
# Verify that a logical argument is either TRUE or FALSE.
verify.logical.arg <- function (x, arg.name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  arg.name <- sprintf("\"%s\"",arg.name)
  if (!(is.atomic(x) &
        is.logical(x) &
        length(x) == 1 &
        all(!is.na(x)) &
        all(x == TRUE | x == FALSE)))
    stop(paste("Argument",arg.name,"should be TRUE or FALSE"))

# Verify that a non-negative scalar argument is satisfactory.
verify.nonneg.scalar.arg <- function (x, arg.name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  arg.name <- sprintf("\"%s\"",arg.name)
  if (!(is.atomic(x) &
        is.numeric(x) &
        length(x) == 1 &
        all(!is.na(x)) &
        all(is.finite(x)) &
        all(x >= 0)))
    stop(paste("Argument",arg.name,"should be a non-negative number"))

# Verify that a "maxiter" argument---that is, an argument giving the
# maximum number of iterations---is valid. It should be a positive,
# finite, non-missing integer.
verify.maxiter.arg <- function (x, arg.name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  arg.name <- sprintf("\"%s\"",arg.name)
  if (!(is.atomic(x) &
        is.numeric(x) &
        length(x) == 1 &
        all(!is.na(x)) &
        all(is.finite(x)) &
        all(x > 0) &
        all(round(x) == x)))
    stop(paste("Argument",arg.name,"should be an integer value",
               "greater than zero"))

# Verify that the likelihood matrix specifying the optimization
# problem is valid. The likelihood matrix should be a numeric matrix
# with at least two columns. It is assumed that the input argument is
# named "L". If the matrix is not valid, an error is reported;
# otherwise, TRUE is returned.
verify.likelihood.matrix <- function (L) {
  msg <- paste("Input argument \"L\" should be a numeric matrix with >= 2",
               "columns, >= 1 rows, all its entries should be non-negative,",
               "finite and not NA, and some entries should be positive")
  if (!is.matrix(L))
  else if (!(nrow(L) >= 1 &
             ncol(L) >= 1 &
  else if (!(all(L >= 0) &
             all(is.finite(L)) &
             !any(is.na(L)) &
             any(L > 0)))

# Verify that the vector weights specifying the optimization problem
# is valid, then return the normalized weights in double-precision. It
# is assumed that the weights argument is named "w", and that the
# likelihood matrix argument is named "L". The weights should be a
# numeric vector with all non-negative entries, in which the length is
# equal to the number of rows of L. Furthermore, the weights should
# sum to 1; if not, the weights must be normalized to sum to 1.
# Input L should be the provided likelihood matrix.
# If the weights are not valid, an error is reported; otherwise, the
# normalized weights (coerced to double-precision) are returned.
verify.weights <- function (L, w) {
  msg <- paste("Input argument \"w\" should be a numeric vector with",
               "non-negative, finite and non-missing entries, and with",
               "one entry per row of L")
  if (!(is.atomic(w) &
  else if (!(all(w >= 0) &
             all(is.finite(w)) &
             !any(is.na(w)) &
             length(w) == nrow(L)))
  storage.mode(w) <- "double"

# Verify that the estimate of the solution to the optimization problem
# is valid, then normalize this estimate if necessary. Argument x
# should be a numeric vector with non-negative entries, in which the
# length is equal to the number of columns of L.
# Input L should be the provided likelihood matrix. It is assumed that
# the argument providing L is named "L".
# If x is not valid, an error is reported; otherwise, the normalized
# initial estimate (coerced to double-precision) is returned.
verify.estimate <- function (x, L, arg.name = deparse(substitute(x))) {
  arg.name <- sprintf("\"%s\"",arg.name)
  msg <- paste("Argument",arg.name,"should be a numeric vector with",
               "only non-negative, finite and non-missing entries, with one",
               "entry per column of L")
  if (!(is.atomic(x) &
  if (!(all(x >= 0) &
        all(is.finite(x)) &
        !any(is.na(x)) &
        length(x) == ncol(L)))
  storage.mode(x) <- "double"

# Generates a vector of n points that are equally spaced on the
# logarithmic scale. Note that x and y should be positive numbers.
logspace <- function (x, y, n)
  2^seq(log2(x),log2(y),length = n)

# Scale each column A[,i] by b[i].
scale.cols <- function (A, b)
  t(t(A) * b)

# Normalize the rows of A so that the largest entry in each row is 1.
normalize.likelihoods <- function (A)
  A / apply(A,1,max)

# Compute B = exp(A) and normalize the rows of B so that the largest
# entry in each row is 1.
normalize.loglikelihoods <- function (A)
  exp(A - apply(A,1,max))

# Normalize the rows of matrix A such that the maximum entry in each
# row is 1. The return value is a list containing the normalized
# matrix and the vector of normalizing factors. Note that all entries
# in the matrix A must be non-negative.
normalize.rows <- function (A) {
  z <- apply(A,1,max)
  return(list(A = A/z,z = z))
stephenslab/mixsqp documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 1 a.m.