
Defines functions thermopic_model

Documented in thermopic_model

#' Fit Thermopic Model
#' @param path Character string containing the path to the root of a thermopic project
#' @param Lake A \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C4 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{1_Lake.csv} sub-heading. If a \code{csv} file is used, please place it within the \code{DataIn} folder under the \pkg{thermopic} project in \code{path}.
#' @param Climate A \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C4 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{2_Climate.csv} sub-heading. If a \code{csv} file is used, please place it within the \code{DataIn} folder under the \pkg{thermopic} project in \code{path}.
#' @param Model_Inputs The name of an output \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C5 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{3_Model_Inputs.csv} sub-heading. This file contains the inputs needed to calculate the STM parameters.  They include lake measurements, as well as climate and ice variables.
#' @param STM_Parameters The name of an output \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C5 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{4_STM_Parameters.csv} sub-heading.  This file contains estimates of the STM parameters which are used to predict temperature at depth throughout the icefree season.  These estimates are needed to calculate seasonal thermal habitat.  Editing of the columns \code{Do_Space} and \code{Do_ThermoPic} may be done to control output from \code{\link{thermopic_report}}
#' @param tmp_ClimMetrics The name of an output temp file used mainly for debugging
#' @param tmp_IceClimMetrics The name of an output temp file used mainly for debugging
#' @param year_fix Integer giving a calender year for simplifing the code by
#' assigning "year_fix" for calculating Day of Year and Solar elevation/angle.
#' Exact year not needed because because program works with Temperature norms
#' for Specified Period. Solar angle for a given day of year varies on 4 year
#' cycle, but variation is very small.
#' @return s3 object of class thermopic_model, containing the following output
#' dataframes:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{tmp_ClimMetrics}{Modified climate table}
#'   \item{tmp_IceClimMetrics}{Table of ice climate metrics}
#'   \item{Model_Inputs}{Input variables needed to calculate the STM parameters}
#'   \item{STM_Parameters}{Estimates of the STM parameters used to predict temperature at depth throughout the icefree season}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom chron month.day.year
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer schmidt.stability
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer thermo.depth
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer meta.depths
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer layer.density
