
Defines functions CLAHE reduce concatenate grabCut histEq histmatch LUT floodFill distanceTransform warpPerspective getAffineTransform getPerspectiveTransform warpAffine rotate rotateScale findTransformORB findTransformECC computeECC findHomography

Documented in CLAHE computeECC concatenate distanceTransform findHomography findTransformECC findTransformORB floodFill getAffineTransform getPerspectiveTransform grabCut histEq histmatch LUT reduce rotate rotateScale warpAffine warpPerspective

#' @title Perspective Transformation Between Two Planes
#' @description \code{findHomography} computes a perspective transformation
#'  between two planes.
#' @param from A Nx2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of N points in the
#'  source image.
#' @param to A Nx2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of N points in the
#'  destination image. The order of the points must correspond to the order in
#'  \code{from}.
#' @param from_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the source image.
#' @param to_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the destination image. If not specified, \code{from_dim} will
#'  be used as a default.
#' @param method A character string indicating the method used to compute a
#'  homography matrix. It can be one of the followings: "LS" (least-square),
#'  "RANSAC" (RANSAC-based robust method; the default), "LMEDS" (Least-Median
#'  robust method), or "RHO" (PROSAC-based robust method).
#' @param ransac_reproj_th Maximum allowed reprojection error to treat a point
#'  pair as an inlier (used in the RANSAC and RHO methods only). If `from` and
#'  `to` are measured in pixels, it usually makes sense to set this parameter
#'  somewhere in the range of 1 to 10.
#' @param max_it The maximum number of RANSAC iterations.
#' @param conf Confidence level, between 0 and 1.
#' @return A 3x3 homography matrix.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPerspectiveTransform}}, \code{\link{getAffineTransform}},
#'  \code{\link{warpPerspective}}
#' @examples
#' src <- cbind(x = c(0, 1, 1, 0), y = c(0, 0, 1, 1))
#' dst <- src + 1
#' findHomography(src, dst, c(10, 10))
#' @export
findHomography <- function(from, to, from_dim, to_dim = from_dim, method = "RANSAC",
                           ransac_reproj_th = 3, max_it = 2000, conf = 0.95) {
  if (!all(dim(from) == dim(to)))
    stop("'from' and 'to' must have the same dimensions.")

  if (ncol(from) != 2 | ncol(to) != 2 )
    stop("'from' and 'to' must have only two columns.")

  from[, 1] <- from[, 1] - 1
  from[, 2] <- -from[, 2] + from_dim[1]
  to[, 1] <- to[, 1] - 1
  to[, 2] <- -to[, 2] + from_dim[1] - (from_dim[1] - to_dim[1])

  dim(from) <- c(nrow(from), 1, 2)
  dim(to) <- c(nrow(to), 1, 2)

  `_findHomography`(from, to,
                           "LS" = 0,
                           "RANSAC" = 4,
                           "LMEDS" = 8,
                           "RHO" = 16,
                           stop("This is not a valid method. 'homography_method'
                                  must be one of 'LS', 'RANSAC', 'LMEDS', or 'RHO'.")),
                    ransac_reproj_th, max_it, conf)

#' @title Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Value
#' @description \code{computeECC} computes the Enhanced Correlation Coefficient
#'  (ECC) value between two images.
#' @param template A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param image A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object of the same dimensions as
#'  \code{template}.
#' @param mask A binary \code{\link{Image}} object of the same dimensions as
#'  \code{template}. Only the pixels of \code{image} where \code{mask} is
#'  nonzero are used in the computation. If \code{NULL}, all pixels are used.
#' @return A numerical value.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{findTransformECC}}
#' @references Evangelidis, G. D., and Psarakis, E. Z. (2008). Parametric image
#'  alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization. IEEE Trans.
#'  Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30, 1858–1865. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2008.113.
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")
#' file2 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon2.png", package = "Rvision")
#' balloon1 <- changeColorSpace(image(file1), "GRAY")
#' balloon2 <- changeColorSpace(image(file2), "GRAY")
#' computeECC(balloon1, balloon2)
#' @export
computeECC <- function(template, image, mask = NULL) {
  if (!isImage(template))
    stop("'template' is not an Image object.")

  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (template$space != "GRAY" | image$space != "GRAY")
    stop("'template' and 'image' must be grayscale images.")

  if (!all(template$dim() == image$dim()))
    stop("'template' and 'image' must have the same dimensions.")

  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- ones(template$nrow(), template$ncol(), 1, template$depth())

  `_computeECC`(template, image, mask)

#' @title Enhanced Correlation Coefficient-based Geometric Transform
#' @description \code{findTransformECC} computes the geometric transform between
#'  two images in terms of the Enhanced Correlation Coefficient criterion.
#' @param template A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param image A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object of the same dimensions as
#'  \code{template}.
#' @param warp_matrix An initial mapping (warp) matrix. It must be a 3x3 matrix
#'  when \code{warp_mode} is set to "homography", a 2x3 matrix otherwise. If set
#'  to \code{NULL} (the default), it will be automatically initialized as an
#'  identity matrix with the appropriate dimensions.
#' @param warp_mode A character string indicating the type of warping required
#'  to transform \code{image} into \code{template}. It can be any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"translation":}{simple translational transformation.}
#'   \item{"euclidean":}{Euclidean (rigid) transformation (translation + rotation).}
#'   \item{"affine" (default):}{affine transformation (Euclidean + shear; this
#'    transformation will preserve parallelism between lines).}
#'   \item{"homography":}{homography transformation (affine + perspective; this
#'    transformation does not preserve parallelism between lines).}
#'  }
#' @param max_it The maximum number of iterations (default: 200).
#' @param epsilon The convergene tolerance (default: 1e-3).
#' @param mask A binary \code{\link{Image}} object of the same dimensions as
#'  \code{template}. Only the pixels of \code{image} where \code{mask} is
#'  nonzero are used in the computation. If \code{NULL}, all pixels are used.
#' @param filt_size The size in pixels of a gaussian blur filter applied to the
#'  images before computation of the transform. When set to 0 (the default), no
#'  filtering is applied.
#' @return A 2x3 or 3x3 (if \code{warp_mode = "homography"}) matrix.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeECC}}, \code{\link{findTransformORB}}
#' @references Evangelidis, G. D., and Psarakis, E. Z. (2008). Parametric image
#'  alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization. IEEE Trans.
#'  Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30, 1858–1865. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2008.113.
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")
#' file2 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon2.png", package = "Rvision")
#' balloon1 <- changeColorSpace(image(file1), "GRAY")
#' balloon2 <- changeColorSpace(image(file2), "GRAY")
#' findTransformECC(balloon1, balloon2)
#' @export
findTransformECC <- function(template, image, warp_matrix = NULL, warp_mode = "affine",
                             max_it = 200, epsilon = 1e-3, mask = NULL, filt_size = 0) {
  if (!isImage(template))
    stop("'template' is not an Image object.")

