Defines functions petSUVR

Documented in petSUVR

#' Compute SUVR from PET time series images
#' The standardized uptake value (SUV) ratio (SUVR) is a semi-quantative
#' transformation that is performed on a PET image before intepretation.  This
#' function will run rigid motion correction on the PET time series before
#' computing SUVR.  The implementation also requires an anatomical image and a
#' segmentation that defines the reference region.  This function will produce
#' a mask, a motion corrected image and a PET suvr image mapped to the reference
#' anatomical space.
#' @param petTime pet time series antsImage or 3D image
#' @param anatomicalImage antsImage that indicates the target anatomical image.
#' one should choose this image carefully, as it will impact results. one might
#' compare results with, for example, either whole head or whole brain targets.
#' @param anatomicalSegmentation antsImage in the same space as anatomicalImage.
#' This image should contain a whole brain mask in addition to a labeled
#' reference region for computing SUVR.
#' @param smoothingParameter physical space smoothing parameter see \code{smoothImage}
#' @param labelValue the integer value of the reference region as it
#' appears in anatomicalSegmentation.  If not set, we assume a binary segmentation.
#' @param subtractBackground if TRUE, the method will attempt to estimate the
#' background (non-anatomical) activation levels before computing SUVR. In this
#' case, SUVR will be computed after subtracting this background value from the
#' mean activation image.
#' @param mapToPet boolean option causing pet to be used as fixed image in the
#' rigid registration between anatomical and pet
#' @param noMotionCorr boolean option activating simple and fast approach that
#' may be better for dynamic data with insufficient per-frame information
#' @return suvr antsImage
#' @author Avants BB
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' suvr <- petSUVR(petTime, seg)
#' }
#' @export petSUVR
petSUVR <- function(
    smoothingParameter = 2.5,
    labelValue = 0,
    subtractBackground = FALSE,
    mapToPet = TRUE,
    noMotionCorr = FALSE) {
  idim <- petTime@dimension
  # petTime = petTime - min( petTime )
  if (idim == 4) pet <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(petTime)
  if (idim == 3) {
    pet <- antsImageClone(petTime)
    petMoco <- antsImageClone(petTime)
  if (idim == 4) {
    if (pet@dimension == 3) {
      petRef <- as.antsImage(as.array(petTime)[, , , 1])
    if (pet@dimension == 2) {
      petRef <- as.antsImage(as.array(petTime)[, , 1])
    petRef <- antsCopyImageInfo(pet, petRef)
    typetx <- "Rigid"
    if (noMotionCorr) petMoco <- antsImageClone(petTime)
    if (!noMotionCorr) {
      if (length(smoothingParameter) == 1 & idim == 4) {
        smoothingParameterT <- c(rep(1, 3), 0)
      petTimeSmoothed <- smoothImage(petTime, smoothingParameterT,
        sigmaInPhysicalCoordinates = TRUE
      petMoco <- antsrMotionCalculation(petTimeSmoothed, petRef,
        typeofTransform = typetx, verbose = F
    pet <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(petMoco)
  typetx <- "Rigid"
  pets <- smoothImage(getAverageOfTimeSeries(petTime),
    sigmaInPhysicalCoordinates = TRUE
  petmaskOrig <- getMask(pets)
  if (subtractBackground) {
    petbkgd <- mean(pet[petmaskOrig == 0])
    pet <- pet - petbkgd
  if (mapToPet) {
    petreg <- antsRegistration(pets, anatomicalImage,
      typeofTransform = typetx,
      # mask = petmaskOrig,
      verbose = FALSE
    wti <- TRUE
  } else {
    brainmask <- getMask(anatomicalSegmentation)
    #  petreg = antsRegistration( anatomicalImage, pets, typeofTransform = typetx,
    #    mask = brainmask, verbose = FALSE )
    petreg1 <- antsRegistration(anatomicalImage, pets,
      typeofTransform = typetx, verbose = FALSE
    tempmask <- antsApplyTransforms(pets, brainmask,
      whichtoinvert = c(TRUE), transformlist = petreg1$fwdtransforms
    petreg <- antsRegistration(anatomicalImage, pets,
      mask = brainmask,
      typeofTransform = typetx, verbose = FALSE,
      initialTransform = petreg1$fwdtransforms
    wti <- FALSE
  petmask <- antsApplyTransforms(anatomicalImage, petmaskOrig,
    whichtoinvert = c(wti),
    transformlist = petreg$fwdtransforms, interpolator = "NearestNeighbor"
  if (idim == 4) {
    temp <- antsApplyTransforms(anatomicalImage, petMoco,
      whichtoinvert = c(wti),
      transformlist = petreg$fwdtransforms, interpolator = "Linear", imagetype = 3
    pets <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(temp)
  if (idim == 3) {
    temp <- antsApplyTransforms(anatomicalImage, petMoco,
      whichtoinvert = c(wti),
      transformlist = petreg$fwdtransforms, interpolator = "Linear"
    pets <- antsImageClone(temp)
  # NOTE: here, the pet image is now in the anatomical space
  if (labelValue > 0) {
    cerebellum <- thresholdImage(anatomicalSegmentation, labelValue, labelValue)
    pcerebct <- mean(pets[cerebellum == 1 & petmask == 1])
  } else {
    pcerebct <- mean(pets[anatomicalSegmentation == 1 & petmask == 1])
  petSUVR <- smoothImage(pets / pcerebct, smoothingParameter,
    sigmaInPhysicalCoordinates = TRUE
      petSUVR = petSUVR,
      petMask = petmask,
      petMOCO = temp
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 12:02 a.m.