
#' Fit an empirical Bayes prior in the hierarchical model
#'     mu ~ G, X ~ N(mu, sigma^2)
#' @param X a vector of observations
#' @param sigma noise estimate
#' @param p tuning parameter -- number of parameters used to fit G
#' @param nbin tuning parameter -- number of bins used for discrete approximation
#' @param unif.fraction tuning parameter -- fraction of G modeled as "slab"
#' @return posterior density estimate g
#' @section References:
#' For more details about "g-estimation", see: B Efron. Two modeling strategies for
#' empirical Bayes estimation. Stat. Sci., 29(2): 285–301, 2014.
#' @export

gfit = function(X, sigma, p = 2, nbin = 1000, unif.fraction = 0.1) {
        xvals = seq(min(min(X) - 2 * sd(X), 0), max(max(X) + 2 * sd(X), sd(X)), length.out = nbin)
        binw = xvals[2] - xvals[1]
        zero.idx = max(which(xvals <= 0))
        noise.kernel = dnorm(xvals / sigma) * binw / sigma
        if (zero.idx > 1) {
                noise.rotate = noise.kernel[c(zero.idx:length(xvals), 1:(zero.idx - 1))]
        } else {
                noise.rotate = noise.kernel
        XX = sapply(1:p, function(j) xvals^j * as.numeric(xvals >= 0))
        neg.loglik = function(eta) {
                g.eta.raw = exp(XX %*% eta) * as.numeric(xvals >= 0)
                if ((sum(g.eta.raw) == Inf) | (sum(g.eta.raw) <= 100 * .Machine$double.eps)) {
                        return (1000 * (length(X) + sum(eta^2)))
                g.eta.main = g.eta.raw / sum(g.eta.raw)
                g.eta = (1 - unif.fraction) * g.eta.main +
                        unif.fraction * as.numeric(xvals >= 0) / sum(xvals >= 0)
                f.eta = convolve(g.eta, noise.rotate)
                sum(approx(xvals, -log(pmax(f.eta, 0.0000001)), X)$y)
        eta.hat = nlm(neg.loglik, rep(-1, p))$estimate
        g.eta.raw = exp(XX %*% eta.hat) * as.numeric(xvals >= 0)
        g.eta.main = g.eta.raw / sum(g.eta.raw)
        g.eta = (1 - unif.fraction) * g.eta.main +
                unif.fraction * as.numeric(xvals >= 0) / sum(xvals >= 0)
        return(data.frame(x=xvals, g=g.eta))

#' Bayes posterior estimation with Gaussian noise
#' @param x0 an obsevation
#' @param g.est a prior density, as returned by gfit
#' @param sigma noise estimate
#' @return posterior estimate E[mu | x0]
#' @export

gbayes = function(x0, g.est, sigma) {
        Kx = dnorm((g.est$x - x0) / sigma)
        post = Kx * g.est$g
        post = post / sum(post)
        sum(post * g.est$x)

#' Empirical Bayes calibration of noisy variance estimates
#' @param vars list of variance estimates
#' @param sigma2 estimate of the Monte Carlo noise in vars
#' @return calibrated variance estimates
#' @export

calibrateEB = function(vars, sigma2) {
        if(sigma2 <= 0 | min(vars) == max(vars)) {
                return(pmax(vars, 0))
        sigma = sqrt(sigma2)
        eb.prior = gfit(vars, sigma)
        if (length(vars >= 200)) {
                # If there are many test points, use interpolation to speed up computations
                calib.x = quantile(vars, q = seq(0, 1, by = 0.02))
                calib.y = sapply(calib.x, function(xx) gbayes(xx, eb.prior, sigma))
                calib.all = approx(x=calib.x, y=calib.y, xout=vars)$y
        } else {
                calib.all = sapply(vars, function(xx) gbayes(xx, eb.prior, sigma))
swager/randomForestCI documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:33 p.m.