
Defines functions approx.balance.pogs.dual approx.balance.pogs approx.balance.mosek.dual approx.balance.quadprog approx.balance

Documented in approx.balance

#' Compute approximately balancing weights
#' Returns the minimizer of:
#'   (1 - zeta) ||gamma||^2 + zeta ||M'gamma - balance.target||_infty^2 (*)
#' @param M the feature matrix, see (*)
#' @param balance.target the target solution, see (*)
#' @param zeta tuning parameter, see (*)
#' @param allow.negative.weights are the gammas allowed to be negative?
#' @param optimizer Which optimizer to use? Mosek is a commercial solver, but free
#'                  academic licenses are available. Needs to be installed separately.
#'                  Pogs runs ADMM and may be useful for large problems, and
#'                  must be installed separately. Quadprog is the default
#'                  R solver.
#' @param bound.gamma whether upper bound on gamma should be imposed
#' @param gamma.max specific upper bound for gamma (ignored if bound.gamma = FALSE)
#' @param verbose whether the optimizer should print progress information
#' @return gamma, the minimizer of (*)
#' @export approx.balance
approx.balance = function(M,
                          zeta = 0.5,
                          allow.negative.weights = FALSE,
                          optimizer = c("mosek", "pogs", "pogs.dual", "quadprog"),
                          bound.gamma = FALSE,
                          gamma.max = 1/nrow(M)^(2/3),
                          verbose = FALSE) {

  if (zeta <= 0 || zeta >= 1) {
    stop("approx.balance: zeta must be between 0 and 1")

  optimizer = match.arg(optimizer)

  if (optimizer == "mosek") {
    if (suppressWarnings(require("Rmosek", quietly = TRUE))) {
      gamma = approx.balance.mosek.dual(M, balance.target, zeta, allow.negative.weights, bound.gamma, gamma.max, verbose)
    } else {
      if (suppressWarnings(require("pogs", quietly = TRUE))) {
        warning("The mosek optimizer is not installed. Using pogs instead.")
        optimizer = "pogs"
      } else {
        warning("Neither mosek nor pogs optimizers are installed. Using quadprog instead.")
        optimizer = "quadprog"

  if (optimizer %in% c("pogs", "pogs.dual")) {
    if (suppressWarnings(require("pogs", quietly = TRUE))) {
      if (optimizer == "pogs") {
        gamma = approx.balance.pogs(M, balance.target, zeta, allow.negative.weights, bound.gamma, gamma.max, verbose)
      } else {
        if (bound.gamma) {warning("bound.gamma = TRUE not implemented for this optimizer")}
        gamma = approx.balance.pogs.dual(M, balance.target, zeta, allow.negative.weights, verbose)
    } else {
      warning("The POGS optimizer is not installed. Using quadprog instead.")
      optimizer = "quadprog"

  if (optimizer == "quadprog") {
    if (bound.gamma) {warning("bound.gamma = TRUE not implemented for this optimizer")}
    gamma = approx.balance.quadprog(M, balance.target, zeta, allow.negative.weights)


# Find approximately balancing weights using quadprog
approx.balance.quadprog = function(M,
                                   zeta = 0.5,
                                   allow.negative.weights = FALSE) {
  # The system is effectively
  # minimize zeta * delta^2 + (1 - zeta) * ||gamma||^2
  # subject to
  #   sum gamma = 1
  #   delta + (M'gamma)_j >= balance.target_j
  #   delta - (M'gamma)_j >= -balance.target_j
  # The last two constraints mean that
  # delta = ||M'gamma - balance.target||_infty

  Dmat = diag(c(zeta, rep(1 - zeta, nrow(M))))
  dvec = rep(0, 1 + nrow(M))
  Amat = cbind(
    c(0, rep(1, nrow(M))),
    rbind(rep(1, ncol(M)), M ),
    rbind(rep(1, ncol(M)), -M))
  bvec = c(1, balance.target, -balance.target)

  if (!allow.negative.weights) {
    LB = 1/nrow(M)/10000
    Amat = cbind(Amat, rbind(rep(0, nrow(M)), diag(rep(1, nrow(M)))))
    bvec = c(bvec, rep(LB, nrow(M)))

  balance.soln = quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq = 1)
  gamma = balance.soln$solution[-1]

