
#'An implementation of NORTA approach with bounding RA algorithm.
#'The package implements the NORTA approach with bounding RA algorithm for
#'simultaneous generation of random vectors with specified marginals and
#'correlations. The marginals can be arbitrary(continuous or discrete), see the
#'reference paper for more detail. Data generation is accomplished by first
#'using \code{\link{BoundingRA}} to calculate an intermediate multivariate
#'normal correlation matrix, then the matrix is used to generate samples from
#'multivariate normal distribution The engine function \code{\link{gennortaRA}}
#'will transform the normal samples to wanted data set with NORTA approach which
#'using inverse CDF method given by specified input marginals from users. The
#'function \code{\link{valid_input_cormat}} returns the lower and upper bounds
#'of the mixture pre-specified marginal distributions. The function
#'\code{\link{check_input_cormat}} checks the input target correlation matrix whether
#'it is in the lower and upper bounds, if in the bounds, then the function will return
#'\code{TRUE} it means the input target correaltion matrix is feasible, otherwise, it
#'will print the  elements' positions which are out of bounds and give an error message.
#'Package: \tab nortaRA\cr
#'Type: \tab Package\cr
#'Version: \tab 1.0.0\cr
#'Date: \tab 2014-12-06\cr
#'License: \tab MIT + file LICENSE
#'Po Su \cr
#'Maintainer: Po Su \email{desolator@@sjtu.edu.cn}
#'@name nortaRA-package
#'@aliases nortaRA

# Described in Appendeix:NORTA RVG Methods step 5.
v_i_j_estimator <- function(i, j, m_size_history, k,
  if (class(r_solution_mat_history) != "list" || class(r_estimator_mat_history) != "list") {
    stop("r_solution_mat_history and r_estimator_mat_history must be list !")
  if (length(r_solution_mat_history) < k || length(r_estimator_mat_history) < k
       || length(m_size_history) < k) {
    stop( paste0("r_solution_mat_history and r_estimator_mat_history
                 and m_size_history must be all no less than ",k,"!"))
  if (k == 1) return(0)
  r_solu_i_j_vec <- NULL
  for (t in 1:k) {
   r_solu_i_j_vec <- c(r_solu_i_j_vec, r_solution_mat_history[[t]][i,j])
  a <- sum(m_size_history[1:k] *  r_solu_i_j_vec^2)
  b <- sum(m_size_history[1:k]) *  r_estimator_mat_history[[k]][i,j]^2
  res <- ((a - b) / (k - 1))^(1 / 2)

# Described in Appendeix:NORTA RVG Methods step 6.
delta_k_i_j <- function(i, j, delta1, k, mk, c1,
                        c2, m_size_history,
                        r_estimator_mat_history) {

  if (k == 1 || k == 2) return(delta1)
  a <- v_i_j_estimator(i, j, m_size_history,
                      k-1, r_solution_mat_history, r_estimator_mat_history)
  b <- 1 / sum(m_size_history[1:(k - 1)])
  d <- 1 / (c1 * mk)
  res <- c2 * a * ( b + d )^(1/2)

# Described in Appendeix:NORTA RVG Methods step 4.
r_k_bar_matrix_i_j <- function(i, j, k, r_k_solution_i_j, mk, m_size_history, r_solution_mat_history){
  if (class(r_solution_mat_history) != "list") {
    stop("r_solution_mat_history  must be list ! ")
  if (length(r_solution_mat_history) < (k - 1) || length(m_size_history) < (k - 1)) {    stop( paste0("r_solution_mat_history and  m_size_history must be all no less than ",k - 1,"!"))
  if (k == 1) return(r_k_solution_i_j)
  r_solu_i_j_vec <- NULL
  for( t in 1:(k - 1)) {
    r_solu_i_j_vec <- c(r_solu_i_j_vec, r_solution_mat_history[[t]][i,j])
  a <-sum(  m_size_history[1:(k - 1)] *  r_solu_i_j_vec ) + mk * r_k_solution_i_j
  b <-sum(  m_size_history[1:(k - 1)] ) + mk
  res <- a / b
superdesolator/NORTARA documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:40 p.m.