
Defines functions pull_configuration pull_sensor_ids pull_sensor

Documented in pull_configuration pull_sensor pull_sensor_ids

#' Pull sensor volume and occupancy
#' Create a tidy dataframe, containing volume and occupancy, for a single date and sensor.  Use `pull_sensor_ids` to obtain metro sensor IDs.
#' @param pull_date an object of class string which indicates the date of data to pull.  Needs to by in "%Y-%m-%d" format.
#' @param sensor an object of class integer or string which indicates the sensor ID.  See documentation for `pull_sensor_ids` to obtain metro sensor IDs.
#' @return dataframe containing variables volume, occupancy, sensor, date, time.  Note that occupancy *can* be missing while volume data exists and vice versa.  It is unknown how a loop could be monitoring volume and not occupancy. Also note that if you assign the output of pull_loops, the result is returned in-memory, and there must be sufficient space in-memory to do so.
#' @examples
#'   # Simple example
#'   loop_data <- pull_sensor(5474, "2018-10-14")

#:   # Mapping example
#'   date_range <- seq(as.Date("2019/01/01"), as.Date("2019/01/02"), by = "days")
#'   loop_data <- pmap(list(8564, date_range), pull_sensor)
#'   loops_full <- rbindlist(loop_data)
#'   # Parallel mapping example; takes longer if only pulling one or two days because libraries have to be copied to each core
#'   library(parallel)
#'   cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1) # Leaving one core unused
#'   params <- list(8564, date_range)
#'   clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 1)
#'   loop_data <- params %>%
#'    lift(clusterMap, cl = cl)(fun = pull_sensor)
#'   stopCluster(cl)
#'   loops_full <- rbindlist(loop_data)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tibble enframe as_tibble
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom rowr cbind.fill
#' @export

pull_sensor <- function(sensor, pull_date) {

  extension_pull <- function (ext, ...) {

    pull_year <- format.Date(as.Date(pull_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y")
    pull_month <- format.Date(as.Date(pull_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%m")
    pull_day <- format.Date(as.Date(pull_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%d")

    df_default <- as_tibble(NA, validate = F)

    try(df_default <- enframe(fromJSON(paste0("http://data.dot.state.mn.us:8080/trafdat/metro/", pull_year, "/", pull_year, pull_month, pull_day, "/", sensor, ".", ext, "30.json"))) %>%



  #exts <- c("v", "c")
  #loops_ls <- map(exts, extension_pull)

  volume <- extension_pull("v")
  occupancy <- extension_pull("c")

  loop_uneven <- rowr::cbind.fill(volume, occupancy, fill = NA)
  names(loop_uneven) <- c("volume", "occupancy")

  loop_date_sensor <- loop_uneven %>%
    mutate(date = pull_date,
           sensor = sensor)

  #Add time
  if (nrow(loop_date_sensor) == 1) {
    # Return essentially empty dataframe if both volume and occupancy are missing for entire day
    loop_date_sensor %>%
      mutate(hour = NA,
             min = NA)
  } else {
    # Add hour and minutes if either volume or occupancy (or both) are available
              as_tibble(rep(0:23, each = 120)) %>% rename(hour = value),
              as_tibble(rep(seq(from = 0, to = 59.5, by = 0.5), 24)) %>% rename(min = value))

#' Function to pull all sensor IDs in the Twin Cities metro
#' Create a tidy dataframe containing sensor IDs for MnDOT metro district, mainly to be used with pull_sensor
#' @return dataframe containing variable "detector"
#' @examples
#' sensors <- sensor_pull()
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml xml_find_all xml_attr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr transmute
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @export

pull_sensor_ids <- function() {

  url <- "http://data.dot.state.mn.us/iris_xml/metro_config.xml.gz"
  tmp <- tempfile()
  metro_config <- read_xml(gzfile(tmp))

  enframe(trimws(xml_attr(xml_find_all(metro_config, "//detector"), "name"))) %>%
    transmute(detector = value)