# Find approximately balancing weights using mosek, using dual of QP
approx.balance.mosek.dual = function(M,
                                     zeta = 0.5,
                                     allow.negative.weights = FALSE,
                                     bound.gamma = FALSE,
                                     gamma.max = 1/nrow(M)^(2/3),
                                     verbose = FALSE) {

  # The primal problem is:
  # Minimize 1/2 x' diag(qvec) x
  # subject to Ax <= b,
  # where the constraints indexted by "equality" are required to be equalities
  # Here, the vector x is interpreted as (max.imbalance, gamma)
  qvec.primal = 2 * c(zeta, rep(1 - zeta, nrow(M)))

  tM = Matrix::t(M)
  nvar = length(qvec.primal)

  A.primal.list = list(
    matrix(c(0, rep(1, nrow(M))), 1, nvar),
    cbind(rep(-1, ncol(M)), tM),
    cbind(rep(-1, ncol(M)), -tM),
    if(!allow.negative.weights) {
      cbind(0, Matrix::diag(-1, nrow(M), nrow(M)))
    } else {
    if(bound.gamma) {
      cbind(0, Matrix::diag(1, nrow(M), nrow(M)))
    } else {
  A.primal = Reduce(rbind, A.primal.list)

  bvec = c(1,
           if(!allow.negative.weights) {
             rep(0, nrow(M))
           } else {
           if (bound.gamma) {
             rep(gamma.max, nrow(M))
           } else {

  equality.primal = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 2*ncol(M) + (as.numeric(!allow.negative.weights) + as.numeric(bound.gamma)) * nrow(M)))

  # The dual problem is then
  # Minimize 1/2 lambda A diag(1/qvec) A' lambda + b * lambda
  # Subject to lambda >= 0 for the lambdas corresponding to inequality constraints

  #A.dual = diag(1/sqrt(qvec.primal)) %*% t(A.primal)
  A.dual = 1/sqrt(qvec.primal) * Matrix::t(A.primal) #this is the same thing, but faster

  # Next we turn this into a conic program:
  # Minimize t
  # Subject to bvec * lambda + q - t = 0
  #	A.dual * lambda - mu = 0
  #	lambda >= 0 (for the inequality constraints)
  #	2 * q >= ||mu||_2^2
  # Where we note that the last constraint is a rotated cone.
  # Below, the solution vector is (lambda, mu, q, t, ONE), where ONE
  # is just a variable constrained to be 1.
  A.conic = rbind(c(bvec, rep(0, nvar), 1, -1, 0),
                          cbind(A.dual, Matrix::diag(-1, nvar, nvar), 0, 0, 0),
                          c(rep(0, length(bvec) + nvar + 2), 1))
  rhs.conic = c(rep(0, 1 + nvar), 1)

  blx.conic = rep(-Inf, ncol(A.conic))
  blx.conic[which(!equality.primal)] = 0
  bux.conic = rep(Inf, ncol(A.conic))

  obj.conic = c(rep(0, length(bvec) + nvar + 1), 1, 0)

  mosek.problem <- list()
  mosek.problem$sense <- "min"
  mosek.problem$c <- obj.conic
  mosek.problem$bx <- rbind(blx = blx.conic, bux = bux.conic)
  mosek.problem$A <- as(A.conic, "CsparseMatrix")
  mosek.problem$bc <- rbind(blc = rhs.conic, buc = rhs.conic)
  mosek.problem$cones <- cbind(list("RQUAD", c(length(bvec) + nvar + 1, length(bvec) + nvar + 3, length(bvec) + 1:nvar)))

  if (verbose) {
    mosek.out = Rmosek::mosek(mosek.problem)
  } else {
    mosek.out = Rmosek::mosek(mosek.problem, opts=list(verbose=0))

  primal = -1/qvec.primal * (t(A.primal) %*% mosek.out$sol$itr$xx[1:nrow(A.primal)])
  delta = primal[1]
  gamma = primal[1 + 1:nrow(M)]

# Find approximately balancing weights using pogs
approx.balance.pogs = function(M,
                               zeta = 0.5,
                               allow.negative.weights = FALSE,
                               bound.gamma = FALSE,
                               gamma.max = 1/nrow(M)^(2/3),
                               verbose = FALSE) {

