
Defines functions collapse_by_group

Documented in collapse_by_group

#' @title Collapse raw data by random effect groups
#' @name collapse_by_group
#' @description This function extracts the raw data points (i.e. the data
#'   that was used to fit the model) and "averages" (i.e. "collapses") the
#'   response variable over the levels of the grouping factor given in
#'   `collapse_by`. Only works with mixed models.
#' @param collapse_by Name of the (random effects) grouping factor. Data is
#'   collapsed by the levels of this factor.
#' @param residuals Logical, if `TRUE`, collapsed partial residuals instead
#'   of raw data by the levels of the grouping factor.
#' @inheritParams residualize_over_grid
#' @return A data frame with raw data points, averaged over the levels of
#'   the given grouping factor from the random effects. The group level of
#'   the random effect is saved in the column `"random"`.
#' @examplesIf require("lme4", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(ggeffects)
#' data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
#' efc$e15relat <- as.factor(efc$e15relat)
#' efc$c161sex <- as.factor(efc$c161sex)
#' levels(efc$c161sex) <- c("male", "female")
#' model <- lme4::lmer(neg_c_7 ~ c161sex + (1 | e15relat), data = efc)
#' me <- predict_response(model, terms = "c161sex")
#' head(attributes(me)$rawdata)
#' collapse_by_group(me, model, "e15relat")
#' @export
collapse_by_group <- function(grid, model, collapse_by = NULL, residuals = FALSE) {
  if (!insight::is_mixed_model(model)) {
    insight::format_error("This function only works with mixed effects models.")

  model_data <- insight::get_data(model, source = "frame", verbose = FALSE)

  if (is.null(collapse_by)) {
    collapse_by <- insight::find_random(model, flatten = TRUE)

  if (length(collapse_by) > 1) {
    collapse_by <- collapse_by[1]
      "More than one random grouping variable found.",
      paste0("Using `", collapse_by, "`.")

  if (!collapse_by %in% colnames(model_data)) {
    insight::format_error("Could not find `", collapse_by, "` column.")

  if (residuals) {
    rawdata <- residualize_over_grid(grid, model, protect_names = TRUE)
    y_name <- "predicted"
  } else {
    rawdata <- attr(grid, "rawdata", exact = TRUE)
    y_name <- "response"

    # we need this column for labelling data points, but not for collapsing
    rawdata$rowname <- NULL

    if (any(vapply(rawdata[-(1:2)], Negate(is.factor), logical(1))) || attr(grid, "x.is.factor", exact = TRUE) == "0") { # nolint
      insight::format_alert("Collapsing usually not informative across a continuous variable.")

  if (is.factor(rawdata[[y_name]])) {
    rawdata[[y_name]] <- as.numeric(rawdata[[y_name]])
    if (insight::model_info(model)$is_binomial) {
      rawdata[[y_name]] <- rawdata[[y_name]] - 1
    } # else ordinal?

  rawdata$random <- factor(model_data[[collapse_by]])

  agg_data <- stats::aggregate(rawdata[[y_name]],
                               by = rawdata[colnames(rawdata) != y_name],
                               FUN = mean)

  colnames(agg_data)[ncol(agg_data)] <- y_name
  colnames(agg_data)[colnames(agg_data) == "group"] <- "group_col"

  # sanity check, add dummy if not present
  if (is.null(agg_data$group_col)) {
    agg_data$group_col <- factor(1)

strengejacke/ggeffects documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 8:05 a.m.