  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (template$space != "GRAY" | image$space != "GRAY")
    stop("'template' and 'image' must be grayscale images.")

  if (!all(template$dim() == image$dim()))
    stop("'template' and 'image' must have the same dimensions.")

  if (warp_mode == "homography") {
    if (is.null(warp_matrix)) {
      warp_matrix <- diag(1, 3, 3)
    } else {
      if (!all(dim(warp_matrix) == c(3, 3)))
        stop("warp_matrix must be a 3x3 matrix.")
  } else {
    if (is.null(warp_matrix)) {
      warp_matrix <- diag(1, 2, 3)
    } else {
      if (!all(dim(warp_matrix) == c(2, 3)))
        stop("warp_matrix must be a 2x3 matrix.")

  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- ones(template$nrow(), template$ncol(), 1, template$depth())

  `_findTransformECC`(template, image, warp_matrix,
                             "translation" = 0,
                             "euclidean" = 1,
                             "affine" = 2,
                             "homography" = 3,
                             stop("This is not a valid transformation. 'warp_mode' must be one of 'translation', 'euclidean', 'affine', or 'homography'.")),
                      max_it, epsilon, mask, filt_size)

#' @title ORB-based Geometric Transform
#' @description \code{findTransformORB} computes the geometric transform between
#'  two images in terms of the ORB feature detector.
#' @param template A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param image A grayscale \code{\link{Image}} object of the same dimensions as
#'  \code{template}.
#' @param warp_mode A character string indicating the type of warping required
#'  to transform \code{image} into \code{template}. It can be any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"affine" (default):}{affine transformation (Euclidean + shear; this
#'    transformation will preserve parallelism between lines).}
#'   \item{"homography":}{homography transformation (affine + perspective; this
#'    transformation does not preserve parallelism between lines).}
#'  }
#' @param max_features The maximum number of features to extract (default: 500).
#' @param descriptor_matcher A character string indicating the type of the
#'  descriptor matcher to use. It can be one of the followings: "BruteForce",
#'  "BruteForce-L1", "BruteForce-Hamming" (the default), "BruteForce-Hamming(2)",
#'  or "FlannBased".
#' @param match_frac The fraction of top matches to keep (default: 0.15).
#' @param homography_method A character string indicating the method used to
#'  compute a homography matrix. It can be one of the followings: "LS"
#'  (least-square), "RANSAC" (RANSAC-based robust method; the default), "LMEDS"
#'  (Least-Median robust method), or "RHO" (PROSAC-based robust method).
#' @return A 2x3 or 3x3 (if \code{warp_mode = "homography"}) matrix.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{findTransformECC}}
#' @references Evangelidis, G. D., and Psarakis, E. Z. (2008). Parametric image
#'  alignment using enhanced correlation coefficient maximization. IEEE Trans.
#'  Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30, 1858–1865. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2008.113.
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")
#' file2 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon2.png", package = "Rvision")
#' balloon1 <- changeColorSpace(image(file1), "GRAY")
#' balloon2 <- changeColorSpace(image(file2), "GRAY")
#' findTransformORB(balloon1, balloon2)
#' @export
findTransformORB <- function(template, image, warp_mode = "affine", max_features = 500,
                             descriptor_matcher = "BruteForce-Hamming",
                             match_frac = 0.15, homography_method = "RANSAC") {
  if (!isImage(template))
    stop("'template' is not an Image object.")

  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (template$space != "GRAY" | image$space != "GRAY")
    stop("'template' and 'image' must be grayscale images.")

  if (warp_mode == "affine" & !(homography_method %in% c("RANSAC", "LSMEDS")))
    stop("When warp_mode='affine', homography_method can only be one of 'RANSAC' or 'LSMEDS'.")

  if (!(descriptor_matcher %in% c("BruteForce", "BruteForce-L1", "BruteForce-Hamming",
                                  "BruteForce-Hamming(2)", "FlannBased")))
    stop("Invalid descriptor matcher.")

  `_findTransformORB`(template, image,
                             "affine" = 2,
                             "homography" = 3,
                             stop("This is not a valid transformation. 'warp_mode' must be one of 'affine' or 'homography'.")),
                      max_features, descriptor_matcher,
                      match_frac, switch(homography_method,
                                         "LS" = 0,
                                         "RANSAC" = 4,
                                         "LMEDS" = 8,
                                         "RHO" = 16,
                                         stop("This is not a valid method. 'homography_method'
                                  must be one of 'LS', 'RANSAC', 'LMEDS', or 'RHO'.")))

