
Defines functions .antsr_resting_state_corr_eigenanat

.antsr_resting_state_corr_eigenanat <- function(...) {
  # !/usr/bin/env Rscript
  Args <- c(...)
  if (length(Args) < 3) {
    fnm <- Args[4]
    fnm <- substring(fnm, 8, nchar(as.character(fnm)))
    print(paste("Usage - ants_resting_state_corr_eigenmat( subject_id , values_1.csv , values_2.csv , nuis.csv )  "))
    print(paste(" ... "))
    print(paste(" pairwise regression of data stored in a csv file  "))
    print(paste(" will compute a model of the form ::  "))
    print(paste(" lm( values_1.csv ~ 1 + values_2.csv + nuis.csv  "))
    print(paste(" and will return the value of the vector values2~values1 for every pair of v1,v2 values "))
    print(paste(" you can use this to do a voxelwise regression "))
  ARGIND <- 1
  id <- c(as.character(Args[ARGIND]))
  cvecs1 <- c(as.character(Args[ARGIND]))
  cvecs2 <- c(as.character(Args[ARGIND]))
  vecs1 <- as.matrix(read.csv(cvecs1))
  vecs2 <- as.matrix(read.csv(cvecs2))
  nvox1 <- dim(vecs1)[2]
  nts <- dim(vecs1)[1]
  nvox2 <- dim(vecs2)[2]
  print(paste("dim vecs1", dim(vecs1)))
  print(paste("dim vecs2", dim(vecs2)))
  nuis <- NA
  nuis2 <- NA
  statform <- formula(vals1 ~ 1 + vals2)
  if (length(Args) > 3) {
    nuiscsv <- c(as.character(Args[ARGIND]))
    ARGIND <- ARGIND + 1
    nuis <- read.csv(nuiscsv)
    statform <- formula(vals1 ~ 1 + vals2 + as.matrix(nuis))
  if (length(Args) > 4) {
    nuiscsv <- c(as.character(Args[ARGIND]))
    nuis2 <- read.csv(nuiscsv)
    statform <- formula(vals1 ~ 1 + vals2 + as.matrix(nuis) + as.matrix(nuis2))
  pvals <- matrix(rep(NA, nvox1 * nvox2), nrow = nvox1, ncol = nvox2)
  betav <- matrix(rep(NA, nvox1 * nvox2), nrow = nvox1, ncol = nvox2)
  print("start stats")
  if (!is.na(nuis) && is.na(nuis2)) {
    vecs1 <- residuals(lm(vecs1 ~ 1 + as.matrix(nuis)))
    vecs2 <- residuals(lm(vecs2 ~ 1 + as.matrix(nuis)))
  if (!is.na(nuis) && !is.na(nuis2)) {
    vecs1 <- residuals(lm(vecs1 ~ 1 + as.matrix(nuis) + as.matrix(nuis2)))
    vecs2 <- residuals(lm(vecs2 ~ 1 + as.matrix(nuis) + as.matrix(nuis2)))
  print("done factoring out nuisance vars")
  if (nvox2 == 1) {
    print("begin specialization for roi")
    mm <- summary(lm(vecs1 ~ vecs2))
    for (x in c(1:nvox1)) {
      betav[x] <- mm[[x]]$coeff[2, 3]
      pvals[x] <- mm[[x]]$coeff[2, 4]
    qv <- matrix(p.adjust(pvals), nrow = nvox1, ncol = nvox2)

  if (nvox2 > 1) {
    for (x in c(1:nvox1)) {
      vals1 <- vecs1[, x]
      for (y in c(1:nvox2)) {
        if (nvox2 > 1) {
          vals2 <- vecs2[, y]
        } else {
          vals2 <- vecs2
        # pvalue of relationship with the ROI
        modelresults <- (summary(lm(statform)))
        # print(paste('x',x,'y',y,'pval',modelresults$coeff[2,4]))
        pvals[x, y] <- modelresults$coeff[2, 4]
        betav[x, y] <- modelresults$coeff[2, 3]
    print("done stats")
    qv <- matrix(p.adjust(pvals), nrow = nvox1, ncol = nvox2)
    # qv<-pvals*(nvox1*nvox2)
    for (x in c(1:nvox1)) {
      ntw <- c("")
      ntwq <- c("")
      for (y in c(1:nvox2)) {
        if (!is.na(qv[x, y])) {
          if (x != y & qv[x, y] < 0.01) {
            # & betav[x,y] < 0.0 )
            ntw <- paste(ntw, y - 1)
            ntwq <- paste(ntwq, qv[x, y])
      print(paste("Network_for_variate_", x - 1, "includes variates:", ntw))
      print(paste("Network_for_variate_", x - 1, "qvals:", ntwq))
  # results for both cases are the same betav<-betav*(qv <= 0.05)
  dfm <- data.frame(betas = betav, qvals = 1 - qv, pvals = 1 - pvals)
  write.csv(dfm, paste(id, "qvals.csv", sep = ""), row.names = F, q = T)
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 12:02 a.m.