#' Pull metro sensor configuration
#' Read MnDOT JSON feed and wrangle into a tidy dataframe containing 20 variables related to sensor configuration.  Useful for mapping (contains lat/lons) and calculating performance measures (contains detector_field).
#' @param return_opt an object of class string which indicates how to return the data.  "within_dir" will return the data within the directory as a csv entitled "Configuration of Metro Detectors <<date in format yyyy-mm-dd>>". "in-memory" will return the data in R, but requires assignment.
#' @return dataframe containing 20 variables, including detector_field and lat/lons, for each sensor in MnDOT's metro district
#' @examples
#' config <- pull_configuration("in-memory") # Assign to an object
#' pull_configuration("within_dir) # No assignment necessary
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml xml_find_all xml_attr xml_path
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select rename bind_rows bind_cols left_join
#' @importFrom tidyr separate unite
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @export

pull_configuration <- function(return_opt = c("within_dir", "in_memory")) {

  url <- "http://data.dot.state.mn.us/iris_xml/metro_config.xml.gz"
  tmp <- tempfile()
  metro_config <- read_xml(gzfile(tmp))

  # ------------------
  # ------------------

  # Detector paths - connect rnodes and corridors to this
  detector_paths <- enframe(xml_path(xml_find_all(metro_config, "//detector"))) %>%
    mutate(detector_path = value) %>%
    separate(detector_path, into = c('front', 'tms_config', 'device', 'rnode', 'detector'), sep = '/') %>%
    unite(rnode_path, front, tms_config, device, rnode, sep = '/') %>%
    mutate(rnode_path = trimws(rnode_path)) %>%
    mutate(corridor_path = rnode_path) %>%
    separate(corridor_path, into = c('front', 'tms_config', 'device', 'rnode'), sep = '/') %>%
    unite(corridor_path, front, tms_config, device, sep = '/') %>%
    mutate(corridor_path = trimws(corridor_path)) %>%
    select(-name) %>%
    rename(detector_path = value)

  # Rnode paths
  rnode_paths <- enframe(xml_path(xml_find_all(metro_config, "//r_node"))) %>%
    transmute(rnode_path = value)

  # Corridor paths
  corridor_paths <- enframe(xml_path(xml_find_all(metro_config, "//corridor"))) %>%
    transmute(corridor_path = value)

  # ------------------
  # ATTRIBUTES (rnodes & detectors)
  # ------------------

  attr_clean <- function(category, attribute) {
    trimws(xml_attr(xml_find_all(metro_config, paste0("//", category)), attribute))

  d_attr_ls <- list("name",

  rn_attr_ls <- list("name",

  c_attr_ls <- list("route", "dir")

  attr_to_df <- function(category, attr_ls) {
    attributes_ls <- map2(category, attr_ls, attr_clean)
    names(attributes_ls) <- paste(category, attr_ls, sep = "_")

  attr_all_ls <- list(d_attr_ls, rn_attr_ls, c_attr_ls)
  categories <- list("detector", "r_node", "corridor")

  attributes_full <- map2(categories, attr_all_ls, attr_to_df)

  # Bind paths to attributes
  d_paths_attr <- bind_cols(detector_paths, attributes_full[[1]])
  rnode_paths_attr <- bind_cols(rnode_paths, attributes_full[[2]])
  corr_paths_attrs <- bind_cols(corridor_paths, attributes_full[[3]])

  detector_rnodes_full <- left_join(d_paths_attr, rnode_paths_attr, by = c('rnode_path'))
  configuration <- left_join(detector_rnodes_full, corr_paths_attrs, by = c('corridor_path'))

  config_tidy <- configuration %>%
    select(-rnode, -rnode_path, -detector, -detector_path, -corridor_path) %>%
    mutate(date = Sys.Date())

  if (return_opt == "in_memory") {


  } else if (return_opt == "within_dir") {

    fwrite(config_tidy, paste0("Configuration of Metro Detectors ", Sys.Date(), ".csv"))



sullivannicole/tc.sensors documentation built on Nov. 22, 2021, 6:38 a.m.