#' @title Image Rotation and Scaling
#' @description \code{rotateScale} rotates (clockwise) and scales an image using
#'  the \code{\link{warpAffine}} function.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param center A 2-elements vector indicating the location (row, column) of
#'  the center of the rotation in the source image. It defaults to the center of
#'  the image.
#' @param angle A numeric value indicating the rotation angle in degrees
#'  (default: 90).
#' @param scale A numeric value indicating an isotropic scale factor (default: 1).
#' @param ... Additional parameters for the \code{\link{warpAffine}} function.
#' @return An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{warpAffine}}
#' @examples
#' img <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' img_rotated <- rotateScale(img, c(50, 50), 45, 1)
#' @export
rotateScale <- function(image, center = (dim(image)[2:1] - 1) / 2, angle = 90, scale = 1, ...) {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (length(center) != 2)
    stop("'center' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")

  center[1] <- center[1] - 1
  center[2] <- -center[2] + nrow(image)

  m <- `_getRotationMatrix2D`(center, angle, scale)
  warpAffine(image, m, ...)

#' @title Image Rotation In 90-Degree Increments
#' @description \code{rotate} rotates an image in multiples of 90 degrees.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param rotation A character string indicating the desired rotation:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"CLOCKWISE" (default):}{rotate by 90 degrees clockwise.}
#'   \item{"COUNTER":}{rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise.}
#'   \item{"180":}{rotate by 180 degrees.}
#'  }
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same bit depth and number of channels as
#'    \code{image}. The dimensions must be the same if \code{rotation="CLOCKWISE"},
#'    or inverted if \code{rotation="CLOCKWISE"} or \code{rotation="COUNTER"}.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object, the function
#'  returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rotateScale}}
#' @examples
#' img <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' img_rotated <- rotate(img)
#' @export
rotate <- function(image, rotation = "CLOCKWISE", target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  code <- switch(rotation,
                 "CLOCKWISE" = 0,
                 "COUNTER" = 2,
                 "180" = 1,
                 stop("This is not a valid rotation. 'rotation' must be one of
                      'CLOCKWISE', 'COUNTER', or '180'."))

  if (isImage(target)) {
    if (code %in% c(0, 2) & !all(image$dim() == target$dim()[c(2:1), 3]))
      stop("Incorrect 'target' dimensions.")

    if ((code == 1) & !all(image$dim() == target$dim()))
      stop("Incorrect 'target' dimensions.")

    `_rotate`(image, code, target)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    if (code %in% c(0, 2)) {
      out <- zeros(image$ncol(), image$nrow(), image$nchan(), image$depth(), image$space)
    } else {
      out <- zeros(image$nrow(), image$ncol(), image$nchan(), image$depth(), image$space)

    `_rotate`(image, code, out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")


#' @title Affine Transformation
#' @description \code{warpAffine} applies an affine transformation to an image.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param warp_matrix A 2x3 numeric matrix.
#' @param interp_mode A character string indicating the interpolation method to
#'  be used. It can be
#'  any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"nearest":}{nearest neighbor interpolation.}
#'   \item{"linear" (the default):}{bilinear interpolation.}
#'   \item{"cubic":}{bicubic interpolation.}
#'   \item{"area":}{resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred
#'    method for image decimation, as it gives moiré-free results, but when the
#'    image is zoomed, it is similar to the nearest neighbor method.}
#'   \item{"lanczos4":}{Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighborhood.}
#'   \item{"linear_exact":}{bit exact bilinear interpolation.}
#'  }
#' @param inverse_map A logical. TRUE if \code{warp_matrix} represents an inverse
#'  transformation. If FALSE, \code{warp_matrix} will be inverted.
#' @param border_type A character string indicating the extrapolation method to
#'  use when filling empty pixels created during the transformation. It can be
#'  any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"constant" (the default):}{\code{iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiii} with \code{i}
#'    specified by \code{border_value}.}
#'   \item{"replicate":}{\code{aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhh}.}
#'   \item{"reflect":}{\code{fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedc}.}
#'   \item{"wrap":}{\code{cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdef}.}
#'   \item{"reflect_101":}{\code{gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcb}.}
#'   \item{"transparent":}{\code{uvwxyz|abcdefgh|ijklmn}.}
#'  }
#' @param border_color A value or vector of any kind of R color specification
#'  compatible with \code{\link{col2bgr}} representing the color of the border
#'  (default: "black").
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same bit depth and number of channels as
#'    \code{image} but can have different dimensions.}
#'  }
#' @param output_size If \code{target="new"}, a 2-elements vector indicating the
#'  number of rows and columns of the output image (defaults to the dimensions
#'  of \code{image}).
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{warpPerspective}}, \code{\link{findTransformECC}}
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")
#' file2 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon2.png", package = "Rvision")
#' balloon1 <- changeColorSpace(image(file1), "GRAY")
#' balloon2 <- changeColorSpace(image(file2), "GRAY")
#' ecc <- findTransformORB(balloon1, balloon2)
#' balloon2_transformed <- warpAffine(balloon2, ecc)
#' @export
warpAffine <- function(image, warp_matrix, interp_mode = "linear", inverse_map = TRUE,
                       border_type = "constant", border_color = "black",
                       target = "new", output_size = dim(image)[1:2]) {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (!all(dim(warp_matrix) == c(2, 3)))
    stop("'warp_matrix' should have exactly 2 rows and 3 columns.")

  if (length(output_size) != 2 | !is.numeric(output_size))
    stop("'output_size' should be a numeric vector of length 2.")

  interp_modes <- c("nearest", "linear", "cubic", "area", "lanczos4", "linear_exact")
  interp_vals <- 0:5
  if (!all(interp_mode %in% interp_modes))
    stop("This is not a valid combination of interpolation modes.")

  border_types <- c("constant", "replicate", "reflect", "wrap", "reflect_101", "transparent")
  border_vals <- 0:5
  if (!(border_type %in% border_types))
    stop("This is not a valid border type.")

  if (!is.logical(inverse_map))
    stop("inverse_map must be a logical.")

  if (isImage(target)) {
    `_warpAffine`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                  border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color), target)
  } else if (target == "self") {
    `_warpAffine`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                  border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color),
  } else if (target == "new") {
    out <- zeros(output_size[1], output_size[2], image$nchan(), image$depth(), image$space)
    `_warpAffine`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                  border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color),
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")

