
Defines functions checkMatricesX generateVARXseries simulateVARX

Documented in simulateVARX

#' @title VARX simulation
#' @description This function generates a simulated multivariate VAR time series.
#' @usage simulateVARX(N, K, p, m, nobs, rho,
#'                     sparsityA1, sparsityA2, sparsityA3,
#'                     mu, method, covariance, ...)
#' @param N dimension of the time series.
#' @param K TODO
#' @param p number of lags of the VAR model.
#' @param m TODO
#' @param nobs number of observations to be generated.
#' @param rho base value for the covariance matrix.
#' @param sparsityA1 density (in percentage) of the number of nonzero elements
#' of the A1 block.
#' @param sparsityA2 density (in percentage) of the number of nonzero elements
#' of the A2 block.
#' @param sparsityA3 density (in percentage) of the number of nonzero elements
#' of the A3 block.
#' @param mu a vector containing the mean of the simulated process.
#' @param method which method to use to generate the VAR matrix. Possible values
#' are \code{"normal"} or \code{"bimodal"}.
#' @param covariance type of covariance matrix to use in the simulation. Possible
#' values: \code{"toeplitz"}, \code{"block1"}, \code{"block2"} or simply \code{"diagonal"}.
#' @param ... the options for the simulation. These are:
#' \code{muMat}: the mean of the entries of the VAR matrices;
#' \code{sdMat}: the sd of the entries of the matrices;
#' @return A a list of NxN matrices ordered by lag
#' @return data a list with two elements: \code{series} the multivariate time series and
#' \code{noises} the time series of errors
#' @return S the variance/covariance matrix of the process
#' @export
simulateVARX <- function(N = 40, K = 10, p = 1, m = 1, nobs = 250, rho = 0.5,
                         sparsityA1 = 0.05, sparsityA2 = 0.5, sparsityA3 = 0.5,
                         mu = 0, method = "normal", covariance = "Toeplitz", ...) {
  opt <- list(...)
  fixedMat <- opt$fixedMat
  SNR <- opt$SNR

  # Create a var object to save the matrices (the output)
  out <- list()
  attr(out, "class") <- "varx"
  attr(out, "type") <- "simulation"

  out$A <- list()
  out$A1 <- list()
  out$A2 <- list()
  out$A3 <- list()
  out$A4 <- list()
  pX <- max(p, m)

  # Create D matrices (null)
  for (i in 1:pX) {
    out$A4[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = N)

  stable <- FALSE

  while (!stable) {
    # Randomly select an order for C matrices in 1:pX
    s <- sample(1:pX, 1)

    # Create random C matrices with a given sparsity
    for (i in 1:s) {
      out$A3[[i]] <- createSparseMatrix(sparsity = sparsityA3, N = K, method = method, stationary = TRUE, p = 1, ...)
      l <- max(Mod(eigen(out$A3[[i]])$values))
      while ((l > 1) | (l == 0)) {
        out$A3[[i]] <- createSparseMatrix(sparsity = sparsityA3, N = K, method = method, stationary = TRUE, p = 1, ...)
        l <- max(Mod(eigen(out$A3[[i]])$values))
    if (s < pX) {
      for (i in (s + 1):pX) {
        out$A3[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = K)

    # Create random A matrices with a given sparsity
    for (i in 1:p) {
      out$A1[[i]] <- createSparseMatrix(sparsity = sparsityA1, N = N, method = method, stationary = TRUE, p = p, ...)
      l <- max(Mod(eigen(out$A1[[i]])$values))
      while ((l > 1) | (l == 0)) {
        out$A1[[i]] <- createSparseMatrix(sparsity = sparsityA1, N = N, method = method, stationary = TRUE, p = p, ...)
        l <- max(Mod(eigen(out$A1[[i]])$values))
    if (p < pX) {
      for (i in (p + 1):pX) {
        out$A1[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N)

