#' @title Clip a mesh
#' @description Clip a mesh to the volume bounded by another mesh.
#' @param mesh a mesh given either as a list containing (at least) the fields
#' \code{vertices} and \code{faces}, otherwise a \strong{rgl} mesh
#' (i.e. a \code{mesh3d} object)
#' @param clipper a mesh given either as a list containing (at least) the fields
#' \code{vertices} and \code{faces}, otherwise a \strong{rgl} mesh
#' (i.e. a \code{mesh3d} object)
#' @param clipVolume Boolean, whether the clipping has to be done on the volume
#' bounded by \code{mesh} rather than on its surface (i.e. \code{mesh} will be
#' kept closed if it is closed)
#' @param normals Boolean, whether to compute the vertex normals of the
#' output mesh
#' @return A triangle mesh represented as the output of the
#' \code{\link{Mesh}} function.
#' @export
#' @note If \code{clipVolume=TRUE}, the mesh to be clipped (\code{mesh})
#' must be without self-intersection.
#' @examples
#' # cube clipped to sphere
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- cube3d()
#' clipper <- sphereMesh(r= sqrt(2))
#' clippedMesh <- clipMesh(mesh, clipper)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' view3d(zoom = 0.9)
#' shade3d(toRGL(clippedMesh), color = "purple")
#' # Barth sextic ####
#' \donttest{library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' library(rmarchingcubes)
#' # isosurface function
#' gold <- (1+sqrt(5))/2
#' f <- function(x,y,z){
#' x2 <- x*x; y2 <- y*y; z2 <- z*z
#' 4*(gold^2*x2-y2)*(gold^2*y2-z2)*(gold^2*z2-x2) -
#' (1+2*gold)*(x2+y2+z2-1)^2
#' }
#' # grid
#' n <- 200L
#' x <- y <- z <- seq(-sqrt(3), sqrt(3), length.out = n)
#' g <- expand.grid(X = x, Y = y, Z = z)
#' # calculate voxel
#' voxel <- array(with(g, f(X, Y, Z)), dim = c(n, n, n))
#' # calculate isosurface
#' contour_shape <- contour3d(
#' griddata = voxel, level = 0, x = x, y = y, z = z
#' )
#' # make rgl mesh (plotted later)
#' mesh <- tmesh3d(
#' vertices = t(contour_shape[["vertices"]]),
#' indices = t(contour_shape[["triangles"]]),
#' normals = contour_shape[["normals"]],
#' homogeneous = FALSE
#' )
#' # clip to sphere of radius sqrt(3)
#' clipper <- sphereMesh(r = sqrt(3))
#' clippedMesh <- clipMesh(mesh, clipper, clipVolume = FALSE, normals = TRUE)
#' # plot
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 950, 500))
#' mfrow3d(1, 2)
#' view3d(zoom = 0.8)
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "darkred")
#' next3d()
#' view3d(zoom = 0.8)
#' shade3d(toRGL(clippedMesh), color = "darkred")}
clipMesh <- function(mesh, clipper, clipVolume = TRUE, normals = FALSE){
if(inherits(mesh, "mesh3d")){
vft <- getVFT(mesh, beforeCheck = TRUE)
mesh <- vft[["rmesh"]]
vertices <- mesh[["vertices"]]
faces <- mesh[["faces"]]
checkedMesh <- checkMesh(vertices, faces, gmp = FALSE, aslist = TRUE)
vertices <- checkedMesh[["vertices"]]
faces <- checkedMesh[["faces"]]
isTriangle <- checkedMesh[["isTriangle"]]
rmesh <- list("vertices" = vertices, "faces" = faces)
triangulate1 <- !isTriangle
if(inherits(clipper, "mesh3d")){
vft <- getVFT(clipper, beforeCheck = TRUE)
clipper <- vft[["rmesh"]]
vertices <- clipper[["vertices"]]
faces <- clipper[["faces"]]
checkedMesh <- checkMesh(vertices, faces, gmp = FALSE, aslist = TRUE)
vertices <- checkedMesh[["vertices"]]
faces <- checkedMesh[["faces"]]
isTriangle <- checkedMesh[["isTriangle"]]
rclipper <- list("vertices" = vertices, "faces" = faces)
triangulate2 <- !isTriangle
mesh <- clipMeshEK(
rmesh, rclipper, clipVolume, triangulate1, triangulate2, normals
# if(clipVolume){
# mesh <- clip[["clipper"]]
# mesh[["vertices"]] <- t(mesh[["vertices"]])
# mesh[["faces"]] <- t(mesh[["faces"]])
# edges <- unname(t(mesh[["edges"]]))
# exteriorEdges <- edges[edges[, 3L] == 1L, c(1L, 2L)]
# mesh[["exteriorEdges"]] <- exteriorEdges
# mesh[["exteriorVertices"]] <- which(table(exteriorEdges) != 2L)
# mesh[["edges"]] <- edges[, c(1L, 2L)]
# if(normals){
# mesh[["normals"]] <- t(mesh[["normals"]])
# }
# attr(mesh, "toRGL") <- 3L
# class(mesh) <- "cgalMesh"
# clipper <- mesh
# mesh <- clip[["mesh"]]
# }else{
# mesh <- clip
# }
mesh[["vertices"]] <- t(mesh[["vertices"]])
mesh[["faces"]] <- t(mesh[["faces"]])
edgesDF <- mesh[["edges"]]
mesh[["edgesDF"]] <- edgesDF
mesh[["edges"]] <- as.matrix(edgesDF[, c("i1", "i2")])
exteriorEdges <- as.matrix(subset(edgesDF, exterior)[, c("i1", "i2")])
mesh[["exteriorEdges"]] <- exteriorEdges
mesh[["exteriorVertices"]] <- which(table(exteriorEdges) != 2L)
mesh[["normals"]] <- t(mesh[["normals"]])
attr(mesh, "toRGL") <- 3L
class(mesh) <- "cgalMesh"
# if(clipVolume){
# list("mesh" = mesh, "clipper" = clipper)
# }else{
# mesh
# }
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