
Defines functions list_apps .index .make_list

Documented in list_apps

#' @title List \code{teachR} Apps
#' @description This function generates a webpage listing all the apps available 
#'  through the \code{teachR} library. The list can be filtered by category 
#'  (type \code{list_categories()} for a list of existing categories) and 
#'  keywords (type \code{list_keywords()} for a list of existing keywords).
#' @param categories A character string or a vector of character strings 
#'  corresponding to existing app categories (case insensitive).
#' @param keywords A character string or a vector of character strings 
#'  corresponding to existing app keywords (case insensitive).
#' @return This function opens an html file.
#' @author Simon Garnier, \email{garnier@@njit.edu}
#' @details If called from RStudio, the list will open in the internal RStudio 
#'  viewer. If called from a terminal, it will open in your default internet 
#'  browser.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  list_apps(categories = c("biology", "social science"))
#' }
#' @export
list_apps <- function(categories=NULL, keywords=NULL) {  
  apps <- dir(paste0(find.package("teachR"), "/apps"))
  info_table <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(apps)) {
    info <- utils::read.table(paste0(find.package("teachR"), "/apps/", apps[i], "/info"), sep = ":")
    info <- t(as.matrix(info)[, 2])
    info_table <- rbind(info_table, info)
  info_table[] <- lapply(info_table, as.character)
  names(info_table) <- c("Title", "Version", "Date", "Author", 
                         "Maintainer", "Description", "Category", 
                         "Keywords", "License", "Depends", "Command" )
  md <- .make_list(info_table, categories, keywords)
  tmp_file <- tempfile(pattern = "file", fileext = ".html")  
  out <- knitr::knit(text = md)
  markdown::markdownToHTML(text = out, output = tmp_file, options = c("toc"),
                           title = "Apps available in teachR",
                           template = paste0(find.package("teachR"), "/html_templates/template.html"))
  viewer <- getOption("viewer")
  if (!is.null(viewer))

.index <- function(x, pattern) {
  pattern <- paste(tolower(pattern), collapse = "|")
  x <- tolower(x)
  grepl(pattern, x)

.make_list <- function(info_table, categories = NULL, keywords = NULL) {  
  if (!is.null(categories)) {
    info_table <- dplyr::filter(info_table, .index(Category, categories))
  if (!is.null(keywords)) {
    info_table <- dplyr::filter(info_table, .index(Keywords, keywords))
  if (nrow(info_table) > 0) {
    categories <- sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(info_table$Category, ","))))
    md <- c("---")
    for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
      category <- sub(" ", "", categories[i])
      md <- c(md, paste0("### ", category))
      tmp <- dplyr::filter(info_table, .index(Category, categories[i]))
      for (j in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
        md <- c(md, "<table class='full'>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='title'>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td class='title' colspan='2'>", sub(" ", "", tmp$Title[j]), "</td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='normal'>")
        md <- c(md, "<td class='title'>Command: </td>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td><code>", "run_app(\"", sub(" ", "", tmp$Command[j]), "\")</code></td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='normal'>")
        md <- c(md, "<td class='title'>Description: </td>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td>", sub(" ", "", tmp$Description[j]), "</td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='normal'>")
        md <- c(md, "<td class='title'>Keywords: </td>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td>", sub(" ", "", tmp$Keywords[j]), "</td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='normal'>")
        md <- c(md, "<td class='title'>Depends on: </td>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td>", sub(" ", "", tmp$Depends[j]), "</td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "<tr class='normal'>")
        md <- c(md, "<td class='title'>Author: </td>")
        md <- c(md, paste0("<td>", sub(" ", "", tmp$Author[j]), "</td>"))
        md <- c(md, "</tr>")
        md <- c(md, "</table>")
  } else {
    stop(paste0("There is no app matching these categories and/or keywords."))

# .markdownToHTML <- function(file, output = NULL, text = NULL, 
#                             options = getOption("markdown.HTML.options"), 
#                             extensions = getOption("markdown.extensions"), title = "", 
#                             stylesheet = getOption("markdown.HTML.stylesheet"), 
#                             header = getOption("markdown.HTML.header"), 
#                             template = getOption("markdown.HTML.template"), fragment.only = FALSE, 
#                             encoding = getOption("encoding")) {
#   if (fragment.only) 
#     options <- c(options, "fragment_only")
#   ret <- markdown::renderMarkdown(file, output = NULL, text, renderer = "HTML", 
#                                   renderer.options = options, extensions = extensions, 
#                                   encoding = encoding)
#   ret <- enc2native(ret)
#   if ("base64_images" %in% options) {
#     filedir <- if (!missing(file) && is.character(file) && 
#                    file.exists(file)) {
#       dirname(file)
#     }
#     else "."
#     ret <- local({
#       oldwd <- setwd(filedir)
#       on.exit(setwd(oldwd))
#       .b64EncodeImages(ret)
#     })
#   }
#   if (!"fragment_only" %in% options) {
#     if (is.null(template)) 
#       template <- system.file("resources", "markdown.html", 
#                               package = "markdown")
#     html <- paste(readLines(template), collapse = "\n")
#     html <- sub("#!html_output#", ret, html, fixed = TRUE)
#     if (is.character(stylesheet)) {
#       html <- sub("#!markdown_css#", option2char(stylesheet), 
#                   html, fixed = TRUE)
#     }
#     else {
#       warning("stylesheet must either be valid CSS or a file containing CSS!")
#     }
#     html <- sub("#!header#", option2char(header), html, fixed = TRUE)
#     if (!is.character(title) || title == "") {
#       m <- regexpr("<[Hh][1-6].*?>(.*)</[Hh][1-6].*?>", 
#                    html, perl = TRUE)
#       if (m > -1) {
#         title <- regmatches(html, m)
#         title <- sub("<[Hh][1-6].*?>", "", title)
#         title <- sub("</[Hh][1-6].*?>", "", title)
#       }
#       else {
#         title <- ""
#       }
#     }
#     html <- gsub("#!title#", title, html, fixed = TRUE)
#     if ("mathjax" %in% options && .requiresMathJax(html)) {
#       mathjax <- .mathJax(embed = "mathjax_embed" %in% 
#                             options)
#     }
#     else mathjax <- ""
#     html <- sub("#!mathjax#", mathjax, html, fixed = TRUE)
#     if ("highlight_code" %in% options && .requiresHighlighting(html)) {
#       highlight <- paste(readLines(system.file("resources", 
#                                                "r_highlight.html", package = "markdown")), collapse = "\n")
#     }
#     else highlight <- ""
#     html <- sub("#!r_highlight#", highlight, html, fixed = TRUE)
#     ret <- html
#   }
#   if (is.character(output)) {
#     ret2 <- iconv(ret, to = "UTF-8")
#     if (any(is.na(ret2))) {
#       warning("failed to convert output to UTF-8; wrong input encoding or locale?")
#     }
#     else ret <- ret2
#     writeLines(ret, output, useBytes = TRUE)
#     ret <- NULL
#   }
#   invisible(ret)
# }
swarm-lab/teachR documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 2:40 a.m.