
# search-with-splits.R
# Searches for a best network considering splits.

#' Search with splits
#' This version looks for the best actor ancestry individually per reporter and then
#' composes.
#' @export searchWithSplits
searchWithSplits = function( laps, searchFunction = searchByAStar ){
  ancestry.template = matrix(
    nrow = howManyActors( laps ),
    ncol = howManyActors( laps ) + 1,
    dimnames = list( getActors( laps ), c( getActors( laps ), "r" ) ) )
  results.list = lapply(
    as.list( 1:howManyReporters( laps ) ),
    function( x ) searchFunction( laps, x ) )
  scores = vapply( results.list, function ( x ) x$score, -Inf )
  ancestries = vapply( results.list, function ( x ) x$ancestry, ancestry.template )
  return ( list( scores = scores, ancestries = ancestries ) )

#' Search for a reporter's best network
#' This version is a variation on A* search
#' @param laps the Local Ancestry Probablity Score object
#' @param reporterIndex the index of the reporter for which we're building the network
#' @param searchSelection function determining the search order, by default using lastMax,
#' which corresponds to DFS A*. An interesting alternative is choosing a random max,
#' choosing the first max will yield the abysmally slow BFS A*.
#' @export searchByAStar
searchByAStar = function( laps, reporterIndex, searchSelection = whichLastMax ){
  # For debugging
  print( reporterIndex )
  n = howManyActors( laps )
  maxDepth = n^2
  score = -Inf
  adjacency = matrix( FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = n + 1 )
  # Initial search insertion
  boundary = list( list(
    depth = 0,
    adjacency = matrix( FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = n + 1 )
  ) ) # Start with a single dumb-state
  boundary.scores = 0
  repeat {
    # Find and "pop" best scoring point
    index = searchSelection( boundary.scores )
    score = boundary.scores[ index ]
    state = boundary[[ index ]]
    boundary = boundary[ -index ]
    boundary.scores = boundary.scores[ -index ]
    # For debugging
    uncertainAncestry = deriveAncestry(
      getUncertaintyMatrix( state$depth, n, n+1 ) )
    if ( state$depth == maxDepth || !any( uncertainAncestry$uncertain[,n+1] ) ){
      ancestry = uncertainAncestry$ancestry
    # For debugging
    #print( showUncertainAncestry( uncertainAncestry$ancestry, uncertainAncestry$uncertain ) )
    # We can reuse index as our insertion point now
    index = length( boundary ) + 1
    # Figure out our next edge toggle
    toggle.point = which( cbind( diag( n ) == 0, TRUE ) )[ n^2 - state$depth ]
    # Compute "edge absent"
    new.adjacency = state$adjacency
    new.adjacency[ toggle.point ] = FALSE
    new.state = list( depth = state$depth + 1, adjacency = new.adjacency )
    # pruning and scoring
    if( -Inf < ( new.score = getHeuristicScore( laps,
                                                state$depth + 1,
                                                new.adjacency ) ) ) {
      # "push" new state in.
      boundary[ index ] = list( new.state )
      boundary.scores[ index ] = new.score
      index = index + 1
    # Compute "edge absent"
    new.adjacency[ toggle.point ] = TRUE
    new.state = list( depth = state$depth + 1, adjacency = new.adjacency )
    # "push" new state in.
    if( -Inf < ( new.score = getHeuristicScore( laps,
                                                state$depth + 1,
                                                new.adjacency ) ) ) {
      # "push" new state in.
      boundary[ index ] = list( new.state )
      boundary.scores[ index ] = new.score
  # For debugging
  print( score )
  return ( list( score = score, ancestry = ancestry ) )

#' Given a vector, get the index of the last maximal element
#' @param a vector of numbers
#' @return the index of the last maximal element
#' @export
whichLastMax = function ( x ){
  z = which( x == max( x ) )

#' Given a vector, get the index of a random maximal element
#' Given a vector, looks at its maximal elements, walking from last to first,
#' rejecting each with probability (1-p). (So has probability p to pick the last,
#' p*(1-p)th the 2nd last, etc. with the remainder of the probabilty mass placed
#' in the first).
#' @param a vector of numbers
#' @return the index of a (non-uniformly) random maximal element
#' @export
whichRandomLateMax = function ( x, p = 0.9 ){
  z = which( x == max( x ) )
  i = length(z)
  while( sample( x = c( TRUE, FALSE ), size = 1, prob = c( 1-p, p ) ) && i > 1 ){
    i = i-1

#' Derive ancestry from uncertain adjacency
deriveAncestry = function ( adjacency, uncertain ){
  # Derives an ancestry from a partially uncertain adjacency matrix
  # Get our size (assume adjacency dims = uncertain dims )
  n = nrow( adjacency )
  m = ncol( adjacency )
  # First, ensure that only certain edges are in the adj matrix
  adjacency[ uncertain ] = FALSE
  # Next, derive certain ancestry
  ancestry = ( diag( m ) == TRUE )
  updated.ancestry = matrix( FALSE, nrow = m, ncol = m )
  updated.ancestry[1:n,1:m] = ancestry[1:n,1:m] | adjacency
  while ( any( ancestry != updated.ancestry ) ){
    ancestry = updated.ancestry
    for ( node in 1:m ){
      updated.ancestry[, node ] =
        apply( as.matrix( ancestry[, ancestry[, node ] ] ), 1, any )
  updated.uncertain = matrix( FALSE, nrow = m, ncol = m )
  updated.uncertain[1:n,1:m] = uncertain
  uncertain = matrix( FALSE, nrow = m, ncol = m )
  while ( any( uncertain != updated.uncertain ) ){
    uncertain = updated.uncertain
    propagator = updated.uncertain | updated.ancestry
    for ( node in 1:m ){
      updated.uncertain[, node ] =
        apply( as.matrix( updated.uncertain[, propagator[, node ] ] ), 1, any )
  updated.uncertain[updated.ancestry] = FALSE
  return ( list( ancestry = updated.ancestry[1:n,1:m], uncertain = updated.uncertain[1:n,1:m] ) )

#' A human-friendly representation of ancestry+uncertainty matrix
#' @param ancestry the ancesty matrix
#' @param uncertainty the uncertainty matrix
#' @return a char matrix with T/F in certain cells and ? in uncertain cells.
showUncertainAncestry = function ( ancestry, uncertainty ){
  dims = dim( ancestry )
  result = matrix( '?', nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2] )
  result[ ancestry & !uncertainty ] = 'T'
  result[ !ancestry & !uncertainty ] = 'F'
  return ( result )

#' Clean up a single-reporter ancestry
#' Remove ancestry relationships among non-ancestors of the reporter
#' @param ancestry the ancestry matrix
#' @return cleaned up ancestry matrix
cleanUpAncestry = function ( ancestry ){
  ancestry[, ncol( ancestry ) ] = (1 == diag( nrow = nrow(ancestry), ncol = ncol(ancestry) ) )
  return ( ancestry )
sverchkov/bionetwork documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:48 p.m.