#' @title Perspective Transform
#' @description \code{getPerspectiveTransform} computes the matrix of a perspective
#'  transform from 4 pairs of corresponding points in a source and destination
#'  image.
#' @param from A 4x2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of 4 points in the
#'  source image.
#' @param to A 4x2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of 4 points in the
#'  destination image. The order of the points must correspond to the order in
#'  \code{from}.
#' @param from_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the source image.
#' @param to_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the destination image. If not specified, \code{from_dim} will
#'  be used as a default.
#' @return A 3x3 matrix.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{warpPerspective}}, \code{\link{findHomography}}
#' @examples
#' from <- matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 5, 1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' to <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' getPerspectiveTransform(from, to, c(1080, 1920), c(1080, 1920))
#' @export
getPerspectiveTransform <- function(from, to, from_dim, to_dim = from_dim) {
  if (any(dim(from) != c(4, 2)) | any(dim(to) != c(4, 2)))
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be 4x2 matrices.")

  from[, 1] <- from[, 1] - 1
  from[, 2] <- -from[, 2] + from_dim[1]
  to[, 1] <- to[, 1] - 1
  to[, 2] <- -to[, 2] + from_dim[1] - (from_dim[1] - to_dim[1])

  `_getPerspectiveTransform`(from, to)

#' @title Affine Transform
#' @description \code{getAffineTransform} computes the matrix of an affine
#'  transform from 4 pairs of corresponding points in a source and destination
#'  image.
#' @param from A 4x2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of 4 points in the
#'  source image.
#' @param to A 4x2 matrix indicating the location (x, y) of 4 points in the
#'  destination image. The order of the points must correspond to the order in
#'  \code{from}.
#' @param from_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the source image.
#' @param to_dim A vector which first two elements indicate the number of rows
#'  and columns of the destination image. If not specified, \code{from_dim} will
#'  be used as a default.
#' @return A 3x3 matrix.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{warpAffine}}, \code{\link{findHomography}}
#' @examples
#' from <- matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 5, 1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' to <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' getAffineTransform(from, to, c(1080, 1920), c(1080, 1920))
#' @export
getAffineTransform <- function(from, to, from_dim, to_dim = from_dim) {
  if (any(dim(from) != c(4, 2)) | any(dim(to) != c(4, 2)))
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be 4x2 matrices.")

  from[, 1] <- from[, 1] - 1
  from[, 2] <- -from[, 2] + from_dim[1]
  to[, 1] <- to[, 1] - 1
  to[, 2] <- -to[, 2] + from_dim[1] - (from_dim[1] - to_dim[1])

  `_getAffineTransform`(from, to)

#' @title Perspective Transformation
#' @description \code{warpPerspective} applies a perspective transformation to
#'  an image.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param warp_matrix A 3x3 numeric matrix.
#' @param interp_mode A character string indicating the interpolation method to
#'  be used. It can be
#'  any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"nearest":}{nearest neighbor interpolation.}
#'   \item{"linear" (the default):}{bilinear interpolation.}
#'   \item{"cubic":}{bicubic interpolation.}
#'   \item{"area":}{resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred
#'    method for image decimation, as it gives moiré-free results, but when the
#'    image is zoomed, it is similar to the nearest neighbor method.}
#'   \item{"lanczos4":}{Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 neighborhood.}
#'   \item{"linear_exact":}{bit exact bilinear interpolation.}
#'  }
#' @param inverse_map A logical. TRUE if \code{warp_matrix} represents an inverse
#'  transformation. If FALSE, \code{warp_matrix} will be inverted.
#' @param border_type A character string indicating the extrapolation method to
#'  use when filling empty pixels created during the transformation. It can be
#'  any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"constant" (the default):}{\code{iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiii} with \code{i}
#'    specified by \code{border_value}.}
#'   \item{"replicate":}{\code{aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhh}.}
#'   \item{"reflect":}{\code{fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedc}.}
#'   \item{"wrap":}{\code{cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdef}.}
#'   \item{"reflect_101":}{\code{gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcb}.}
#'   \item{"transparent":}{\code{uvwxyz|abcdefgh|ijklmn}.}
#'  }
#' @param border_color A value or vector of any kind of R color specification
#'  compatible with \code{\link{col2bgr}} representing the color of the border
#'  (default: "black").
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same bit depth and number of channels as
#'    \code{image} but can have different dimensions.}
#'  }
#' @param output_size If \code{target="new"}, a 2-elements vector indicating the
#'  number of rows and columns of the output image (defaults to the dimensions
#'  of \code{image}).
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{warpPerspective}}, \code{\link{findTransformECC}},
#'  \code{\link{findHomography}}
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision")
#' file2 <- system.file("sample_img/balloon2.png", package = "Rvision")
#' balloon1 <- changeColorSpace(image(file1), "GRAY")
#' balloon2 <- changeColorSpace(image(file2), "GRAY")
#' ecc <- findTransformORB(balloon1, balloon2, warp_mode = "homography")
#' balloon2_transformed <- warpPerspective(balloon2, ecc)
#' @export
warpPerspective <- function(image, warp_matrix, interp_mode = "linear", inverse_map = TRUE,
                            border_type = "constant", border_color = "black",
                            target = "new", output_size = dim(image)[1:2]) {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (!all(dim(warp_matrix) == c(3, 3)))
    stop("'warp_matrix' should have exactly 3 rows and 3 columns.")

  interp_modes <- c("nearest", "linear", "cubic", "area", "lanczos4", "linear_exact")
  interp_vals <- 0:5
  if (!all(interp_mode %in% interp_modes))
    stop("This is not a valid combination of interpolation modes.")

  border_types <- c("constant", "replicate", "reflect", "wrap", "reflect_101", "transparent")
  border_vals <- 0:5
  if (!(border_type %in% border_types))
    stop("This is not a valid border type.")

