
#' Create a Founder object that can be used to start simulations with different PRDM9 values
#' @param map.dist A vector of cM distances between adjacent loci that are
#'   sampled to create the recombination landscape. Can be any length greater
#'   than the number of loci.
#' @param maf.info A vector of minor allele frequencies of trait loci. Can be
#'   any length greater than the number of loci.
#' @param n.found.hap The number of haplotypes in the founder population.
#'   Default is 100.
#' @param n.loci The number of loci contributing to phenotype. Assumes loci of
#'   equal and additive effect on phenotype.
#' @param n.f The number of females in the founder population.
#' @param n.m The number of males in the founder population.
#' @param f.RS Female reproductive success. At present simulations only run with
#'   a specific number of offspring for each female. This will be modified in
#'   future.
#' @param f.RS.Pr Not currently used

# test values for optimisation:
# n.found.hap     <- 100    # Number of founder haplotypes generated
# n.loci          <- 100    # Number of loci underlying the trait
# n.f             <- 100    # Number of females
# n.m             <- 100    # Number of males
# f.RS            <- 2      # Number of offspring per female
# f.RS.Pr         <- 1      # Probability of number of offspring per female.
# map <- read.table("data/soay_map.txt", header = T)
# map.dist <- diff(map$cM.Position.Sex.Averaged[seq(1, nrow(map), 10)])
# map.dist <- map.dist[which(map.dist >= 0 & map.dist < 2)]
# maf.info <- map$MAF
# xr1   <- sample(map.dist/100, replace = T, n.loci)
# xr2   <- sample(map.dist/100, replace = T, n.loci)
# xrhet <- (xr1 + xr2)/2
# map.list <- list(xr1, xrhet, xr2)
# allele.freqs <- map$MAF
# allele.freqs <- sample(allele.freqs, n.loci)
# allele.freqs <- allele.freqs + (runif(n.loci) < 0.5)/2

createFounderObject<- function(
  n.found.hap = 100,
  f.RS.Pr = NULL){

  #~~ generate founder haplotypes
  founder.haplos <- lapply(1:n.found.hap, function (x) (runif(n.loci) < allele.freqs) + 0L)
  #~~ generate diplotypes for n.f females and n.m males
  gen.0 <- list()
  gen.0[1:(n.f + n.m)] <- list(list(MOTHER = NA, FATHER = NA))
  for(i in 1:(n.f + n.m)){
    gen.0[[i]]["MOTHER"] <- sample(founder.haplos, size = 1)
    gen.0[[i]]["FATHER"] <- sample(founder.haplos, size = 1)
  #~~ create reference table
  ref.0 <- data.frame(GEN         = 0,
                      ID          = 1:length(gen.0),
                      MOTHER      = NA,
                      FATHER      = NA,
                      SEX         = rep(1:2, times = c(n.m, n.f)),
                      PHENO       = sapply(1:length(gen.0), function(x) sum(gen.0[[x]][[1]]) + sum(gen.0[[x]][[2]])))
  return(list(ref.0 = ref.0,
              founder.haplos = founder.haplos,
              gen.0 = gen.0,
              n.f = n.f,
              n.m = n.m,
              n.loci = n.loci))
susjoh/recomb.landscape documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:43 p.m.