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer uStar
#' @importFrom rLakeAnalyzer lake.number
thermopic_model = function(
  path, Lake, Climate, 
  Model_Inputs = "3_Model_Inputs.csv", 
  STM_Parameters = "4_STM_Parameters.csv",
  tmp_ClimMetrics = "tmp_ClimMetrics.csv", 
  tmp_IceClimMetrics = "tmp_IceClimMetrics.csv",
  year_fix = 2010) {
  path = file.path(path)
  laked = get_thermopic_data(Lake, path, 'DataIn')
  sited = get_thermopic_data(Climate, path, 'DataIn')
  sited_output_file = file.path(path, 'DataOut', tmp_ClimMetrics)
  lakep_output_file = file.path(path, 'DataOut', Model_Inputs)
  siteo_output_file = file.path(path, 'DataOut', tmp_IceClimMetrics)
  STM_output_file = file.path(path, 'DataOut', STM_Parameters)
  Nsites <- length(sited$Period)

  # Estimate Shoreline
  # OLD FORMULA: laked$elnShoreline <- 1.32844+0.67375*log(laked$Area_ha/100)+0.75298*log(laked$Depth_Max)-0.72932*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.3717^2/2
  # NEW FORMuLA (next line) based on 721 BsM lakes (in Ontario)
  laked$elnShoreline <- 1.39494+0.69596*log(laked$Area_ha/100)+0.65994*log(laked$Depth_Max)-0.68779*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.3772^2/2
  # Alternative FORMuLA (next line) based on 9283 AHI lakes (in Ontario)
  #laked$elnShoreline <- 1.6969+0.67061*log(laked$Area_ha/100)+0.38243*log(laked$Depth_Max)-0.34590*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.3310^2/2
  laked$eShoreline <- exp(laked$elnShoreline)
  laked$ShorelineFlag <- "Yes"
  laked$ShorelineFlag <- ifelse(is.na(laked$Shoreline),"No",laked$ShorelineFlag)
  laked$Shoreline <- ifelse(laked$ShorelineFlag == "No",laked$eShoreline,laked$Shoreline)
  laked$Shoreline <- round(laked$Shoreline,digits=2)
  # Estimate Secchi
  laked$Secchi <- as.numeric(laked$Secchi)
  # OLD FORMULAE in next 2 lines
  # laked$elnSecchi <- 1.822791-0.166579*laked$DOC+0.003760*laked$DOC^2+0.186572*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.3324^2/2
  # laked$elnSecchi <- ifelse(is.na(laked$DOC),(-77.133986-0.039255*log(laked$Area_ha/100)+3.3899*laked$Latitude-0.036865*laked$Latitude^2+0.370819*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.4032^2/2),(1.822791-0.166579*laked$DOC+0.003760*laked$DOC^2+0.186572*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.4032^2/2))
  # NEW FORMULAE in next 2 lines (based on 695 bsM lakes with DOC and 717 BsM lakes without DOC)
  laked$elnSecchi_DOC   <- 2.19226-0.720734*log(laked$DOC)+0.179978*log(laked$Depth_Max)+0.3617^2/2
  laked$elnSecchi_noDOC <- 0.277336-0.08618*log(laked$Area_ha/100)+0.11680*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+0.36719*log(laked$Depth_Max)+0.4582^2/2
  laked$elnSecchi <- ifelse(is.na(laked$DOC),laked$elnSecchi_noDOC,laked$elnSecchi_DOC)
  laked$eSecchi <- exp(laked$elnSecchi)
  laked$SecchiFlag <- "Yes"
  laked$SecchiFlag <- ifelse(is.na(laked$Secchi),"No",laked$SecchiFlag)
  laked$Secchi <- ifelse(laked$SecchiFlag == "No",laked$eSecchi,laked$Secchi)