  if (!is.logical(inverse_map))
    stop("inverse_map must be a logical.")

  if (isImage(target)) {
    `_warpPerspective`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                       border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color), target)
  } else if (target == "self") {
    `_warpPerspective`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                       border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color), image)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    out <- zeros(output_size[1], output_size[2], image$nchan(), image$depth(), image$space)
    `_warpPerspective`(image, warp_matrix, interp_vals[interp_modes == interp_mode] + inverse_map * 16,
                       border_vals[border_type == border_types], col2bgr(border_color), out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")

#' @title Distance Transform
#' @description \code{distanceTransform} calculates the distance to the closest
#'  zero pixel for each pixel of the source image.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param distance_type A character string indicating the type of distance
#'  to be calculated. It can be any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"L1" (the default):}{\code{distance = |x1-x2| + |y1-y2|}.}
#'   \item{"L2":}{the simple euclidean distance.}
#'   \item{"C":}{\code{distance = max(|x1-x2|,|y1-y2|)}.}
#'   \item{"L12":}{L1-L2 metric. \code{distance = 2(sqrt(1+x*x/2) - 1))}.}
#'   \item{"FAIR":}{\code{distance = c^2(|x|/c-log(1+|x|/c)), c = 1.3998}.}
#'   \item{"WELSCH":}{\code{distance = c^2/2(1-exp(-(x/c)^2)), c = 2.9846}.}
#'   \item{"HUBER":}{\code{distance = |x|<c ? x^2/2 : c(|x|-c/2), c=1.345}.}
#'  }
#' @param mask_size A numeric value indicating the size of the distance
#'  transform mask. It can be any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{0:}{used only to indicate the Felzenszwalb algorithm when
#'    \code{distance_type = "L2"}.}
#'   \item{3 (the default):}{3x3 mask.}
#'   \item{5:}{5x5 mask.}
#'  }
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same dimensions as \code{image}, must have a
#'    single channel, and its bit depth must be either "8U" or "32F".}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @return An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' changeColorSpace(balloon, "GRAY", target = "self")
#' bin <- balloon < 200
#' dst <- distanceTransform(bin)
#' @export
distanceTransform <- function(image, distance_type = "L1", mask_size = 3,
                              target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (image$space != "GRAY")
    stop("'image' should be a grayscale object.")

  if (min(image) > 0)
    stop("There are no zero pixel in this image.")

  if (!(mask_size %in% c(0, 3, 5)))
    stop("This is not a valid mask size. 'mask_size' must be one of 0, 3, or 5.")

  dt <- switch(
    "L1" = 1,
    "L2" = 2,
    "C" = 3,
    "L12" = 4,
    "FAIR" = 5,
    "WELSCH" = 6,
    "HUBER" = 7,
    stop("This is not a valid distance type. 'distance_type' must be one of 'L1', 'L2', 'C', 'L12', 'FAIR', 'WELSCH', or 'HUBER'."))

  if (isImage(target)) {
    `_distanceTransform`(image, dt, mask_size, target)
  } else if (target == "self") {
    `_distanceTransform`(image, dt, mask_size, image)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    out <- zeros(nrow(image), ncol(image), 1, "32F")
    `_distanceTransform`(image, dt, mask_size, out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")

#' @title Fills a Connected Component with a Given Color.
#' @description \code{floodFill} fills a connected component starting from a
#'  seed point with a specified color.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param seed A 2-element vector indicating the x and y coordinates of the seed
#'  point from where to start the filling.
#' @param color A value or vector of any kind of R color specification
#'  compatible with \code{\link{col2bgr}} representing the color of the border
#'  (default: "white").
#' @param lo_diff Maximal lower brightness/color difference between the
#'  currently observed pixel and one of its neighbors belonging to the component,
#'  or a seed pixel being added to the component (see Details). It can be a
#'  single value or a vector of the same length as the number \code{n} of
#'  channels in \code{image}. If it is shorter, its elements will be recycled.
#'  If it has more, only the first \code{n} elements will be used.
#' @param up_diff Maximal upper brightness/color difference between the
#'  currently observed pixel and one of its neighbors belonging to the component,
#'  or a seed pixel being added to the component (see Details). It can be a
#'  single value or a vector of the same length as the number \code{n} of
#'  channels in \code{image}. If it is shorter, its elements will be recycled.
#'  If it has more, only the first \code{n} elements will be used.
#' @param connectivity The connetivity neighborhood to decide whether 2 pixels
#'  are contiguous. This parameter can take two values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{4: }{the neighborhood of a pixel are the four pixels located above
#'    (north), below (south), to the left (west) and right (east) of the pixel.}
#'   \item{8 (the default): }{the neighborhood of a pixel includes the four
#'    4-neighbors and the four pixels along the diagonal directions (northeast,
#'    northwest, southeast, and southwest).}
#'  }
#' @details The connectivity is determined by the color/brightness closeness of
#'  the neighbor pixels. The pixel at (x,y) is considered to belong to the
#'  repainted domain if:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{in case of a floating range:
#'    \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{image[x',y'] - lo_diff <= image[x,y] <= image[x',y'] + up_diff}}
#'    }
#'   }
#'   \item{in case of a fixed range:
#'    \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{image[seed$x,seed$y] − lo_diff <= image[x,y] <= image(seed$x,seed$y) + up_diff }}
#'    }
#'   }
#'  }
#'  where image[x′,y′] is the value of one of pixel neighbors that is already
#'  known to belong to the component. That is, to be added to the connected
#'  component, a color/brightness of the pixel should be close enough to:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{Color/brightness of one of its neighbors that already belong to the
#'    connected component in case of a floating range.}
#'   \item{Color/brightness of the seed point in case of a fixed range.}
#'  }
#' @return This function returns the number of pixels that were filled and
#'  modifies \code{image} in place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{connectedComponents}}
#' @examples
#' dots <- image(system.file("sample_img/dots.jpg", package = "Rvision"))
#' floodFill(dots, color = "green")
#' @export
floodFill <- function(image, seed = c(1, 1), color = "white", lo_diff = 0,
                      up_diff = 0, connectivity = 4) {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (length(seed) != 2)
    stop("'seed' should be a vector of length 2.")

  if (!(connectivity %in% c(4, 8)))
    stop("'connectivity' must be either 4 or 8.")

