
# Search functions

#' Branch and bound on a search tree
#' This function assumes that the search space is a tree, meaning that it does not
#' check whether it is revisiting a node.
#' We use the typical convention of the score representing a cost, meaning that lower
#' scores are better, and the optimum is a minimum.
#' @param init.node Initial node of the search space
#' @param getCostBounds Function that returns the upper and lower bounds of the cost
#' given a node
#' @param getChildren Function that gets the children of the current node in the search
#' tree
#' @param isGoal Function that determines whether a node is a goal node
#' @return an optimal goal node
#' @export
branchBoundOnTree = function( init.node, getCostBounds, getChildren, isGoal ){

  # Node queue
  queue = list()
  # Cost queue
  costs = vector( mode = "numeric" )
  # Upper bound: anything with a lowerbound above this gets thrown out
  highest.cost = Inf

  # Initialize the search
  current.node = init.node

  while ( !isGoal( current.node ) ) {

    # Branch out
    for ( child in getChildren( current.node ) ){

      bounds = getCostBounds( child )

      # Bound check for pruning
      if ( bounds["lower"] <= highest.cost ){

        # Update the highest.cost
        if ( bounds["upper"] < highest.cost )
          highest.cost = bounds["upper"]

        # Insert into queues
        queue = c( queue, list( child ) )
        costs = c( costs, bounds["lower"] )

    # Pop next node from queue
    optima = which( costs == min( costs ) )
    index = optima[ length( optima ) ]
    if ( length( index ) < 1 ) break
    current.node = queue[[ index ]]
    costs = costs[ -index ]
    queue = queue[ -index ]

  # Return

#' Branch and bound on a search graph
#' This function checks whether it is revisiting a node.
#' We use the typical convention of the score representing a cost, meaning that lower
#' scores are better, and the optimum is a minimum.
#' @param init.node Initial node of the search space
#' @param getCostBounds Function that returns the upper and lower bounds of the cost
#' given a node
#' @param getChildren Function that gets the children of the current node in the search
#' tree
#' @param isGoal Function that determines whether a node is a goal node
#' @param areEqual Function for pairwise comparison of nodes (to check if a node was visited)
#' @return an optimal goal node
#' @export
branchBound = function( init.node, getCostBounds, getChildren, isGoal, areEqual = identical ){

  # Node queue
  queue = list()
  # Cost queue
  costs = vector( mode = "numeric" )
  # Visited nodes
  visited = list()
  # Upper bound: anything with a lowerbound above this gets thrown out
  highest.cost = Inf

  # Initialize the search
  current.node = init.node

  while ( !isGoal( current.node ) ) {

    # Branch out
    for ( child in getChildren( current.node ) ){

      if ( !any( vapply( visited, function (x) areEqual( child, x ), FUN.VALUE=FALSE ) ) ){

        visited = c( visited, list( child ) )

        bounds = getCostBounds( child )

        # Bound check for pruning
        if ( bounds["lower"] <= highest.cost ){

          # Update the highest.cost
          if ( bounds["upper"] < highest.cost )
            highest.cost = bounds["upper"]

          # Insert into queues
          queue = c( queue, list( child ) )
          costs = c( costs, bounds["lower"] )

    # Pop next node from queue
    optima = which( costs == min( costs ) )
    index = optima[ length( optima ) ]
    if ( length( index ) < 1 ) break
    current.node = queue[[ index ]]
    costs = costs[ -index ]
    queue = queue[ -index ]

  # Return

#' Branch and bound on a search graph, aternate version
#' This function checks whether it is revisiting a node.
#' We use the typical convention of the score representing a cost, meaning that lower
#' scores are better, and the optimum is a minimum.
#' This version does not use upperbounds
#' @param init.node Initial node of the search space
#' @param getHeuristicCost Function that returns lower bound of the cost given a node
#' @param getChildren Function that gets the children of the current node in the search
#' tree
#' @param isSolution Function that determines whether a node represents a single solution
#' @param areEqual Function for pairwise comparison of nodes (to check if a node was visited)
#' @param lowest.cost Initial upperbound
#' @param selectNext Function for selecting the next node (list of costs to index)
#' @return an optimal goal node
#' @export
branchBound2 = function( init.node, getHeuristicCost, getChildren, isSolution, areEqual = identical, lowest.cost = Inf, selectNext = lastMin ){

  # Node queue
  queue = list( init.node )
  # Cost queue
  costs = getHeuristicCost( init.node )
  # Visited nodes
  visited = list( init.node )
  # Best found solution
  optimum = NULL

  while ( length( queue ) > 0 ) {

    # Pop next node
    index = selectNext( costs )
    current.node = queue[[ index ]]
    queue = queue[ -index ]
    current.cost = costs[ index ]
    costs = costs[ -index ]

    # If this is a solution, check if it's the best, update bounds.
    if ( isSolution( current.node ) && current.cost < lowest.cost ){

        lowest.cost = current.cost
        optimum = current.node

        # Prune
        prune = which( costs > lowest.cost )
        if( length( prune ) > 0 ){
          queue = queue[ -prune ]
          costs = costs[ -prune ]

    } else {

      # Branch out
      for ( child in getChildren( current.node ) ){

        if ( !any( vapply( visited, function (x) areEqual( child, x ), FUN.VALUE=FALSE ) ) ){

          visited = c( list( child ), visited )

          cost = getHeuristicCost( child )

          # Bound check and insert into queue
          if ( cost <= lowest.cost ){
            queue = c( queue, list( child ) )
            costs = c( costs, cost )

  # Return

#' Greedy search
#' Finds the minimum score greedily
#' @param init.node the start node for the search
#' @param getChildren function listing the child nodes of the current node
#' @param getScore function that gives the score of the current node
#' @return the greedily minimal node
#' @export
searchGreedily = function ( next.node, getChildren, getScore ){

  node = NULL
  score = Inf

  while ( !is.null( next.node ) ){

    node = next.node
    next.node = NULL

    for ( child in getChildren( node ) ){
      child.score = getScore( child )
      if ( child.score < score ){
        score = child.score
        next.node = child


#' Last Minimum Value
#' @param v a vector of values
#' @return the index of the last minimum value
lastMin = function ( v ){
  optima = which( v == min( v ) )
  index = optima[ length( optima ) ]
sverchkov/r-ai-search documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:49 p.m.