
Defines functions plotEdges toRGL Mesh checkMesh print.cgalMesh

Documented in Mesh plotEdges toRGL

#' @exportS3Method print cgalMesh
print.cgalMesh <- function(x, ...){
	rgl <- attr(x, "toRGL")
	nv <- nrow(x[["vertices"]])
	nf <- if(is.list(x[["faces"]])) length(x[["faces"]]) else nrow(x[["faces"]])
	msg <- sprintf("Mesh with %d vertices and %d faces.\n", nv, nf)
	elr <- formatC(range(x[["edgesDF"]][["length"]]))
	msg <- sprintf("The edge lengths vary from %s to %s.\n", elr[1L], elr[2L])
	is <- if(rgl == 3L) " is " else " is not "
	msg <- paste0("This mesh", is, "triangle.\n")
	can <- if(isFALSE(rgl)) " cannot " else " can "
	msg <- paste0(
			"This mesh", can, "be converted to a 'rgl' mesh (see `?toRGL`).\n"
	normals <- !is.null(x[["normals"]])
	has <- if(normals) " has " else " does not have "
	msg <- paste0("This mesh", has, "vertex normals.\n")

#' @importFrom gmp is.bigq is.matrixZQ
#' @importFrom data.table uniqueN
#' @noRd
checkMesh <- function(vertices, faces, gmp, aslist){
		if(!is.matrixZQ(vertices) || ncol(vertices) != 3L){
			stop("The `vertices` argument must be a matrix with three columns.")
		vertices <- as.character(vertices)
		if(!is.matrix(vertices) || ncol(vertices) != 3L){
			stop("The `vertices` argument must be a matrix with three columns.")
		storage.mode(vertices) <- "double"
		stop("Found missing values in `vertices`.")
	homogeneousFaces <- FALSE
	isTriangle       <- FALSE
	toRGL            <- FALSE
		if(ncol(faces) < 3L){
			stop("Faces must be given by at least three indices.")
		storage.mode(faces) <- "integer"
			stop("Found missing values in `faces`.")
		if(any(faces < 1L)){
			stop("Faces cannot contain indices lower than 1.")
		if(any(faces > nrow(vertices))){
			stop("Faces cannot contain indices higher than the number of vertices.")
		homogeneousFaces <- ncol(faces)
		if(homogeneousFaces %in% c(3L, 4L)){
			isTriangle <- homogeneousFaces == 3L
			toRGL <- homogeneousFaces
			faces <- lapply(1L:nrow(faces), function(i) faces[i, ] - 1L)
			faces <- t(faces - 1L)
	}else if(is.list(faces)){
		check <- all(vapply(faces, isAtomicVector, logical(1L)))
			stop("The `faces` argument must be a list of integer vectors.")
		check <- any(vapply(faces, anyNA, logical(1L)))
			stop("Found missing values in `faces`.")
		faces <- lapply(faces, function(x) as.integer(x) - 1L)
		sizes <- lengths(faces)
		if(any(sizes < 3L)){
			stop("Faces must be given by at least three indices.")
		check <- any(vapply(faces, function(f){
							any(f < 0L) || any(f >= nrow(vertices))
						}, logical(1L)))
					"Faces cannot contain indices lower than 1 or higher than the ",
					"number of vertices."
		usizes <- uniqueN(sizes)
		if(usizes == 1L){
			homogeneousFaces <- sizes[1L]
			isTriangle <- homogeneousFaces == 3L
			if(homogeneousFaces %in% c(3L, 4L)){
				toRGL <- homogeneousFaces
		}else if(usizes == 2L && all(sizes %in% c(3L, 4L))){
			toRGL <- 34L
		stop("The `faces` argument must be a list or a matrix.")
			vertices = t(vertices),
			faces = faces,
			homogeneousFaces = homogeneousFaces,
			isTriangle = isTriangle,
			toRGL = toRGL

#' @title Make a 3D mesh
#' @description Make a 3D mesh from given vertices and faces; the returned
#'   faces are coherently oriented, normals are computed if desired, and
#'   triangulation is performed if desired.