  `_floodFill`(image, c(seed[1] - 1, -seed[2] + nrow(image)), col2bgr(color, alpha = TRUE),
               rep(lo_diff, length.out = image$nchan()),
               rep(up_diff, length.out = image$nchan()),

#' @title Look-up Table Transform
#' @description \code{LUT} performs a look-up table transform of an
#'  \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param image An 8-bit (8U) \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param lut A look-up table. This should be a vector with 256 elements, or a
#'  \code{256 x n} matrix, with n corresponding to the number of channels in
#'  \code{image}. If \code{lut} is a vector and \code{image} has more than one
#'  channel, then \code{lut} is recycled for each channel.
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    if \code{target} does not have the same dimensions, number of channels,
#'    and bit depth as \code{image}, nothing will be stored.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}, \code{\link{histmatch}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' high_contrast_lut <- 255 * pbeta(0:255 / 255, 4, 4)
#' high_contrast_balloon <- LUT(balloon, high_contrast_lut)
#' @export
LUT <- function(image, lut, target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (image$depth() != "8U")
    stop("The 'image' depth must be 8U.")

  if (is.vector(lut)) {
    if (length(lut) != 256)
      stop("'lut' should have 256 elements.")

    im_lut <- image(array(lut, dim = c(1, 256, image$nchan())))

  if (is.matrix(lut)) {
    if (nrow(lut) != 256)
      stop("'lut' should have 256 rows")

    if (ncol(lut) != image$nchan())
      stop("'lut' should have the same number of columns as the number of channels in 'image'.")

    im_lut <- image(array(lut, dim = c(1, 256, image$nchan())))

  if (im_lut$depth() != image$depth())
    changeBitDepth(im_lut, image$depth(), target = "self")

  if (isImage(target)) {
    `_LUT`(image, im_lut, target)
  } else if (target == "self") {
    `_LUT`(image, im_lut, image)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    out <- cloneImage(image)
    `_LUT`(image, im_lut, out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")

#' @title Histogram Matching/Specification
#' @description \code{histmatch} transforms an \code{\link{Image}} object so
#'  that its histogram matches (approximately) that of another
#'  \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param image An 8-bit (8U) \code{\link{Image}} object to transform.
#' @param reference An 8-bit (8U) \code{\link{Image}} object which histogram
#'  will be used as a reference to transform \code{image}.
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    if \code{target} does not have the same dimensions, number of channels,
#'    and bit depth as \code{image}, nothing will be stored.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}, \code{\link{histmatch}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' dots <- image(system.file("sample_img/dots.jpg", package = "Rvision"))
#' dots_matched <- histmatch(dots, balloon)
#' @export
histmatch <- function(image, reference, target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image) | !isImage(reference))
    stop("'image' and 'reference' must be Image objects.")

  if (image$depth() != "8U" | reference$depth() != "8U")
    stop("The 'image' and 'reference' depths must be 8U.")

  if (reference$nchan() != image$nchan())
    stop("'image' and 'reference' must have the same number of channels.")

  if (reference$depth() != image$depth())
    stop("'image' and 'reference' must have the same bit depth.")

  cdf_target <- apply(imhist(reference)[, 1:reference$nchan() + 1, drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)[1:256, ]
  cdf_image <- apply(imhist(image)[, 1:image$nchan() + 1, drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)[1:256, ]

  map <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(cdf_target), ncol = image$nchan())
  for (j in 1:reference$nchan()) {
    map[, j] <- apply(abs(outer(cdf_image[, j], cdf_target[, j], "-")), 1, which.min) - 1

  LUT(image, map, target)

#' @title Histogram Equalization
#' @description \code{histEq} performs the histogram equalization of an image.
#'  The function equalizes the histogram of the input image using the following
#'  algorithm:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{Calculate the histogram of the image.}
#'   \item{Normalize the histogram so that the sum of histogram bins is 255.}
#'   \item{Compute the integral of the histogram.}
#'   \item{Transform the image using the integral of the histogram as a look-up
#'    table.}
#'  }
#' @param image An 8-bit (8U) \code{\link{Image}} object to transform.
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    if \code{target} does not have the same dimensions, number of channels,
#'    and bit depth as \code{image}, nothing will be stored.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}, \code{\link{histmatch}}, \code{\link{LUT}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' balloon_eq <- histEq(balloon)
#' @export
histEq <- function(image, target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (image$depth() != "8U")
    stop("The 'image' depth must be 8U.")

  if (image$nchan() == 1) {
    if (isImage(target)) {
      `_histEqGRAY`(image, target)
    } else if (target == "self") {
      `_histEqGRAY`(image, image)
    } else if (target == "new") {
      out <- cloneImage(image)
      `_histEqGRAY`(image, out)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid target.")
  } else if (image$nchan() >= 3) {
    if (isImage(target)) {
      `_histEqBGR`(image, target)
    } else if (target == "self") {
      `_histEqBGR`(image, image)
    } else if (target == "new") {
      out <- cloneImage(image)
      `_histEqBGR`(image, out)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid target.")
  } else {
    stop("'image' must have 1 or 3 or more channels.")