    # Create random B matrices
    for (i in 1:m) {
      R <- max(K, N)
      tmp <- createSparseMatrix(sparsity = sparsityA2, N = R, method = method, stationary = TRUE, p = p, ...)
      out$A2[[i]] <- tmp[1:N, 1:K]
    if (m < pX) {
      for (i in (m + 1):pX) {
        out$A2[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)

    # Now "glue" all the matrices together
    for (i in 1:pX) {
      tmp1 <- cbind(out$A1[[i]], out$A2[[i]])
      tmp2 <- cbind(out$A4[[i]], out$A3[[i]])
      out$A[[i]] <- rbind(tmp1, tmp2)

    cVAR <- as.matrix(companionVAR(out))
    if (max(Mod(eigen(cVAR)$values)) < 1) {
      stable <- TRUE

  N <- N + K
  # Covariance Matrix: Toeplitz, Block1 or Block2
  if (covariance == "block1") {
    l <- floor(N / 2)
    I <- diag(1 - rho, nrow = N)
    r <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N)
    r[1:l, 1:l] <- rho
    r[(l + 1):N, (l + 1):N] <- diag(rho, nrow = (N - l))
    C <- I + r
  } else if (covariance == "block2") {
    l <- floor(N / 2)
    I <- diag(1 - rho, nrow = N)
    r <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N)
    r[1:l, 1:l] <- rho
    r[(l + 1):N, (l + 1):N] <- rho
    C <- I + r
  } else if (covariance == "Toeplitz") {
    r <- rho^(1:N)
    C <- Matrix::toeplitz(r)
  } else if (covariance == "Wishart") {
    r <- rho^(1:N)
    S <- Matrix::toeplitz(r)
    C <- stats::rWishart(1, 2 * N, S)
    C <- as.matrix(C[, , 1])
  } else if (covariance == "diagonal") {
    C <- diag(x = rho, nrow = N, ncol = N)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown covariance matrix type. Possible choices are: toeplitz, block1, block2 or diagonal")

  # Adjust Signal to Noise Ratio
  if (!is.null(SNR)) {
    if (SNR == 0) {
      stop("Signal to Noise Ratio must be greater than 0.")
    s <- max(abs(cVAR)) / opt$SNR
    C <- diag(s, N, N) %*% C %*% diag(s, N, N)

  # Matrix for MA part
  theta <- matrix(0, N, N)

  # Generate the VAR process
  data <- generateVARseries(nobs = nobs, mu, AR = out$A, sigma = C, skip = 200)

  # Complete the output
  out$series <- data$series[, 1:(N - K)]
  out$Xt <- data$series[, (N - K + 1):N]
  out$noises <- data$noises
  out$sigma <- C


generateVARXseries <- function(nobs, mu, AR, sigma, skip = 200) {

  # This function creates the simulated time series

  N <- nrow(sigma)
  nT <- nobs + skip
  at <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nT, rep(0, N), sigma)

  p <- length(AR)

  ist <- p + 1
  zt <- matrix(0, nT, N)

  if (length(mu) == 0) {
    mu <- rep(0, N)

  for (it in ist:nT) {
    tmp <- matrix(at[it, ], 1, N)

    for (i in 1:p) {
      ph <- AR[[i]]
      ztm <- matrix(zt[it - i, ], 1, N)
      tmp <- tmp + ztm %*% t(ph)

    zt[it, ] <- mu + tmp

  # skip the first skip points to initialize the series
  zt <- zt[(1 + skip):nT, ]
  at <- at[(1 + skip):nT, ]

  out <- list()
  out$series <- zt
  out$noises <- at

checkMatricesX <- function(A) {

  # This function check if all the matrices passed have the same dimensions
  if (!is.list(A)) {
    stop("The matrices must be passed in a list")
  } else {
    l <- length(A)
    if (l > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(l - 1)) {
        if (sum(1 - (dim(A[[i]]) == dim(A[[i + 1]]))) != 0) {
    } else {
svazzole/sparsevar documentation built on April 19, 2021, 2:11 p.m.