a manual reassessment? If so, how many series?

## Manual reassessments: show plots and current workings

# back up to clustering for the next generation. Perturb the residuals a bit??
stephdesilva/forecastHelpR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:51 a.m.