#' @title Segmentation with GrabCut Algorithm
#' @description \code{grabCut} performs image segmentation (i.e., partition of
#'  the image into coherent regions) using the GrabCut method.
#' @param image An 8-bit (8U), 3-channel \code{\link{Image}} object to segment.
#' @param mask An 8-bit (8U), single-channel \code{\link{Image}} object. Each
#'  pixel can take any of the following 4 values:
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item{0: }{an obvious background pixels.}
#'     \item{1: }{an obvious foreground (object) pixel.}
#'     \item{2: }{a possible background pixel.}
#'     \item{3: }{a possible foreground pixel.}
#'  }
#' @param rect A vector defining the region of interest containing a segmented
#'  object. The pixels outside of the region of interest are marked as "obvious
#'  background". \code{rect} must be a 4-element numeric vector which elements
#'  correspond to - in this order - the x and y coordinates of the bottom left
#'  corner of the region of interest, and to its width and height. The parameter
#'  is only used when \code{mode="RECT"} (default: rep(1, 4)).
#' @param bgdModel A 1x65, single-channel, 64-bit (64F) \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object to set and store the parameters of the background model.
#' @param fgdModel A 1x65, single-channel, 64-bit (64F) \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object to set and store the parameters of the foreground model.
#' @param iter Number of iterations (default: 1) the algorithm should make
#'  before returning the result. Note that the result can be refined with
#'  further calls with \code{mode="MASK"} or \code{mode="MASK"}.
#' @param mode A character string indicating the operation mode of the function.
#'  It can be any of the following:
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item{"RECT": }{The function initializes the state and the mask using the
#'      provided \code{rect}. After that it runs \code{iter} iterations of the
#'      algorithm.}
#'     \item{"MASK":}{The function initializes the state using the provided
#'      \code{mask}.}
#'     \item{"EVAL":}{The value means that the function should just resume.}
#'     \item{"FREEZE":}{The value means that the function should just run the
#'      grabCut algorithm (a single iteration) with the fixed model.}
#'  }
#' @return This function returns nothing. It modifies in place \code{mask},
#'  \code{bgdModel}, and \code{fgdModel}.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' mask <- zeros(nrow(balloon), ncol(balloon), 1)
#' bgdModel <- zeros(1, 65, 1, "64F")
#' fgdModel <- zeros(1, 65, 1, "64F")
#' grabCut(balloon, mask, c(290, 170, 160, 160), bgdModel, fgdModel, iter = 5, mode = "RECT")
#' @export
grabCut <- function(image, mask, rect = rep(1, 4), bgdModel, fgdModel, iter = 1,
                    mode = "EVAL") {
  if (!isImage(image) | !isImage(mask) | !isImage(bgdModel) | !isImage(fgdModel))
    stop("'image', 'mask', 'bgdModel', and 'fgdModel' should all be Image objects.")

  if (image$depth() != "8U" | mask$depth() != "8U")
    stop("'image' and 'mask' must have an 8U bit depth.")

  if (bgdModel$depth() != "64F" | fgdModel$depth() != "64F")
    stop("'bgdModel' and 'fgdModel' must have an 64F bit depth.")

  if (image$nchan() != 3)
    stop("'image' must have 3 channels.")

  if (mask$nchan() != 1 | bgdModel$nchan() != 1 | fgdModel$nchan() != 1)
    stop("''mask', 'bgdModel', and 'fgdModel' must have 1 channel only.")

  `_grabCut`(image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, iter,
             switch(mode, RECT = 0, MASK = 1, EVAL = 2, FREEZE = 3,
                    stop("This is not a valid mode.")))

#' @title Concatenate Images
#' @description \code{concatenate} concatenates two images into one, either
#'  vertically or horizontally.
#' @param image1,image2 \code{\link{Image}} objects with the same bitdepth and
#'  number of channels, and either the same width (if \code{direction = "vertical"})
#'  or the same height (if \code{direction = "horizontal"}).
#' @param direction A character string indicating the direction of concatenation.
#'  It can be either \code{"vertical"} (the default) or \code{"horizontal"}.
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 2
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same bitdepth and number of channels as
#'    \code{image1} and \code{image2}. If \code{direction = "vertical"}, the
#'    height of \code{target} must be the sum of the heights of \code{image1}
#'    and \code{image2}. If \code{direction = "horizontal"}, the width of \code{target}
#'    must be the sum of the widths of \code{image1} and \code{image2}.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object, the function
#'  returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' two_balloons <- concatenate(balloon, balloon)
#' @export
concatenate <- function(image1, image2, direction = "vertical", target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image1))
    stop("'image1' is not an Image object.")

  if (!isImage(image2))
    stop("'image2' is not an Image object.")

  if (image1$depth() != image2$depth())
    stop("'image1' and 'image2' must have the same depth.")

  if (image1$nchan() != image2$nchan())
    stop("'image1' and 'image2' must have the same number of channels.")

  if (direction == "vertical") {
    if (image1$ncol() != image2$ncol())
      stop("'image1' and 'image2' must have the same width.")

    if (isImage(target)) {
      if (target$depth() != image1$depth())
        stop("'target' must have the same depth as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$nchan() != image1$nchan())
        stop("'target' must have the same number of channels as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$ncol() != image1$ncol())
        stop("'target' must have the same width as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$nrow() != (image1$nrow() + image2$nrow()))
        stop("The height of 'target' must be the sum of the heights of 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      `_vconcat`(image1, image2, target)
    }  else if (target == "new") {
      out <- zeros(image1$nrow() + image2$nrow(), image1$ncol(), image1$nchan(), image1$depth())
      `_vconcat`(image1, image2, out)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid target.")
  } else if (direction == "horizontal") {
    if (image1$nrow() != image2$nrow())
      stop("'image1' and 'image2' must have the same height.")

    if (isImage(target)) {
      if (target$depth() != image1$depth())
        stop("'target' must have the same depth as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$nchan() != image1$nchan())
        stop("'target' must have the same number of channels as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$nrow() != image1$nrow())
        stop("'target' must have the same height as 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      if (target$ncol() != (image1$ncol() + image2$ncol()))
        stop("The width of 'target' must be the sum of the widths of 'image1' and 'image2'.")