#' @param vertices a numeric matrix with three columns, or a \code{bigq}
#'   matrix with three columns if \code{numbersType="gmp"}
#' @param faces either an integer matrix (each row provides the vertex indices
#'   of the corresponding face) or a list of integer vectors, each one
#'   providing the vertex indices of the corresponding face
#' @param mesh if not \code{NULL}, this argument takes precedence over \code{vertices}
#'   and \code{faces}, and must be either a list containing the fields \code{vertices}
#'   and \code{faces} (objects as described above), otherwise a \strong{rgl} mesh
#'   (i.e. a \code{mesh3d} object)
#' @param triangulate Boolean, whether to triangulate the faces; if \code{TRUE},
#'   it is highly recommended to use an exact type of numbers, i.e. 
#'   \code{numbersType="lazyExact"} or \code{numbersType="gmp"}
#' @param clean Boolean, whether to clean the mesh (merging duplicated
#'   vertices, duplicated faces, removed isolated vertices)
#' @param normals Boolean, whether to compute the normals
#' @param numbersType the type of the numbers used in C++ for the
#'   computations; must be one of \code{"double"}, \code{"lazyExact"}
#'   (a type provided by CGAL for exact computations), or \code{"gmp"}
#'   (exact computations with rational numbers); using exact computations can
#'   improve the detection of the exterior edges
#' @return A list giving the vertices, the edges, the faces of the mesh, the
#'   exterior edges, the exterior vertices and optionally the normals. This
#'   list has two additional components \code{edges0} and \code{normals0} if
#'   \code{triangulate=TRUE}, giving the edges and the normals before the
#'   triangulation, unless the mesh is already triangulated, in which case
#'   the \code{triangulate} option is ignored.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gmp as.bigq asNumeric
#' @examples
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' # a tetrahedron with ill-oriented faces ####
#' vertices <- rbind(
#'   c(-1, -1, -1),
#'   c(1, 1, -1),
#'   c(1, -1, 1),
#'   c(-1, 1, 1)
#' )
#' faces <- rbind(
#'   c(1, 2, 3),
#'   c(3, 4, 2),
#'   c(4, 2, 1),
#'   c(4, 3, 1)
#' )
#' # plot the tetrahedron, hiding the back of the faces
#' # then some faces do not appear, as their orientation is not correct
#' tmesh1 <- tmesh3d(
#'   vertices = t(vertices),
#'   indices = t(faces),
#'   homogeneous = FALSE
#' )
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' shade3d(tmesh1, color = "green", back = "cull")
#' # now run the `Mesh` function
#' mesh2 <- Mesh(vertices, faces, normals = FALSE)
#' # plot the tetrahedron, hiding the back of the faces
#' # then all faces appear now
#' tmesh2 <- toRGL(mesh2)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' shade3d(tmesh2, color = "blue", back = "cull")
#' # illustration of the `clean` option ####
#' # we construct a mesh with a lot of duplicated vertices
#' library(misc3d) # to compute a mesh of an isosurface
#' a <- 0.94; mu <- 0.56; c <- 0.34 # cyclide parameters
#' f <- function(x, y, z, a, c, mu){ # implicit equation of the cyclide
#'   b <- sqrt(a^2 - c^2)
#'   (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - mu^2 + b^2)^2 - 4*(a*x - c*mu)^2 - 4*b^2*y^2
#' }
#' x <- seq(-c - mu - a, abs(mu - c) + a, length.out = 45)
#' y <- seq(-mu - a, mu + a, length.out = 45)
#' z <- seq(-mu - c, mu + c, length.out = 30)
#' g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y, z = z)
#' voxel <- array(with(g, f(x, y, z, a, c, mu)), c(45, 45, 30))
