
##' Reorder an object
##' Generic function for reordering the dimensions of data objects
##' according to a subscript list.  \code{ro} is a synonym for
##' \code{reOrder}.  See also \code{\link{reorder}}.
##' @param x An object with data to be reordered.
##' @param i Indices for the dimensions of replication of \code{x}.
##' @param ... Not used.
##' @return A reordered version of \code{x}.
##' @aliases ro reOrder.default
##' @seealso \code{\link{reorder}}
##' @export
reOrder <- function(x, i, ...) {
    if(missing(i)) i <- dNames(x)
    ## FIXME: all this reOrder stuff is pretty DRY wrt subscript.
    ##        however, could do something about this in methods that really do
    ##        just require a subscript
    ## FIXME: maybe check for subscripts that don't cover the entire range ??
    ##        or maybe its ok if they don't span the range ??
    if(hasBeenProcessed(i)) {
    } else {
        i <- processSubscript(x, i)
        reOrder(x, i, ...)

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @export
ro <- function(x, i, ...) reOrder(x, i, ...)

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @export
reOrder.default <- function(x, i, ...) {
    if(!is.recursive(i)) i <- list(i)
    out <- do.call("[", c(list(x), i))
    attr(out, "dimIds") <- attr(x, "dimIds")

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @method reOrder data.frame
##' @export
reOrder.data.frame <- function(x, i, ...) x[i, , drop = FALSE]

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @method reOrder dist
##' @export 
reOrder.dist <- function(x, i, ...)
    as.dist(reOrder(as.longDist(x), i)) # same idiom as subscript.dist

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @method reOrder phylo
##' @export
reOrder.phylo <- function(x, i, ...) {
    # From http://ape-package.ird.fr/misc/FormatTreeR_24Oct2012.pdf:
    # "There is no mandatory order for the rows of edge, but they may
    # be arranged in a way that is efficient for computation and
    # manipulation."  Therefore, I take it that the code below
    # conforms to the phylo API.

    xNew <- x
    xNew$edge[match(1:Ntip(x), x$edge[,2]),2] <- match(x$tip.label, i)
    xNew$tip.label <- i[]

    if(inherits(x, "chronos")) {
        cCall <- attr(x, "call")
        cCall$phy <- xNew
        xNew <- eval(cCall)
    attr(xNew, "dimIds") <- attr(x, "dimIds")

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @method reOrder speciesList
##' @export
reOrder.speciesList <- function(x, i, ...){
    ## FIXME: testing!  FIXME: species lists don't really have an
    ## order, do they ??  Maybe have an attribute with dNames in _the_
    ## order ??  The problem is that even if every site has the set
    ## species order, a call to dNames on the reordered speciesList
    ## won't come out in the correct order.  But maybe this doesn't
    ## matter ??
    ids <- attr(x, "dimIds")
    x <- x[i[[1]]]
    xi <- lapply(x, order %f% match, i[[2]])
    out <- mapply("[", x, xi, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    attr(out, "dimIds") <- ids
    attr(out, "totalSpeciesList") <- i[[2]]
    class(out) <- "speciesList"

##' @importFrom stats reorder
##' @method reOrder longDist
##' @rdname reOrder
##' @export
reOrder.longDist <- function(x, i, ...) {
                                        # convert object names to
                                        # numeric
    inds <- cbind(match(x$row, i),
                  match(x$col, i))
                                        # get lower ranked names in
                                        # row's column
    rowSortedMat <- t(apply(inds, 1, sort))
                                        # intermediate form of output
    out <- setNames(data.frame(rowSortedMat, x$dist),
                                        # sort by col and then row
                                        # indices, which gives an
                                        # order of the dist column
                                        # that is compatible with dist
                                        # objects
    out <- out[order(out$col),]
    out <- out[order(out$row),]
                                        # convert back from numeric to
                                        # character
    out$row <- i[out$row]
    out$col <- i[out$col]
    attr(out, "dimIds") <- attr(x, "dimIds")
    class(out) <- c("longDist", "data.frame")

##' @rdname reOrder
##' @method reOrder poly.data.frame
##' @export
reOrder.poly.data.frame <- function(x, i, ...) {
    # FIXME: DRY !!
    if(is.null(names(i))) names(i) <- dimIdsUnique(x)
    ids <- dimIdsNested(x)
    i <- lapply(i, unique)
    for(j in seq_along(x)) x[[j]] <- reOrder(x[[j]], i[ids[[j]]])
stevencarlislewalker/subscript documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:45 p.m.