  laked$Secchi <- round(laked$Secchi,digits=2)
  # Estimate DOC
  # OLD FORMULA in next line - new formula proposed by NPL avoids negative DOC when Secchi is small (<0.5 m)
  # laked$eDOC <- 2.0409-0.3009*log(laked$Depth_Mn)+18.7373*1/laked$Secchi-8.2407*(1/laked$Secchi)^2
  # NEW FORMULA in next line (avoids negative DOC)
  laked$eDOC <- exp(2.7215 - 0.1276*log(laked$Secchi) - 0.1469*laked$Secchi - 0.0734*log(laked$Depth_Max)+0.3070^2)
  laked$DOCFlag <- "Yes"
  laked$DOCFlag <- ifelse(is.na(laked$DOC),"No",laked$DOCFlag)
  laked$DOC <- ifelse(laked$DOCFlag == "No",laked$eDOC,laked$DOC)
  laked$DOC <- round(laked$DOC,digits=2)
  # Do calculations on Climate data
  sited$Tson <- sited$Tjja <- sited$Tmam <- sited$Tdjf <- NA
  sited$J_Aut4 <- sited$J_Aut0 <- sited$J_Spr0 <- -99
  sited$T_Aut0 <- sited$T_Spr0 <- -99
  #sited$T_Spr0 <- as.numeric(sited$T_Spr0)
  #sited$T_Aut0 <- as.numeric(sited$T_Aut0)
  # Compute temp seasonal means
  sited$Tdjf <- round((31*sited$Tdec+31*sited$Tjan+(28.25)*sited$Tfeb)/(90.25),digits=2)
  sited$Tmam <- round((31*sited$Tmar+30*sited$Tapr+31*sited$Tmay)/92,digits=2)
  sited$Tjja <- round((30*sited$Tjun+31*sited$Tjul+31*sited$Taug)/92,digits=2)
  sited$Tson <- round((30*sited$Tsep+31*sited$Toct+30*sited$Tnov)/91,digits=2)
  # Compute Julian day in Spring and Autumn for Zero temperature metrics (J_Spr0 and J_Aut0)
  # Must Skip first 2 variables (Wby_LID, Period) when reading monthy mean temperatures (col 3 is Tjan)
  # Ignores leap year issues by using using "year_fix" (e.g. 2010) - because program works with Temp norms for given Period
  Ncskip <- 2
  yy <- year_fix
  tvec <- data.frame(tmp = c(rep(-99,14)))
  for( y in 1:Nsites) 
    for (m in 1:12) 
      tvec$tmp[m+1] <- sited[y,m+Ncskip]
    tvec$tmp[1] <- sited$Tdec[y]
    tvec$tmp[14] <- sited$Tjan[y]
    # Get Spring 0 C
    tref <- 0.0
    tdir <- 1
    jday <- round(tdatev(tvec,tref,tdir,yy),digits=1)
    mdy <- month.day.year(jday,c(month=12,day=31,year=year_fix-1))
    sited$J_Spr0[y] <- jday
    sited$YY_Spr0[y] <- mdy$year
    sited$MM_Spr0[y] <- mdy$month
    sited$DD_Spr0[y] <- mdy$day
    # Get Autumn 0 C
    tref <- 0.0
    tdir <- -1
    jday <- round(tdatev(tvec,tref,tdir,yy),digits=1)
    mdy  <- month.day.year(jday,c(month=12,day=31,year=year_fix-1))
    sited$J_Aut0[y] <- jday
    sited$YY_Aut0[y] <- mdy$year
    sited$MM_Aut0[y] <- mdy$month
    sited$DD_Aut0[y] <- mdy$day
    # Get utumn 4 C - do we need this
    tref <- 4.0
    tdir <- -1
    sited$J_Aut4[y] <- round(tdatev(tvec,tref,tdir,yy),digits=1)
  sited$A40CR <- round(4.0/(sited$J_Aut0 - sited$J_Aut4),digits=3)
  # Compute quarter mean temp for J_Aut0 and J_Spr0 months
  nm <- data.frame(ct=c(31,28.25,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31))
  ncs <- Ncskip
  for (i in 1:Nsites) 
    isp2 <- sited$MM_Spr0[i]
    isp1 <- ifelse(isp2 < 2,12,isp2 - 1)
    isp3 <- ifelse(isp2 > 11,1,isp2 + 1)
