
Defines functions verbose_nullcheck_complete verbose_nullcheck_keep_fl verbose_nullcheck_delete_fl verbose_nullcheck_announce verbose_obj_decrease_warning verbose_sparsity verbose_obj_table_entry verbose_obj_table_header stopping_criterion_string verbose_backfit_announce verbose_greedy_next_fl

# Messages displayed when verbose = TRUE.
# The verbose_output parameter in the "workhorse" functions allow for
#   more control over verbose output. Options are:
#     "o": objective
#     "d": difference in objective
#     "L": maximum change* in loadings
#     "F": maximum change in factors
#     "l": sparsity* of loadings
#     "f": sparsity of factors
# *Calculated as the maximum absolute difference in entries after
#   each loading is normalized to have l_2 norm equal to 1.
# **Currently only works with point-normal priors. Calculated as pi0_l
#   (that is, the mixture proportion of the "point" component.)

verbose_greedy_next_fl = function(k, stopping_rule, tol) {
  message("Fitting factor/loading ", k, " (",
          stopping_criterion_string(stopping_rule, tol), "):")

verbose_backfit_announce = function(n, stopping_rule, tol) {
  message("Backfitting ", n, " factor/loading(s) (",
          stopping_criterion_string(stopping_rule, tol), "):")

stopping_criterion_string = function(stopping_rule, tol) {
  if (stopping_rule == "objective") {
    rule_string = "difference in obj. is"
  } else if (stopping_rule == "loadings") {
    rule_string = "max loading change is"
  } else if (stopping_rule == "factors") {
    rule_string = "max factor change is"
  } else { # stopping_rule == "any_param"
    rule_string = "max parameter change is"

  tol_string = formatC(tol, format = "e", digits = 2)

  return(paste("stop when", rule_string, "<", tol_string))

verbose_obj_table_header = function(verbose_output) {
  header_string = "  Iteration"
  if ("l" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%9s", "pi0 (l)"))
  if ("f" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%9s", "pi0 (f)"))
  if ("L" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%13s", "Max Chg (l)"))
  if ("F" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%13s", "Max Chg (f)"))
  if ("o" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%15s", "Objective"))
  if ("d" %in% verbose_output) {
    header_string = paste0(header_string,
                           sprintf("%11s", "Obj Diff"))

verbose_obj_table_entry = function(verbose_output, iter, obj, obj_diff,
                                   max_chg_l, max_chg_f, gl, gf) {
  entry_string = sprintf("%11d", iter)
  if ("l" %in% verbose_output) {
    l_sparsity = verbose_sparsity(gl)
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string, sprintf("%9s", l_sparsity))
  if ("f" %in% verbose_output) {
    f_sparsity = verbose_sparsity(gf)
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string, sprintf("%9s", f_sparsity))
  if ("L" %in% verbose_output) {
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string,
                          sprintf("%13s", formatC(max_chg_l, format="e", digits=2)))
  if ("F" %in% verbose_output) {
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string,
                          sprintf("%13s", formatC(max_chg_f, format="e", digits=2)))
  if ("o" %in% verbose_output) {
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string,
                          sprintf("%15.2f", obj))
  if ("d" %in% verbose_output) {
    diff_string = formatC(obj_diff, format="e", digits=2)
    entry_string = paste0(entry_string,
                          sprintf("%11s", diff_string))

# At present, only returns nonnull for ebnm_pn.
verbose_sparsity = function(g) {
  if (is.null(g[[1]]$pi0)) {
  } else {
    s = mean(sapply(g, function(k) {k$pi0}))
    return(formatC(s, format = "f", digits = 3))

verbose_obj_decrease_warning = function() {
  warning(paste("An iteration decreased the objective.",
                "This happens occasionally, perhaps due to",
                "numeric reasons. You could ignore this",
                "warning, but you might like to check out",
                "for more details."))

verbose_nullcheck_announce = function() {
  message("Performing nullcheck...")

verbose_nullcheck_delete_fl = function(k, diff) {
  if (diff == 0) {
    message("  Deleting factor ", k,
            " does not change objective. ",
            "Factor zeroed out.")
  } else {
    message("  Deleting factor ", k,
            " increases objective by ",
            formatC(diff, format="e", digits=2),
            ". Factor zeroed out.")

verbose_nullcheck_keep_fl = function(k, diff) {
  message ("  Deleting factor ", k,
           " decreases objective by ",
           formatC(diff, format="e", digits=2),
           ". Factor retained.")

verbose_nullcheck_complete = function(obj) {
  message("  Nullcheck complete. Objective: ",
          round(obj, digits=2))
stephenslab/flashr documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 2:07 a.m.