  # Our original problem is the following:
  # Minimize ||gamma||_2^2 + delta^2 / lambda^2, subject to
  # ||M'gamma - balance.target||_infty <= delta and sum gamma_i = 1.
  # Equivalently, in notation recognized by POGS, we can write
  # Minimize ||gamma||_2^2 + Z^2
  # subject to I[1:2p] <= 0, J[2p+1, 2p+2] = 1, where
  #     (M'  -v -lambda)   (gamma)
  # I = (-M' v  -lambda) * (ONE  )
  #     (1'  0  0      )   (Z    )
  #     (0   1  0      )
  # and v denotes balance.target.

  lambda = sqrt((1 - zeta) / zeta)
  g = list(h = kSquare())

  f = list(h = c(kIndLe0(2 * ncol(M)), kIndEq0(2)),
           b = c(rep(0, 2 * ncol(M)), 1, 1))
  A = rbind(cbind(t(M), -balance.target, -lambda),
            cbind(-t(M), balance.target, -lambda),
            c(rep(1, nrow(M)), 0, 0),
            c(rep(0, nrow(M)), 1, 0))

  if (!allow.negative.weights) {
    f$h = c(f$h, kIndLe0(nrow(M)))
    f$b = c(f$b, rep(0, nrow(M)))
    A = rbind(A, cbind(diag(-1, nrow(M)), 0, 0))

  if (bound.gamma) {
    f$h = c(f$h, kIndLe0(nrow(M)))
    f$b = c(f$b, rep(0, nrow(M)))
    A = rbind(A, cbind(diag(1, nrow(M)), -gamma.max, 0))

  pogs.solution = pogs(A, f, g, params = list(rel_tol=1e-4, abs_tol=1e-5, verbose=2*as.numeric(verbose)))

  gamma = pogs.solution$x[1:nrow(M)]

# Find approximately balancing weights using pogs
approx.balance.pogs.dual = function(M,
                                    zeta = 0.5,
                                    allow.negative.weights = FALSE,
                                    verbose = FALSE) {

  # The primal problem is:
  # Minimize 1/2 x' diag(qvec) x
  # subject to Ax <= b,
  # where the constraints indexted by "equality" are required to be equalities
  # Here, the vector x is interpreted as (max.imbalance, gamma)
  qvec.primal = 2 * c(zeta, rep(1 - zeta, nrow(M)))
  A.primal = rbind(
    c(0, rep(1, nrow(M))),
    cbind(rep(-1, ncol(M)), t(M) ),
    cbind(rep(-1, ncol(M)), -t(M)))
  b.primal = c(1, balance.target, -balance.target)
  equality.primal = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 2*ncol(M)))

  if (!allow.negative.weights) {
    A.primal = rbind(A.primal, cbind(0, diag(-1, nrow(M), nrow(M))))
    b.primal = c(b.primal, rep(0, nrow(M)))
    equality.primal = c(equality.primal, rep(FALSE, nrow(M)))

  # The dual problem is then
  # Minimize 1/2 lambda A diag(1/qvec) A' lambda + b * lambda
  # Subject to lambda >= 0 for the lambdas corresponding to inequality constraint
  # This is equivalent to
  # Minimize 1/2 ||c||_2^2 + d
  # Subject to c = diag(1/sqrt(qvec)) A' lambda
  #  d = b * lambda
  #  lambda >= 0

  A.pogs = rbind(diag(1/sqrt(qvec.primal)) %*% t(A.primal), b.primal)
  f.pogs = list(h = c(kSquare(ncol(A.primal)), kIdentity(1)))
  g.pogs = list(h = kIndGe0(length(equality.primal)))
  g.pogs$h[equality.primal] = kZero(sum(equality.primal))

  pogs.solution = pogs(A.pogs, f.pogs, g.pogs, params = list(rel_tol=1e-4, abs_tol=1e-5, verbose=2*as.numeric(verbose)))

  primal = -diag(1/sqrt(qvec.primal)) %*% t(A.primal) %*% pogs.solution$x
  delta = primal[1]
  gamma = primal[1 + 1:nrow(M)]
  gamma / sum(gamma)
swager/balanceHD documentation built on Aug. 10, 2021, 1:54 a.m.