    nsp1 <- nm$ct[isp1];nsp2 <- nm$ct[isp2];nsp3 <- nm$ct[isp3]
    ntot <- nsp1+nsp2+nsp3;ntot
    sited$T_Spr0[i] <- round((nsp1*sited[i,ncs+isp1]+nsp2*sited[i,ncs+isp2]+nsp3*sited[i,ncs+isp3])/ntot,digits=2)
    iau2 <- sited$MM_Aut0[i]
    iau1 <- ifelse(iau2 < 2,12,iau2 - 1)
    iau3 <- ifelse(iau2 > 11,1,iau2 + 1)
    #nau1 <- nm$ct[isp1];nau2 <- nm$ct[isp2];nau3 <- nm$ct[isp3]
    nau1 <- nm$ct[iau1]
    nau2 <- nm$ct[iau2]
    nau3 <- nm$ct[iau3]
    ntot <- nau1+nau2+nau3
    sited$T_Aut0[i] <- round((nau1*sited[i,ncs+iau1]+nau2*sited[i,ncs+iau2]+nau3*sited[i,ncs+iau3])/ntot,digits=2)
  siteo <- sited[ ,c("Wby_Lid","Period","Tann","Tjja","Tson","Tmar","Tmay","Tjun","Tjul","Taug","Tsep",
  #siteo$ssolel <- ifelse(is.na(siteo$J_Spr0),NA,siteo$ssolel)
  #siteo$T_Aut0 <- ifelse(is.na(siteo$J_Aut0),NA,siteo$T_Aut0)
  # Merge laked and climd data.frames
  lakep <- merge(laked,siteo,by=c("Wby_Lid"))
  # Compute solar elevation for J_Spr0  (Ang_Spr0)
  #lakep$tzone <- NULL
  lakep$Ang_Spr0 <- -999.9
  for (i in 1:Nsites) 
    lat <- lakep$Latitude[i] 
    long <- lakep$Longitude[i]
    year <- year_fix
    month <- lakep$MM_Spr0[i]
    day   <- lakep$DD_Spr0[i]
    # Add GMT offset to local noon
    tzone <- round(long/15.0,digits=0)
    locnoon <- 12 -tzone
    #lakep$tzone[i] <- tzone
    sun.values <- SunPosition (year, month, day, locnoon,0,0,lat,long)
    lakep$Ang_Spr0[i] <- sun.values$elevation
  #  Ice Breakup and Freeze Up Predictions
  lakep$Area_km <- lakep$Area_ha/100;# Area in km2
  #lakep$z1 <- as.numeric(lakep$Depth_Mn);# Mean depth in m
  #lakep$IceBU_part1 <- round(481 + 0.0009417*lakep$Area_km + 0.73145*lakep$Longitude + 0.01477*lakep$Elevation,digits=2)
  #lakep$fJ_Spr0 <- round( 0.73048*lakep$J_Spr0,digits=2)
  #lakep$fJ_Aut0 <- round( - 0.73048*lakep$J_Aut0,digits=2)
  #lakep$fAng_Spr0 <- round( -3.008*lakep$Ang_Spr0,digits=2)
  lakep$IceBU <- 481 + 0.73048*lakep$J_Spr0 - 0.73048*lakep$J_Aut0 - 3.008*lakep$Ang_Spr0+ 0.0009417*lakep$Area_km + 0.73145*lakep$Longitude + 0.01477*lakep$Elevation
  lakep$IceBU <- round(lakep$IceBU, digits = 1)
  lakep$IceFU_part1 <- round(58.0924  + 7.2925*lakep$Depth_Mn^(0.5),digits=2)
  #lakep$FU_Aut0 <- round(0.8303*lakep$J_Aut0,digits=2)
  #lakep$FUT_Aut0 <- round(0.9435*lakep$T_Aut0,digits=2)
  lakep$IceFU <- round(58.0924  + 7.2925*lakep$Depth_Mn^(0.5)+ 0.8303*lakep$J_Aut0 + 0.9435*lakep$T_Aut0,digits=1)
  lakep$Icefree <- lakep$IceFU - lakep$IceBU
  lakep$Icecover <- 365 - lakep$Icefree
  lakep$Icethick <- round(exp(-3.968 + 0.801*log(lakep$Icecover) + 1.103*log(lakep$Latitude) + 0.224/2),digits=2)
  # Checks for odd ice in/out results
  Nsites <- nrow(lakep)
  for (i in 1:Nsites) {
    if (is.na(lakep$J_Spr0[i]) || is.na(lakep$J_Aut0[i]) || lakep$J_Aut0[i] <= lakep$J_Spr0[i] || (lakep$J_Aut0[i]-365) >= lakep$J_Spr0[i]) {
      lakep$IceBU[i] <- NA
      lakep$IceFU[i] <- NA
      lakep$Icefree[i] <- 365
      lakep$Icecover[i] <- 0