#' cont <- computeContour3d(voxel, level = 0, x = x, y = y, z = z)
#' ids <- matrix(1:nrow(cont), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' # run the `Mesh` function with `clean=TRUE`
#' mesh <- Mesh(cont, ids, clean = TRUE, normals = TRUE)
#' # plot the cyclide
#' tmesh <- toRGL(mesh)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.9)
#' shade3d(tmesh, color = "green")
#' # illustration of the `triangulate` option ####
#' # the faces of the truncated icosahedron are hexagonal or pentagonal:
#' truncatedIcosahedron[["faces"]]
#' # so we triangulate them:
#' mesh <- Mesh(
#'   mesh = truncatedIcosahedron,
#'   triangulate = TRUE, normals = FALSE,
#'   numbersType = "lazyExact"
#' )
#' # now we can plot the truncated icosahedron
#' tmesh <- toRGL(mesh)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.9)
#' shade3d(tmesh, color = "orange")
Mesh <- function(
		vertices, faces, mesh = NULL, triangulate = FALSE, clean = FALSE,
		normals = FALSE, numbersType = "double"
	numbersType <- match.arg(numbersType, c("double", "lazyExact", "gmp"))
	gmp <- numbersType == "gmp"
		if(inherits(mesh, "mesh3d")){
			vft  <- getVFT(mesh, beforeCheck = TRUE)
			mesh <- vft[["rmesh"]]
		vertices <- mesh[["vertices"]]
		faces    <- mesh[["faces"]]
	checkedMesh <- checkMesh(vertices, faces, gmp = gmp, aslist = TRUE)
	vertices         <- checkedMesh[["vertices"]]
	faces            <- checkedMesh[["faces"]]
	homogeneousFaces <- checkedMesh[["homogeneousFaces"]]
	isTriangle       <- checkedMesh[["isTriangle"]]
	rmesh <- list("vertices" = vertices, "faces" = faces)
	if(numbersType == "double"){
		mesh <- SurfMesh(
				rmesh, isTriangle, triangulate, clean, normals
	}else if(numbersType == "lazyExact"){
		mesh <- SurfEMesh(
				rmesh, isTriangle, triangulate, clean, normals
		mesh <- SurfQMesh(
				rmesh, isTriangle, triangulate, clean, normals
	if(triangulate && isTriangle){
				"Ignored option `triangulate`, since the mesh is already triangulated."
		triangulate <- FALSE
	# mesh <- if(normals){
	#   SurfMeshWithNormals(t(vertices), faces, merge)
	# }else{
	#   if(triangulate){
	#     SurfTMesh(t(vertices), faces, merge)
	#   }else{
	#     SurfMesh(t(vertices), faces, merge)
	#   }
	# }
		vertices <- as.bigq(t(mesh[["vertices"]]))
		mesh[["gmpVertices"]] <- vertices
		vertices <- asNumeric(vertices)
		vertices <- t(mesh[["vertices"]])
	mesh[["vertices"]] <- vertices
	# edges <- unname(t(mesh[["edges"]]))
	# elr <- attr(edges, "edgeLengthsRange")
	# angles <- attr(edges, "angle")
	# edgesDF <- data.frame(
	#   i1    = edges[, 1L],
	#   i2    = edges[, 2L],
	#   angle = angles
	# )
	edgesDF <- mesh[["edges"]]
	mesh[["edgesDF"]] <- edgesDF
	mesh[["edges"]] <- as.matrix(edgesDF[, c("i1", "i2")])
	exteriorEdges <- as.matrix(subset(edgesDF, exterior)[, c("i1", "i2")])
	mesh[["exteriorEdges"]] <- exteriorEdges
	mesh[["exteriorVertices"]] <- which(table(exteriorEdges) != 2L)
		mesh[["normals"]] <- t(mesh[["normals"]])
	  edges0DF <- mesh[["edges0"]]
	  mesh[["edges0DF"]] <- edges0DF
	  mesh[["edges0"]] <- as.matrix(edges0DF[, c("i1", "i2")])
			mesh[["normals0"]] <- t(mesh[["normals0"]])
	if(triangulate || homogeneousFaces){
		mesh[["faces"]] <- do.call(rbind, mesh[["faces"]])
	attr(mesh, "toRGL") <- ifelse(triangulate, 3L, checkedMesh[["toRGL"]])
	class(mesh) <- "cgalMesh"

#' @title Conversion to 'rgl' mesh
#' @description Converts a CGAL mesh (e.g. an output of the \code{\link{Mesh}}
#'   function) to a \strong{rgl} mesh.