      `_hconcat`(image1, image2, target)
    }  else if (target == "new") {
      out <- zeros(image1$nrow(), image1$ncol() + image2$ncol(), image1$nchan(), image1$depth())
      `_hconcat`(image1, image2, out)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid target.")
  } else {
    stop("Invalid direction.")

#' @title Reduces a 2D Image to a 1D Image
#' @description \code{reduce} reduces a 2D \code{\link{Image}} object to a 1D
#'  \code{\link{Image}} object by treating the image rows/columns as a set of 1D
#'  vectors and performing the specified operation on the vectors until a single
#'  row/column is obtained. For example, the function can be used to compute
#'  horizontal and vertical projections of a raster image. It is similar in
#'  spirit to the \code{\link{apply}} function in base R.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param dim The dimension of the image which the function will be applied over.
#'  1 indicates rows (i.e., the image is reduced to a single column), 2
#'  indicates columns (i.e., the image is reduced to a single row).
#' @param fun The function to be applied. It can take the following values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"sum"}
#'   \item{"mean"}
#'   \item{"max"}
#'   \item{"min"}
#'  }
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 2
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    \code{target} must have the same number of channels as \code{image},
#'    otherwise it will be coerced to the same number of channels. It must also
#'    have the same bitdepth as \code{image} if \code{fun} is equal to \code{max}
#'    or \code{min}. If \code{fun} is equal to \code{sum} or \code{mean} the
#'    bitdepth can be larger to preserve accuracy. If \code{dim=1}, \code{target}
#'    must have 1 column and the same number of rows as \code{image}. If
#'    \code{dim=2}, \code{target} must have 1 row and the same number of columns
#'    as \code{image}.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object, the function
#'  returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}, \code{\link{repeat}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' sum_by_row <- reduce(balloon, 1, "sum")
#' @export
reduce <- function(image, dim, fun = "sum", target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (!(dim %in% 1:2))
    stop("Invalid 'dim'")

  dim <- abs(2 - dim)

  rtype <- switch(
    "sum" = 0,
    "mean" = 1,
    "max" = 2,
    "min" = 3,
    stop("Invalid reduction function."))

  if (isImage(target)) {
    `_reduce`(image, dim, rtype, target)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    if (dim == 0) {
      nrow <- 1
      ncol <- image$ncol()
    } else {
      nrow <- image$nrow()
      ncol <- 1

    if (rtype == 2 | rtype == 3) {
      out <- zeros(nrow, ncol, image$nchan(), image$depth())
    } else {
      out <- zeros(nrow, ncol, image$nchan(), "32F")

    `_reduce`(image, dim, rtype, out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")

#' @title Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
#' @description \code{CLAHE} performs adaptive histogram equalization to enhance
#'  the contrast of an image. Unlike regular histogram equalization
#'  (\code{\link{histEq}}), CLAHE first divides the image into small blocks
#'  called "tiles" and performs histogram equalization on each of these tiles.
#'  To reduce noise amplification contrast limiting is also applied: if any
#'  histogram bin is above the specified contrast limit, those pixels are
#'  clipped and distributed uniformly to other bins before applying histogram
#'  equalization. After equalization, to remove artifacts in tile borders,
#'  bilinear interpolation is applied.
#' @param image An \code{\link{Image}} object.
#' @param clip_limit A numeric value representing the contrast limit above which
#'  pixels are clipped and distributed uniformly to other bins before applying
#'  histogram equalization on the tiles.
#' @param n_tiles A vector with 2 elements representing the number of tiles
#'  along the width and height of the image (default: \code{c(8, 8)}).
#' @param target The location where the results should be stored. It can take 3
#'  values:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{"new":}{a new \code{\link{Image}} object is created and the results
#'    are stored inside (the default).}
#'   \item{"self":}{the results are stored back into \code{image} (faster but
#'    destructive).}
#'   \item{An \code{\link{Image}} object:}{the results are stored in another
#'    existing \code{\link{Image}} object. This is fast and will not replace the
#'    content of \code{image} but will replace that of \code{target}. Note that
#'    if \code{target} does not have the same number of channels and bit depth
#'    as \code{image}, an error will be thrown.}
#'  }
#' @return If \code{target="new"}, the function returns an \code{\link{Image}}
#'  object. If \code{target="self"}, the function returns nothing and modifies
#'  \code{image} in place. If \code{target} is an \code{\link{Image}} object,
#'  the function returns nothing and modifies that \code{\link{Image}} object in
#'  place.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Image}}, \code{\link{histEq}}
#' @examples
#' balloon <- image(system.file("sample_img/balloon1.png", package = "Rvision"))
#' balloon_Lab <- changeColorSpace(balloon, "Lab")
#' L <- extractChannel(balloon_Lab, 1)
#' clahe <- CLAHE(L, 1, c(2, 2))
#' insertChannel(balloon_Lab, 1, clahe)
#' balloon_contrast <- changeColorSpace(balloon_Lab, "BGR")
#' @export
CLAHE <- function(image, clip_limit = 40, n_tiles = c(8, 8), target = "new") {
  if (!isImage(image))
    stop("'image' is not an Image object.")

  if (image$depth() != "8U" | image$depth() != "8U")
    stop("'image' is not an 8U or a 16U 'Image' object")

  if (image$nchan() != 1)
    stop("'image' is not a single-channel 'Image' object")

  if (isImage(target)) {
    if (image$depth() != target$depth())
      stop("'image' and 'target' do not have the same bit depth.")

    if (image$nchan() != target$nchan())
      stop("'image' and 'target' do not have the same number of channels.")

    `_CLAHE`(image, clip_limit, n_tiles, target)
  } else if (target == "self") {
    `_CLAHE`(image, clip_limit, n_tiles, image)
  } else if (target == "new") {
    out <- cloneImage(image)
    `_CLAHE`(image, clip_limit, n_tiles, out)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid target.")
swarm-lab/Rvision documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 4:59 a.m.