      lakep$Icethick[i] <- NA
  output = list(
    tmp_ClimMetrics = sited,
    tmp_IceClimMetrics = siteo,
    Model_Inputs = lakep
  write.csv(sited, file = sited_output_file, row.names = FALSE)
  write.csv(siteo, file = siteo_output_file, row.names = FALSE)
  write.csv(lakep, file = lakep_output_file, row.names = FALSE)
  # STM Parameter Calculations
  STM <- lakep
  STM$Area_km <- as.numeric(STM$Area_km)
  STM$Secchi  <- as.numeric(STM$Secchi)
  # Fix for missing DOC if Secchi present
  STM$DOC <- ifelse(is.na(STM$DOC),2.0409+18.7373/STM$Secchi-8.2407/STM$Secchi^2-0.3009*log(STM$Depth_Mn),STM$DOC)
  # check log10 in next 2 lines
  STM$TX <- round(4.81017 -0.51763*log10(STM$Area_km)^2 +2.4337*log10(STM$Elevation) +0.25207*STM$Tann +0.55343*STM$Tjul +0.14833*STM$Taug, digits = 2)
  STM$TN <- round(11.9389 +1.07915*log10(STM$Area_km) +2.0226*log10(STM$Depth_Mn) -4.68475*log10(STM$Depth_Max) -0.20951*STM$Secchi +0.09426*STM$Tmar, digits=2)
  # Changed JS equation, Tann coefficient sign to negative
  for (i in 1:nrow(STM)) {
    if (STM$Area_ha[i] > 800) {
      STM$JS[i] <- round(160 - 5.14*STM$Tann[i] +5.74*log(STM$Area_km[i]/STM$Depth_Mn[i]) - 27, digits = 1) 
    } else {
      STM$JS[i] <- round((160 - 5.14*STM$Tann[i] +5.74*log(STM$Area_km[i]/STM$Depth_Mn[i]))/2 +(91.24 -5.87*STM$Tmay[i] -3.35*STM$DOC[i] +STM$Area_km[i] +STM$IceBU[i])/2 - 27, digits = 1) 
  STM$JM <- round(153.592 -0.93198*STM$Longitude +3.27394*STM$Tmay -4.86477*STM$Tjul +2.83079*STM$Tsep, digits = 1) 
  # check log10 in next line
  STM$JE <- round(219.445 +21.221*log10(STM$Elevation) +24.5924*log10(STM$Depth_Mn) +2.43965*STM$Secchi +2.28842*STM$Taug -3.97789*STM$Tjja +5.90576*STM$Tson, digits = 1) 
  # Old ZTH Equation
  #STM$ZTH <- round(-16.6934 +0.91478*STM$Latitude +0.25176*STM$Longitude +1.82375*log10(STM$Area_km) +2.90136*log10(STM$Depth_Mn)^2 -1.36735*log10(STM$Depth_Max)^2 +0.32706*STM$Secchi, digits = 2) 
  # New ZTH Equation
  STM$ZTH <- round(exp(1.68062 +0.22536*log(STM$Area_km) -0.11761*log(STM$Shoreline) +0.04326*STM$Tjja +0.01575*STM$Latitude +0.02193*STM$Secchi -0.01663*STM$JM +0.00005158*STM$JM^2 +0.24518^2/2) , digits = 2)
  #STM$ZM <- round(23.3876 +0.45338*STM$Latitude +2.29279*log10(STM$Area_km) -7.2525*log10(STM$elev) +6.66815*log10(STM$Depth_Mn) -2.32222*log10(STM$Depth_Max)^2 +0.53844*STM$Secchi -1.1782*STM$Tjul, digits = 2) 
  # Use ZJ=0 form of STM model whereby ZM is a constant equal to ZTH
  STM$ZJ <- 0
  STM$SP <- round(-15.7148 +0.30155*STM$Latitude +0.13118*STM$Longitude -0.15883*STM$Tjun +0.50025*STM$Tjul +(0.33227/31)*STM$Paug +0.04379*STM$JM, digits = 2)
  for (i in 1:nrow(STM)) 
    if (is.na(STM$JS[i]) || is.na(STM$JE[i])) 
    {STM$DataGood[i] <- FALSE} 
    {if (STM$JM[i] > STM$JS[i] && STM$JE[i] > STM$JM[i]) 
    {STM$DataGood[i] <- TRUE} 
      else {STM$DataGood[i] <- FALSE}  
