#' @title Torus mesh
#' @description Triangle mesh of a torus.
#' @param R,r major and minor radii, positive numbers
#' @param nu,nv numbers of subdivisions, integers (at least 3)
#' @param rgl Boolean, whether to return a \strong{rgl} mesh
#' @return A triangle \strong{rgl} mesh (class \code{mesh3d}) if
#' \code{rgl=TRUE}, otherwise a \code{cgalMesh} list (vertices, faces,
#' and normals).
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl tmesh3d
#' @examples
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- torusMesh(R = 3, r = 1)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' view3d(0, 0, zoom = 0.75)
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "green")
#' wire3d(mesh)
torusMesh <- function(R, r, nu = 50, nv = 30, rgl = TRUE){
stopifnot(isPositiveNumber(R), isPositiveNumber(r))
stopifnot(R > r)
stopifnot(nu >= 3, nv >= 3)
nu <- as.integer(nu)
nv <- as.integer(nv)
nunv <- nu*nv
vs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nunv)
normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nu*nv, ncol = 3L)
tris1 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nunv)
tris2 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nunv)
u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu + 1L)[-1L]
cosu_ <- cos(u_)
sinu_ <- sin(u_)
v_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nv + 1L)[-1L]
cosv_ <- cos(v_)
sinv_ <- sin(v_)
Rrcosv_ <- R + r*cosv_
rsinv_ <- r*sinv_
jp1_ <- c(2L:nv, 1L)
j_ <- 1L:nv
for(i in 1L:(nu-1L)){
i_nv <- i*nv
rg <- (i_nv - nv + 1L):i_nv
cosu_i <- cosu_[i]
sinu_i <- sinu_[i]
vs[, rg] <- rbind(
cosu_i * Rrcosv_,
sinu_i * Rrcosv_,
normals[rg, ] <- cbind(
cosu_i * cosv_,
sinu_i * cosv_,
k1 <- i_nv - nv
k_ <- k1 + j_
l_ <- k1 + jp1_
m_ <- i_nv + j_
tris1[, k_] <- rbind(m_, l_, k_)
tris2[, k_] <- rbind(m_, i_nv + jp1_, l_)
i_nv <- nunv
rg <- (i_nv - nv + 1L):i_nv
vs[, rg] <- rbind(
normals[rg, ] <- cbind(
k1 <- i_nv - nv
l_ <- k1 + jp1_
k_ <- k1 + j_
tris1[, k_] <- rbind(j_, l_, k_)
tris2[, k_] <- rbind(j_, jp1_, l_)
tmesh <- tmesh3d(
vertices = vs,
indices = cbind(tris1, tris2),
normals = normals,
homogeneous = FALSE
out <- Mesh(mesh = tmesh)
out[["normals"]] <- normals
#' @title Cyclide mesh
#' @description Triangle mesh of a Dupin cyclide.
#' @param a,c,mu cyclide parameters, positive numbers such that
#' \code{c < mu < a}
#' @param nu,nv numbers of subdivisions, integers (at least 3)
#' @param rgl Boolean, whether to return a \strong{rgl} mesh
#' @return A triangle \strong{rgl} mesh (class \code{mesh3d}) if
#' \code{rgl=TRUE}, otherwise a \code{cgalMesh} list (vertices, faces,
#' and normals).
#' @details The Dupin cyclide in the plane \emph{z=0}:
#' \if{html}{
#' \figure{cyclide.png}{options: style="max-width:75\%;" alt="cyclide"}
#' }
#' \if{latex}{
#' \out{\begin{center}}\figure{cyclide.png}\out{\end{center}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl tmesh3d
#' @examples
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- cyclideMesh(a = 97, c = 32, mu = 57)
#' sphere <- sphereMesh(x = 32, y = 0, z = 0, r = 40)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' view3d(0, 0, zoom = 0.75)
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "chartreuse")
#' wire3d(mesh)
#' shade3d(sphere, color = "red")
#' wire3d(sphere)
cyclideMesh <- function(a, c, mu, nu = 90L, nv = 40L, rgl = TRUE){
stopifnot(c > 0, a > mu, mu > c)
stopifnot(nu >= 3, nv >= 3)
nu <- as.integer(nu)
nv <- as.integer(nv)
vertices <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv)
normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nu*nv, ncol = 3L)
b2 <- a * a - c * c;
bb <- sqrt(b2 * (mu * mu - c * c))
omega <- (a * mu + bb) / c
Omega0 <- c(omega, 0, 0)
inversion <- function(M) {
OmegaM <- M - Omega0
k <- c(crossprod(OmegaM))
OmegaM / k + Omega0
h <- (c * c) / ((a - c) * (mu - c) + bb)
r <- (h * (mu - c)) / ((a + c) * (mu - c) + bb)
R <- (h * (a - c)) / ((a - c) * (mu + c) + bb)
bb2 <- b2 * (mu * mu - c * c)
denb1 <- c * (a*c - mu*c + c*c - a*mu - bb)
b1 <- (a*mu*(c-mu)*(a+c) - bb2 + c*c + bb*(c*(a-mu+c) - 2*a*mu))/denb1
denb2 <- c * (a*c - mu*c - c*c + a*mu + bb)
b2 <- (a*mu*(c+mu)*(a-c) + bb2 - c*c + bb*(c*(a-mu-c) + 2*a*mu))/denb2
omegaT <- (b1 + b2)/2
