Man pages for steveped/chipExtra
Additional functions for working with ChIP-Seq data

addDiffStatus-methodsAdd a status column
as_tibbleConvert to a tibble
bestOverlap-methodsFind the best overlap between GRanges
centrePeaks-methodsRe-estimate peak centres from coverage
chopMCKeep unique ranges and collapse mcols
collapseGenesCollapse a vector of gene names
colToRanges-methodsCoerce a column to a GRanges object
cytobandsCytogenetic bands
defineRegionsDefine Genomic Regions Based on Gene Annotations
defineSeqinfoUse package data to define a Seqinfo object
distinctMCKeep distinct ranges and mcols
dot-makeFinalProfileHeatmapMake a profile heatmap
dot-mapFeaturesMap ranges to genes using features as an anchor
dot-mapGiMap ranges to genes via Interactions
dot-mapWithinMap ranges to all genes within a set distance
dualFilterApply two filters to sliding windows
ex_datasetsDatasets for an example region
extraChIPs-packageextraChIPs: A package for enabling and extending ChIP-Seq...
fitAssayDiff-methodsDetect Differential ChIP Signal
fixed_width_datasetsDatasets for the Fixed-Width Vignette
getProfileData-methodsGet Profile Data surrounding specified ranges
grlToSE-methodsSet columns from a GRangesList as Assays in a...
importPeaksImport peaks
makeConsensusMake a set of consensus peaks
mapByFeatureMap Genomic Ranges to genes using defined features
mapGrlColsCollapse a GRangesList adding multiple columns from each...
mergeByCol-methodsMerge sliding windows using a specified column
mergeByHMP-methodsMerge Sliding Windows using the Harmonic Mean P
mergeBySig-methodsMerge overlapping ranges based on p-values
partitionRanges-methodsPartition a set of Genomic Ranges
plotAssayDensities-methodsPlot Densities for any assay within a SummarizedExperiment
plotAssayHeatmap-methodsDraw a heatmap from a single SummarizedExperiment assay
plotAssayPCA-methodsPlot PCA For any assay within a SummarizedExperiment
plotAssayRle-methodsPlot RLE for a given assay within a SummarizedExperiment
plotGrlColDraw a plot from a GRangesList column
plotHFGCPlot a Genomic Region showing HiC, Features, Genes and...
plotOverlaps-methodsPlot Overlaps Between List Elements
plotPairwisePlot Pairwise Values from a GRangeList
plotPie-methodsDraw Pie Graphs based on one or more columns
plotProfileHeatmap-methodsDraw a coverage Profile Heatmap
plotSplitDonut-methodsDraw Two-Level Donut Charts
propOverlap-methodsFind the proportions of an overlapping range
reduceMCReduce ranges retaining mcols
setoptsMC-methodsPerform set operations retaining mcols
stitchRangesStitch Ranges within a given distance
voomWeightsFromCPMEstimate voom precision weights directly From CPM values
steveped/chipExtra documentation built on Aug. 1, 2024, 12:33 a.m.