
Defines functions timeserieswindow2matrix

Documented in timeserieswindow2matrix

#' Time-series image to matrix of time windows around user-specified events
#' Extract a matrix from a time-series image after applying a mask where each
#' row is a space-time vector
#' @param timeseriesmatrix Input timeseriesmatrix from timeseries2matrix
#' @param mask Input mask of type 'antsImage' ... the mask will be replicated
#' into a 4D image of length timewindow + zeropadvalue.
#' @param eventlist time indices for the events to extract
#' @param timewindow n-timepoints around each event, forward in time.
#' @param zeropadvalue pads the mask by this amount fwd and bwd in time.
#' @param spacing optional 4d spacing vector that will impact smoothing
#' parameters
#' @return Success -- an R matrix of dimensions
#' ntimewindow*sizeofnonzerovaluesinmask*nevents \cr
#' @author Avants BB
#' @examples
#' img <- makeImage(c(10, 10, 10, 50), 0)
#' mask <- as.antsImage(array(1, dim(img)[1:3]))
#' mat <- timeseries2matrix(img, mask)
#' mat <- timeserieswindow2matrix(mat, mask, c(1, 4, 5), 2, 0)
#' print(dim(mat$eventmatrix))
#' print(dim(mat$mask4d))
#' ##### another approach
#' dim4 <- c(20, 30, 10, 100)
#' i1 <- 10:15
#' i2 <- 11:18
#' i3 <- 4:8
#' i4 <- 10:90
#' arr3d <- array(data = 0, dim = dim4[1:3])
#' arr3d[i1, i2, i3] <- 1
#' arr <- array(data = 0, dim = dim4)
#' for (t in i4) arr[, , , t] <- t
#' nois <- which(arr > 0)
#' noisv <- rnorm(length(nois))
#' arr[nois] <- arr[nois] + noisv * 0.0
#' msk <- as.antsImage(arr3d)
#' img <- as.antsImage(arr)
#' mat <- timeseries2matrix(img, msk)
#' eanat <- sparseDecom(mat, msk, sparseness = 0.1, z = 0.5, nvecs = 2, 
#' its = 5, cthresh = 0, mycoption = 1)
#' eanat2 <- sparseDecom(mat, sparseness = 0.1, z = 0.5, nvecs = 2, 
#' its = 5, cthresh = 0, mycoption = 1)
#' enomask <- eanat2$eigenanatomyimages[1, ]
#' emask <- eanat$eigenanatomyimages[1, ]
#' print(enomask[31:40])
#' print(emask[31:40])
#' # same thing with event matrices ....
#' ttt <- timeserieswindow2matrix(mat, msk, c(20, 40, 60, 70), 6, 0)
#' tte <- ttt$eventmatrix
#' eanat <- sparseDecom(tte, ttt$mask4d, sparseness = -0.9, z = 0.5, 
#' nvecs = 2, its = 5, cthresh = 0, mycoption = 1)
#' eanat2 <- sparseDecom(tte, sparseness = -0.9, z = 0.5, nvecs = 2, 
#' its = 5, cthresh = 0, mycoption = 1)
#' enomask <- eanat2$eigenanatomyimages[, 1]
#' # back to timematrix
#' tmat <- matrix(enomask, nrow = 6)
#' # back to image
#' eimg <- antsImageClone(msk)
#' eimg[msk == 1] <- tmat[1, ]
#' # convert image space to evec space
#' emat <- eanat2$eigenanatomyimages
#' # convert emat to events FIXME this does not currently work
#' # eavent<-timeserieswindow2matrix( data.matrix(emat) , msk, 1 , 6, 0 )
#' # emask<-eavent$eventmatrix[1,]
#' #############################
#' @export timeserieswindow2matrix
timeserieswindow2matrix <- function(timeseriesmatrix, mask, eventlist, 
                                    timewindow, zeropadvalue = 0, spacing = NA) {
  if (length(dim(timeseriesmatrix)) != 2) {
    print("Mask should be of dimensionality 3")
  if (length(dim(mask)) != 3) {
    print("ERROR: Mask should be of dimensionality 3")
  # first create the new mask
  mask4d <- makeImage(c(dim(mask), (timewindow + zeropadvalue * 2)), 0)
  mask4d <- as.array(mask4d)
  for (i in (zeropadvalue + 1):(zeropadvalue + timewindow)) {
    maskvec <- mask[mask >= 0]
    mask4d[, , , i] <- maskvec
  mask4d <- as.antsImage(mask4d)
  if (!is.na(spacing)) {
    stopifnot(length(spacing) == 4)
    antsSetSpacing(mask4d, spacing)
  nvox4dmask <- sum(mask4d == 1)
  if (ncol(timeseriesmatrix) * timewindow != nvox4dmask) {
    print("ERROR: ncol(timeseriesmatrix)*timewindow !=  nvox4dmask")
  nevents <- length(eventlist)
  if (min(eventlist) < 0) {
    print("ERROR: min(eventlist) < 0 ")
  if (max(eventlist) > nrow(timeseriesmatrix)) {
    print("ERROR: max(eventlist) > nrow(timeseriesmatrix) ")
  outmat <- matrix(rep(0, nvox4dmask * nevents), nrow = nevents)
  ct <- 1
  for (i in eventlist) {
    maxrow <- i + (timewindow - 1)
    if (maxrow > nrow(timeseriesmatrix)) {
      maxrow <- nrow(timeseriesmatrix)
    locmat <- as.numeric(t(timeseriesmatrix[i:maxrow, ]))
    if (length(locmat) == nvox4dmask) {
      outmat[ct, ] <- locmat
    ct <- ct + 1
  return(list(eventmatrix = outmat, mask4d = mask4d))
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.