  STM <- STM[, c("FMZ","Group","Wby_Lid","Lake_Name","Latitude","Longitude","Elevation","Area_ha","Shoreline","Depth_Max","Depth_Mn","Secchi","DOC","Period","TX","TN","JS","JM","JE","ZTH","ZM","ZJ","SP","IceBU","IceFU","Icefree","DataGood")]
  STM$LakeNumber <- NA
  STM$Stratified <- NA
  # Calculating LakeNumber for lakes at JM
  for (i in 1:nrow(STM)) 
    Lake_ID <- STM$Wby_Lid[i]
    Year <- STM$Year[i]
    Lake_Name <- STM$Lake_Name[i]
    Zmn <- STM$Depth_Mn[i]
    Zmx <- STM$Depth_Max[i]
    A0m2 <- STM$Area_ha[i]*10^4
    TX <- STM$TX[i]
    TN <- STM$TN[i]
    JS <- STM$JS[i]
    JM <- STM$JM[i]
    JE <- STM$JE[i]
    ZM <- STM$ZM[i]
    ZJ <- STM$ZJ[i]
    SP <- STM$SP[i]
    jday <- round(JM,0)
    LkNum <- NA
    if (STM$DataGood[i] == TRUE) 
      if (Zmx > ZM) 
        # Generate Bathymetric curve from A0 Zmx Zmn
        Zint <- 1;# Depth interval for hypsometric curve is 1 metre
        NZ <- round(Zmx/Zint,digits=0)
        if ( Zmx > (NZ*Zint)) {NZ <- NZ+1}
        bthD <- c(Zint*0:NZ)
        NZL <- NZ+1
        bthD[NZL] <- Zmx
        bthA <- c(0:NZ)
        for (IZ in 1:NZL) {bthA[IZ] <- round(FindArea(A0m2,Zmn,Zmx,bthD[IZ]),digits=1)}
        # Generate Temperature by depth from STM parameters
        TempD <- NULL
        for (k in 1:length(bthD)) {TempD[k] <- stm(TX,TN,JS,JM,JE,ZM,ZJ,SP,jday,bthD[k])}
        # Calculate stability indicators
        ss <- schmidt.stability(TempD,bthD,bthA,bthD, sal=TempD*0)
        #lakecond$stability[j] <- ss
        Zth <- thermo.depth(TempD,bthD,Smin=0.1,seasonal=FALSE)
        LkNum <- -99.0
        #    md <- meta.depths(TempD,bthD,slope=0.1,seasonal=FALSE,unstrat.val=-99.99)
        md <- meta.depths(TempD,bthD,slope=0.1,seasonal=FALSE)
        if (md[1] > 0.0 ) 
          hd <- layer.density (md[2],Zmx,TempD,bthD,bthA,bthD,sal=TempD*0)
          ed <- layer.density (0,md[1],TempD,bthD,bthA,bthD,sal=TempD*0)
          WS <- 15;                # Wind speed km/hr, wind height 10 m std
          wms <- WS*1000/(60*60);  # wind speed m/sec
          us <- uStar(wms,10,ed);  # water friction
          # call to function lake.number (from Library = rLakeAnalyzer)
          LkNum <- lake.number(bthA,bthD,us,ss,md[1],md[2],hd)
      LkNum <- ifelse(is.nan(LkNum),NA,LkNum)
      STM$LakeNumber[i] <- ifelse(is.na(LkNum),NA,round(LkNum,3))
      STM$Stratified[i] <- ifelse(is.na(LkNum),FALSE,ifelse(LkNum < 1,FALSE,TRUE))
      # End if DataGood
    # End of lake loop
  STM$Stratified <- ifelse(is.na(STM$LakeNumber),FALSE,ifelse(STM$LakeNumber < 1,FALSE,TRUE))
  # Set defaults for processing by ThermoPic program
  # Do_Space - calculate Thermal habitat space (volume and area)
  # Do_ThermoPic - Create a ThermoPic plot
  STM$Do_Space <- ifelse(STM$DataGood,TRUE,FALSE)
  STM$Do_ThermoPic <- ifelse(STM$DataGood,TRUE,FALSE)
  # OUTPUT 4_STM_Parameters.csv
  output$STM_Parameters = STM
  write.csv(STM, file = STM_output_file, row.names = FALSE)
    class = 'thermopic_model'
stevencarlislewalker/thermopic documentation built on March 10, 2020, 8:31 p.m.