Man pages for suke18/iPath
iPath pipeline for detecting perturbed pathways at individual level

density_falldensity fall plot
GSDB_exampleexample gene set database (GSDB)
GSEAGSEA calculation
iES_cal2iES calculation Function
iES_surviES calculation Function
iES_survPlotiES survival for a certain pathway
prad_clisimulated clinical data for PRAD cancer patients
prad_exprsexpression matrix for PRAD cancer patients in TCGA
prad_indsnormal (0) and tumor (1) classes associated with PRAD...
rem_dataremove genes with 0 sd
setUp_BPPARAMset up for the parallel computing for biocParallel.
water_fallwater fall plot
suke18/iPath documentation built on July 23, 2021, 1:08 p.m.