
Defines functions detect.maxima

#' Converts height to diameter as per the David Coomes dog-leg method
#' @param x A Matrix encoding a canopy height model raster
#' @param scale The resolution of the raster in meters
#' @param lm.searchwin The search window for finding maxima. If this is set to NULL the window will scale
#' allometrically according to tree height
#' @param tau The percentile to use in calculating the tree maximum size
#' @return A matrix of coordinates of tree maxima locations in pixels and tree heights
#' @export
#' @author Tom Swinfield
#' @details
#' Created 16-10-10

#scale = res(imagery)[1]
#tau = 90

detect.maxima <- function(x, scale, lm.searchwin = NULL, lut, tau = 90) {

  # Creates an empty data frame to store the maxima locations:
  Max <- x
  Max[, ] <- 0    # Sets max to 0s.

  y <- which(x != 0, arr.ind = T) # Extracts the locations of pixels which are bigger than the min tree height.
  z<-x[y[,1]+nrow(x)*(y[,2]-1)] # extracts the tree heights from the matrix

  if (class(lm.searchwin) == 'NULL'){
    WinSize<-allom.dist(z, scale=scale, lut = lut, tau = tau)
    pix2edge<-edge.dist(z, scale=scale, lut = lut, tau = tau)

  # Extracts only the pixels far enough from the image edge.
    y.ind<-y[, 1] > pix2edge &
      y[, 1] < (nrow(x) - pix2edge) &
      y[,2] > pix2edge &
      y[,2] < (ncol(x) - pix2edge)



  coordSeeds <-
           nrow = length.total,
           ncol = 2,
           dimnames = list(NULL, c('row', 'col')))
  treeHeights <- vector('numeric', length = length.total)

  Ntrees <- 0 # the number of trees encountered

  # Works through each pixel one by one:
  for (i in 1:nrow(y))
    r = as.numeric(y[i, 1]) # Extracts the row pos.
    k = as.numeric(y[i, 2]) # Extracts the column pos.
    # Sets the search window size for the local maxima:
    if (class(lm.searchwin) == 'NULL')
      searchWinSize <-
      WinSize[i] # a search window scaled by max tree height.
      searchWinSize <- lm.searchwin # a fixed size search window.

    hc.sWS <-
      ceiling(searchWinSize / 2) # half the search window size rounded to floor
    hf.sWS <-
      floor(searchWinSize / 2) # half the search window size rounded to ceiling
    FIL <- matrix(searchWinSize, searchWinSize, data = NA)

    # Extracts the search window for the pixel:
    FIL <- x[(r - hf.sWS):(r + hf.sWS),
                (k - hf.sWS):(k + hf.sWS)]
    # Extracts the window from Max indicating whether a tree has already being designated or not:
    Max.chk <- Max[(r - hf.sWS):(r + hf.sWS),
                   (k - hf.sWS):(k + hf.sWS)]

    # If the focal pixel has the greatest value in the window & there is no tree already assigned in the output matrix within the window & the max value is no 0...
    # because the order is from tallest to shortest, large trees will always suppress the designation of small trees.
    if (FIL[hc.sWS, hc.sWS] == max(FIL, na.rm = T) &
        max(Max.chk, na.rm = T) == 0 &
        max(FIL, na.rm = T) != 0)
      Ntrees <- Ntrees + 1 # increments
      Max[r, k] <- 1 # A logical assignment of tallest tree

      coordSeeds[Ntrees,] <-c(r, k) # Assigns the sequence in which the trees were found.
      treeHeights[Ntrees] <- x[r, k] # Assigns the height of the trees
  cat(Ntrees, 'trees detected; creating spatial objects\n')
  coordSeeds <-
    coordSeeds[1:Ntrees,] # Extracts the tree crowns, which are already in order.
  coordSeeds <- cbind(coordSeeds, height = treeHeights[1:Ntrees]) # Extracts the tree crowns, which are already in order.
swinersha/UAVforestR documentation built on May 2, 2020, 7:50 a.m.