# omegaT <- omega - (b2 * (omega - c)) /
# ((a - c) * (mu + omega) - b2) /
# ((a + c) * (omega - c) + b2)
OmegaT <- c(omegaT, 0, 0)
tormesh <- torusMesh(R, r, nu, nv, rgl = TRUE)
rtnormals <- r * tormesh[["normals"]][1L:3L, ]
xvertices <- tormesh[["vb"]][1L:3L, ] + OmegaT
for(i in 1L:nu){
k0 <- i * nv - nv
for(j in 1L:nv){
k <- k0 + j
rtnormal <- rtnormals[, k]
xvertex <- xvertices[, k]
vertex <- inversion(xvertex)
vertices[, k] <- vertex
foo <- vertex - inversion(rtnormal + xvertex)
normals[k, ] <- foo / sqrt(c(crossprod(foo)))
tmesh <- tmesh3d(
vertices = vertices,
indices = tormesh[["it"]],
normals = normals,
homogeneous = FALSE
out <- Mesh(mesh = tmesh)
out[["normals"]] <- normals
HopfTorusMeshHelper <- function(u, cos_v, sin_v, nlobes, A, alpha){
B <- pi/2 - (pi/2 - A)*cos(u*nlobes)
C <- u + A*sin(2*u*nlobes)
y1 <- 1 + cos(B)
y23 <- sin(B) * c(cos(C), sin(C))
y2 <- y23[1L]
y3 <- y23[2L]
x1 <- cos_v*y3 + sin_v*y2
x2 <- cos_v*y2 - sin_v*y3
x3 <- sin_v*y1
x4 <- cos_v*y1
yden <- sqrt(2*y1)
t(cbind(x1, x2, x3) / (yden-x4))
t(acos(x4/yden)/(yden^alpha-abs(x4)^alpha)^(1/alpha) * cbind(x1, x2, x3))
#' @title Hopf torus mesh
#' @description Triangle mesh of a Hopf torus.
#' @param nlobes number of lobes of the Hopf torus, a positive integr
#' @param A parameter of the Hopf torus, number strictly between
#' \code{0} and \code{pi/2}
#' @param alpha if not \code{NULL}, this is the exponent of a modified
#' stereographic projection, a positive number; otherwise the ordinary
#' stereographic projection is used
#' @param nu,nv numbers of subdivisions, integers (at least 3)
#' @param rgl Boolean, whether to return a \strong{rgl} mesh
#' @return A triangle \strong{rgl} mesh (class \code{mesh3d}) if
#' \code{rgl=TRUE}, otherwise a \code{cgalMesh} list (vertices, faces,
#' and normals).
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl tmesh3d
#' @importFrom Rvcg vcgUpdateNormals
#' @examples
#' library(MeshesOperations)
#' library(rgl)
#' mesh <- HopfTorusMesh(nu = 90, nv = 90)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' view3d(0, 0, zoom = 0.75)
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "forestgreen")
#' wire3d(mesh)
#' mesh <- HopfTorusMesh(nu = 90, nv = 90, alpha = 1.5)
#' open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
#' view3d(0, 0, zoom = 0.75)
#' shade3d(mesh, color = "yellowgreen")
#' wire3d(mesh)
HopfTorusMesh <- function(
nlobes = 3, A = 0.44, alpha = NULL, nu, nv, rgl = TRUE
stopifnot(A < pi/2)
stopifnot(is.null(alpha) || isPositiveNumber(alpha))
stopifnot(nu >= 3, nv >= 3)
nu <- as.integer(nu)
nv <- as.integer(nv)
vs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv)
tris1 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv)
tris2 <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv)
u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu + 1L)[-1L]
v_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nv + 1L)[-1L]
cos_v <- cos(v_)
sin_v <- sin(v_)
jp1_ <- c(2L:nv, 1L)
j_ <- 1L:nv
for(i in 1L:(nu-1L)){
i_nv <- i*nv
vs[, (i_nv - nv + 1L):i_nv] <-
HopfTorusMeshHelper(u_[i], cos_v, sin_v, nlobes, A, alpha)
k1 <- i_nv - nv
k_ <- k1 + j_
l_ <- k1 + jp1_
m_ <- i_nv + j_
tris1[, k_] <- rbind(k_, l_, m_)
tris2[, k_] <- rbind(l_, i_nv + jp1_, m_)
i_nv <- nu*nv
vs[, (i_nv - nv + 1L):i_nv] <-
HopfTorusMeshHelper(2*pi, cos_v, sin_v, nlobes, A, alpha)
k1 <- i_nv - nv
k_ <- k1 + j_
l_ <- k1 + jp1_
tris1[, k_] <- rbind(k_, l_, j_)
tris2[, k_] <- rbind(l_, jp1_, j_)
rglmesh <- vcgUpdateNormals(tmesh3d(
vertices = vs,
indices = cbind(tris1, tris2),
normals = NULL,
homogeneous = FALSE
), silent = TRUE)
out <- Mesh(mesh = rglmesh)
out[["normals"]] <- t(rglmesh[["normals"]][1L:3L, ])
#' @title Sphere mesh
#' @description Mesh of a sphere.
#' @param x,y,z coordinates of the center
#' @param r radius
#' @param iterations number of iterations
#' @return A \strong{rgl} mesh (class \code{mesh3d}).
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl translate3d scale3d
#' @importFrom Rvcg vcgSphere
sphereMesh <- function(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, r = 1, iterations = 3L){
scale3d(vcgSphere(iterations), r, r, r), x, y, z
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