landscape.setpopfreq: Set Allele frequencies in (a) specific population(s)

View source: R/landscape.setallelefreq.R

landscape.setpopfreqR Documentation

Set Allele frequencies in (a) specific population(s)


This function takes a landscape and changes the allele frequencies in different populations based on the list 'af'


## must be called AFTER landscape has been created and populated



landscape object, required


a named list of named lists that specifies populations, loci and allele frequencies, see details


(default=TRUE) are the alleles specified by state or by allele index (allele indices are stored in the 'individuals' sub-object


The individual initilization function uses a global table of allele frequencies (specified with This function re-writes the genotypes for specific populations and loci with new values. This way it is possible to create population-specifc allele frequency variation.

First the landscape passed to landscape.setpopfreq() must be populated, usually by a call to This function cannot be used to add new loci or new alleles to the global system.

This function depends on the data structure 'af' which is a hierarchical set of lists. The highest level in the hierarchy is a named list of populations. Legal values for the names are the integers 1:number of pops then converted to characters. Each element of this list is itself a named list of loci. Legal values for the names are the integers 1:number of loci then converted to characters. Each element of the loci list is a named vector of allele frequencies. The names for these vectors correspond to either: allele states (including DNA sequences) or allele indices (the numbers entered in the 'individuals' subobject as genotypes). The parameter states=TRUE results in the former behavior and states=FALSE, the latter.


  exampleland <-
  af <- list('1'=list('1'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'5'=0.25),   #population 1 locus 1 
                      '2'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'3'=0.25)),  #population 1 locus 2
             '2'=list('1'=c('3'=0.5,'2'=0.35,'5'=0.15),   #population 2 locus 1
                      '2'=c('2'=0.25,'3'=0.75)))          ##population 2 locus 2

  landscape.allelefreq(landscape.setpopfreq(exampleland, af))

stranda/rmetasim documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 12:22 p.m.