#' @param mesh a CGAL mesh, that is to say a list of class \code{"cgalMesh"}
#'   (e.g. an output of the \code{\link{Mesh}} function); in order to be
#'   convertible to a \strong{rgl} mesh, its faces must have at most four sides
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[rgl]{mesh3d}}
#' @return A \strong{rgl} mesh, that is to say a list of class \code{"mesh3d"}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl mesh3d
#' @examples
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- Mesh(
#'   truncatedIcosahedron[["vertices"]], truncatedIcosahedron[["faces"]],
#'   triangulate = TRUE, numbersType = "lazyExact"
#' )
#' rglmesh <- toRGL(mesh, segments = t(mesh[["edges"]]))
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.9)
#' shade3d(rglmesh, color = "darkred")
toRGL <- function(mesh, ...){
	if(!inherits(mesh, "cgalMesh")){
				"The `mesh` argument must be of class 'cgalMesh'",
				" (e.g. an output of the `Mesh` function)."
	rgl <- attr(mesh, "toRGL")
				"Impossible to convert this mesh to a 'rgl' mesh ",
				"(the faces must have at most four sides)."
	if(rgl == 3L){
				x         = mesh[["vertices"]],
				normals   = mesh[["normals"]],
				triangles = t(mesh[["faces"]]),
	}else if(rgl == 4L){
				x       = mesh[["vertices"]],
				normals = mesh[["normals"]],
				quads   = t(mesh[["faces"]]),
		faces <- split(mesh[["faces"]], lengths(mesh[["faces"]]))
				x         = mesh[["vertices"]],
				normals   = mesh[["normals"]],
				triangles = do.call(cbind, faces[["3"]]),
				quads     = do.call(cbind, faces[["4"]]),

#' @title Plot some edges
#' @description Plot the given edges with \strong{rgl}.
#' @param vertices a three-columns matrix giving the coordinates of the vertices
#' @param edges a two-columns integer matrix giving the edges by pairs of
#'   vertex indices
#' @param color a color for the edges
#' @param lwd line width, a positive number, ignored if \code{edgesAsTubes=TRUE}
#' @param edgesAsTubes Boolean, whether to draw the edges as tubes
#' @param tubesRadius the radius of the tubes when \code{edgesAsTubes=TRUE}
#' @param verticesAsSpheres Boolean, whether to draw the vertices as spheres
#' @param only integer vector made of the indices of the vertices you want
#'   to plot (as spheres), or \code{NULL} to plot all vertices
#' @param spheresRadius the radius of the spheres when
#'   \code{verticesAsSpheres=TRUE}
#' @param spheresColor the color of the spheres when
#'   \code{verticesAsSpheres=TRUE}
#' @return No value.
#' @importFrom rgl cylinder3d shade3d lines3d spheres3d
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- Mesh(
#'   mesh = truncatedIcosahedron,
#'   triangulate = TRUE, normals = FALSE,
#'   numbersType = "lazyExact"
#' )
#' # now we can plot the truncated icosahedron
#' tmesh <- toRGL(mesh)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562), zoom = 0.9)
#' shade3d(tmesh, color = "gold")
#' plotEdges(mesh[["vertices"]], mesh[["edges0"]], color = "navy")}
plotEdges <- function(
		color = "black",
		lwd = 2,
		edgesAsTubes = TRUE,
		tubesRadius = 0.03,
		verticesAsSpheres = TRUE,
		only = NULL,
		spheresRadius = 0.05,
		spheresColor = color
	for(i in 1L:nrow(edges)){
		edge <- edges[i, ]
			tube <- cylinder3d(
					vertices[edge, ], radius = tubesRadius, sides = 90
			shade3d(tube, color = color)
			lines3d(vertices[edge, ], color = color, lwd = lwd)
			vertices <- vertices[only, ]
		spheres3d(vertices, radius = spheresRadius, color = spheresColor)
stla/MeshesOperations documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 8:23 a.m.